About This File
A new Mesa variant/re-skin with a bunch of new features based off of my Unleashed Preset.
The Map
Here's a list of changes made from Vanilla Mesa.
- The theme of the map is a forest bio with more green and no snow.
- A lot of work was re-done on the side infantry only path. It was extended out a bit to the tank area. There's a lot more foliage, towers, bunkers and...
- Added two Tiberium Extractors to the side. Think of these as capturable Tiberium Silos, but smaller. You use repair guns to capture them.
- Some objects such as trees, walls, and rocks were added that will allow infantry a path to each teams refinery.
- Some objects were added to give relief to various "campy" situations. A rock was added near GDI's entrance so their vehicles coming out of WF don't get camped quite as badly. A Tower was added in nod base, and a rock as well. Both of these provide some minor relief to infantry running to their vehicles at the airstrip.
- GDI has had two Guard Towers added to their base. A Nod turret was moved. Another Nod Turret was raised onto a platform.
and more...
The Unleashed Preset
The Unleashed preset is a set of changes from my Unleashed Mod, whose primary goal is to add more variety to the game. There's... really to much to cover every change. I will list some the highlights and big changes though. Additionally, there are some hud screenshots provided at the bottom so you can see most of the new units and their prices.
- Many new alternate fire modes for both old and new units. So left click for default fire, right click for alternate fire. Ex: Volt Auto Rifle having a 2nd "overcharge" fire that extends range and gives a damage boost at the cost of 3 ammo per shot.
- Many standard renegade units have been adjusted or buffed slightly to make them more desirable and usable. This may be something as simple as a health/armor buff, an alternate fire mode, or a small damage boost. No nerfs.
- 23~ New Infantry Units(including alternate variations of some units). Also, some new skin variants of some existing units.
- 30~ New Vehicle Units. This includes completely new units, variants like the option to get an MRLS with a rotating turret, medium tank/mammoth tank variants, light tank variant, and more.
- Functioning player harvesters that you can buy, and harvest credits with.
- An equipment menu with a few options on it.
- A new "Tiberium Strike" beacon. This functions as a large radius anti-infantry beacon. Has a much larger radius than a nuke or ion but only really kills infantry.
- Many various improvements such as making use of Mortalc13's better and fixed weapons. So higher quality third person, back, and power-up models for weapons. Additionally, Proximity C4 will no longer 100% sink into the roof and will now stick the bottom out the c4 out a little.
... and more
Some of the people this mod wouldn't be possible without.
@Mortalc13: provided the Improved and Better Weapons models, some of the HD Huds included with the maps, provided tons of technically help and more.
Kamuix: Provided 90% the new textures used on the map.
@Pwn Call: provided some units that are used on the map.
SgtMay: Provided/created a lot of the custom units used on the map.
@Unit: Provided/created the Gattling Tanks used on both teams.
@ArcticPrism: Help with testing/balancing the map. Some vis bug hunting as well.
Also Cronus for upping the filesize limit so I can upload this lol. If I forgot you please feel free to let me know . Thanks for checking out the map.
What's New in Version 2.0.2
-Included a map preview image within the .mix. C&C_MesaForest_Unlv2.dds
-Fixed the gap in the terrain. Under the bridge in the tiberium field. Vanilla issue.(Credits: Mortalc13)
-Fixed various vis bugs as always.
-Updated the deploy/can't deploy/deploying models for the team flags.(Credits: Mortalc13)
Map Specific Changes
-Fixed the GDI Logo on the GDI Guard tower not being targetable.
-Fixed/removed some leftover objects that players can't see in normal gameplay.
-Fixed a few incorrect material types on some of the terrain.
-Shrunk the size of the killzone for the airstrip down a little bit.
-Fixed collision on one of the Hedhehogs near the GDI base.
-Corrected amount of ammo the rocket launcher from the equipment menu starts with. 6->36
-Regenerated pathfind.
-Fixed various vis bugs.
-Added Flag Pedestals to the map to go along with some of the unleashed preset changes.
-Added Kane/Locke Terminals inside the HON/Barracks to go along with some of the unleashed preset changes.
-Optimized the format of some textures.
Unleashed Changes
-Adjusted the c4 so they no longer sink into ceilings. Most notable for Proxy c4, as it won't sink into roofs and such.
-All c4 will now have their name when thrown instead of "C4 Explosive". So Proxy c4 will be called Proximity C4 for example.
-Reduced Mammoth Rockets fire sound Maximum Volume Radius from 100->30.
-Reduced Mammoth Rockets fire sound Drop-off Radius from 200->60.
-Reduced Apoc Tank Rockets fire sound Maximum Volume Radius from 100->30.
-Reduced Apoc Tank Rockets fire sound Drop-off Radius from 200->60.
-Adjusted Stealth Range for Infantry back to 30->25.
-GDI Ramjet and Nod Ramjet shots now match their team color.
-Covert Ops sniper shots now match their team color.
-500 Snipers now have a very quick and very faint tracer. Sometimes not even really visible. Matches team color.
-Moved the position of Sakura Virus Purchase Terminal Icon.
-Corrected the hud for the Doomsday Tank. The previous Purchase Terminal Icon had decals on the vehicle that were removed. This has been fixed.
-Adjusted the passive credit trickle to 2 for Locke/Kane.
-Kane and Locke have been removed from the standard Purchase Terminal and have been given their own terminals in the Hand of Nod and GDI Barracks.
--With this change comes a Unit Limit of 1 per unit. So only 1 Kane or 1 Locke at a time.
-Kane, Locke, and Heavy Arms now have little icon indicating they cannot drive vehicles on their purchase terminal icon.
-Demo Infantry now has a little icon indicating they cannot enter vehicles at all on their purchase terminal icon.
-Added two new units the Combat Engineer for GDI, and the Combat Technician for Nod.
--Both have a new offensive focused "Repair Gun", called The Disassembler. Charges and does a long range beam type of shot. Good against vehicles and buildings, but weak against infantry unless you headshot.
--They both have 3 new deployable objects. Most deployables decay so you must occasionally repair them or they will die from the decay.
---Spitfire Turret: A small turret that automatically fires at enemies it spots. Can spot stealth units with a certain range.
---Deployable Cover: A small concrete wall you can deploy provide cover.
---Repair Tower: A tower that automatically repairs a single near by team member. Weak repairs. Can also attack enemys but has very weak damage when doing so.
-Hotwires and Technicians can now deploy a Sensor Array deployable. This object will track enemies within 20m and sound an alarm repeatedly while it sees them. It can spot stealth and spy units. It will additionally "flash" stealth enemies so you can see them.
-Removed the credit trickle from the hackers on both teams.
-Hackers now get a Hacker Terminal. This can be placed near enemy buildings and repaired to steal credits from the enemy.
-Kane and Locke now have a team flag deployable. These flags can only be deployed on flag pedestals located throughout the map. While one of these are placed and remain alive, they will provide your team with passive health regen for infantry, 2 points per 2 seconds per player(these points also give credits), and it acts as a PCT for that team with a short per-user cooldown. Can be killed. Costs 255 to place. 10m cooldown to place a new one.
-All weapons/equipment with missing(or placeholder) icons on the hud now have their own weapon icons. Suicide(Kamikaze) weapon, Toxin Rifle, etc.
-Renamed the Volt Auto Rifle used by the Petrova units to Experimental Volt Rifle.
-Adjusted normal fire to 100 range from 50. Now the secondary fire is just a 20% damage boost for 3 ammo, no more range increase(it was already 100).
-Raised the amount players get from harvester dumps from 400->700 credits.
-Raised the time it takes to harvest from the tiberium field from 15->25 seconds.
-When turning in a tiberium dump, the game will now broadcast a message saying which player dumped the credits for which team.
-Raised price of Repair Tank to 600 from 350. Thought this was done already.