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!Former Staff
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    180.00 USD 

zunnie last won the day on August 22 2022

zunnie had the most liked content!

About zunnie

  • Birthday 10/14/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Woman & Gaming :)

Gaming Profile

  • Games played
    Command and Conquer (RTS)
    Renegade / W3d
    C&C TCW
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  1. I miss you so much zunnie

    I'll never forget the day you patched the nod armoured car when I asked you

  2. Another year passes Brother, you are missed. I want to come and say that I miss the old times we shared. Took those times for granted man, hope you are at peace my friend.

  3. Already July 2023. Time passes so fast.

    Miss ya.

    1. Mauler


      Had to sign in and drop a message. Miss those night in TS and map making... Thought about it today... Notice I replied into another comment, sorry about that bololo

  4. Well my good friend another one year. Miss ya zunn... 

  5. Happy Birthday mate (sorry for beeing 2 days too late) whereever and whatever you are right now.

    Best wishes from an very old friend!

    Rest in peace!


    Also your family all the best wishes.

  6. Man, it's been too long. I think about you often with fond memories. You where just too good for this world.
    I owe a great deal to you, you changed my life in so many ways. Without you I can't imagine what my fate would have been.
    You was a great friend and also a great teacher. I hate that so much of your legacy is forgotten or erased, especially in this digital age where preserving it would be so easy.
    It's cruel you was taken from your family at such a young age, I hope we meet again.

  7. Wow it's still hard to think you gone. It feels like yesterday we working on renegade code and maps together. You're still helping me in the great beyond. Forgot how to fix W3D Exporter on max. Thank man.



  8. Hey brother another year, still think about you often and of our time developing TCW, Renegade server.... I will always cherish those memories man... 

  9. I miss you brother. I wish I was there for you when you needed help.

  10. Miss you brother, been talking to my wife about how good the old times gaming were. With you, Soul & Grime!

  11. Missing the time when we were playing Renegade in SoQ.

    Whereever whatever you are now, I hope you are doing well!


  12. Happy Birthday Z man! Rip bro, hope that pot of coffee is fired up and you got plenty of cake my friend.

  13. I still think about you very often and miss you. You really were the best of us.

  14. Another year my old friend, rest well, we will meet again

  15. I don't know a lot about the members here, but I remember when I first discovered imperial age and this community. I had a tough moment in my life back then and this community was so friendly and welcoming. Zunnie was a really cool guy, always there to discuss with anyone about anything and was a great developer as well. You don't meet this kind of people often on the internet. Rest in peace my friend.


    edit : I actually decided to check out this community again after years of inactivity. This is shocking to say the least.

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