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  1. Multiplay Internet > GameSpy.
  2. Use the in-game listing. Go to Multiplay Internet > GameSpy.
  3. Yeah could try reinstalling.
  4. tiberiantechnologies.org
  5. Need more details what kind of error you are getting Maybe try reinstalling the patch from tiberiantechnologies.org?
  6. Scripts 4.8 Update 1 is now available. I would like to thank Unstoppable, Jerad2142, dblaney1 and cyberarm for their contributions to 4.8 Update 1 (If I missed anyone else who contributed to 4.8 Update 1, sorry). Changes made since 4.8: New launcher & auto-updater. Servers using this release will no longer allow TT versions below 4.8 to join the game. New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Unstoppable. New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Jerad2142. Changes to existing scripts by moonsense715. Changes to existing scripts by danpaul88. Add HUD surfaces feature that allows servers to draw primitives, images and text on client's HUD. Added "Windowed Borderless" window configuration. Added "Render When Unfocused" option to continue rendering the game when window loses focus or minimized. Added new engine calls Print_Client_Console and Print_Client_Console_Player to send a message to client's console at top left corner of the screen. Added new engine calls Change_<Enemy/Friendly/Neutral>_HUD_Color and Change_<Enemy/Friendly/Neutral>_HUD_Color_Player to change the reticle & target color. Added new engine calls Enable_Global_Targeting and Enable_Global_Targeting_Player that disables targeting except for pokable objects, buildings and MCTs. Added new engine calls Get_Time_Of_Day and Set_Time_Of_Day to change the sky time. Added new engine call Is_Connection_Bad that tells if a client experiences connection issues. (AKA "Connection to server interrupted gameplay pending") Added 18 new engine calls to override various sky parameters and colors. Added hardware identifiers, accessed with HARDWAREID console command and Get_Client_Hardware_Identifier engine call. Added GameSpy heartbeat feedbacks that report any GameSpy failures reported by the master to the console. Added support for custom C4 disarm explosions. Added cinematic camera feature from 5.x. Added support to load always4.dat. Added SPY console command to toggle spy mode of a player, or their vehicle. Various additions and changes to the scriptable dialogs. Added Health Bar control. Added new styles for Label control. Added control focusing support for scriptable dialogs. Added Enter (to confirm entered text in Text Areas) and Esc (to request to close the dialog) key press events. Changing a control parameter without showing the dialog will no longer crash the clients. Fix so removing a control by ID will no longer cause a crash. Title label background is now properly updated when the text changes. GRANTWEAPON console command now grants full clip and inventory rounds. Various fixes to the GameSpy listing and broadcaster. GameSpy listing in the game will no longer display non-Renegade games, according to their reported game name. Various changes to make Console_Output hook and file logging work as intended in Wine. Bring back "Load X% complete" message. It is now possible to change Obelisk's weapon and warmup effect model using the 2 new parameters added to the Obelisk script as well as AGT's machine gun and rocket weapons. In multiple monitor configurations, Renegade window will now try to create itself in the desired screen, instead of primary one. Cleaned up and re-organized wwconfig's interface. Fix so games no longer end immediately after the level load is complete on rare occasions. FLY and SPECTATE console commands no longer expect a second parameter. Fixes to Reload_Level to increase reliability. Fixes to Server Operation dialog to display more precise countdown. Fix crash that would occur when client finishes downloading TTFS during a level change. Fix so joining an unpassworded server after joining a passworded server won't leak the passworded server's password to the unpassworded server. Fix smart bots (added by BOTCOUNT) not getting any credits. Fix a memory leak in URL protocol. Footstep effect will no longer play if soldier is not grounded or on ladder. Fix a crash while displaying tooltips. Fix a backwards compatibility issue with no gameplay pending. Fix a false positive in anti-cheat when team changing is disabled. Refinery dumps will no longer give twice the dump amount if smooth dump is disabled. Fix a rare issue when a non-GDI & non-Nod player is present. Fix a crash when ssgm.ini changes during runtime. If you are running 4.8 (or any earlier version) you will be automatically updated to 4.8 Update 1. People wanting a full installer (to install from scratch or to do a full reinstall), a server download or a tools download can find them on the Tiberian Technologies website (www.tiberiantechnologies.org) in the downloads section. Appropriate source code for 4.8 Update 1 as well as the source files for the map fixes in 4.7 (which are the latest fixes we have) can also be found on the site. People who need Dragonade will have to follow https://github.com/TheUnstoppable/Dragonade for updates. [Read the original post at https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/444771-scripts-48-update-1-is-now-available/]
  7. The way these maps were designed was to fit the theme and play style of UltraAOW. Since they are too deeply modified, I doubt that they would make their way in ModernAOW.
  8. Flying version of the C&C_Walls.
  9. Flying version of the C&C_City.
  10. We're rolling out our new server ModernAOW! ModernAOW is created in mind to provide a classic (or, less modified) gameplay experience. It is created from scratch, with recommendations of well-known and long-time players of the Renegade community. Server rotation consists of classic maps, with several high-rated fan maps. Server uses Marathon game mode with 33% chance, and AOW game mode (with 45-minute time limit) with 67% chance. Cosmetic modifications such as join/kill sounds, holographic tags, chat sounds, etc. are included in ModernAOW. Highlighted features: Sound Management: It is possible to mute all the sounds and musics from one central dialog by using the !setsound command. Your preferences will be remembered next join. (Support to disable miscellaneous sounds such as Kill Streaks and Countdown Timer are WIP.) Fun Perks: Using the dialog opened by !fpd or !perks command, everyone can add a holographic text tag (that appears on top of player's head) or join/kill sound. Veteran Store: You can buy certain weapons and Medium Tank/Light Tank from Veteran Store for veteran points or credits. Voice Chat Team Switching: Our server bot automatically switches players between voice chats according to their team. Just enter the voice channel named Lobby under ModernAOW category, and that's all! Join our Discord server to enjoy the voice chat experience, by clicking here! Field and Under are 100% AOW! You read it right. Field and Under are never Marathon in ModernAOW. Automatic Team Donation: Credits of the player who left will be donated to the team automatically if they won't return within 5 minutes. Persistent C4: Afraid of losing mines upon crash/disconnect? No need to worry here, their ownerships will be transferred to someone else in your team so they won't be automatically disarmed. Map Ratings: Powered by UltraBot -our Discord bot- you can rate every map in the server using the !rate command, which will help us build the server rotation. Crates: Following crates were ported from UltraAOW: Beacon: Grants Ion Cannon Beacon and Nuclear Strike Beacon. ButterFingers: Removes all weapons except Pistol. Money Randiplicator: Multiplies or divides credits by a random multiplier. Points: Adds or removes score. Refill: Refills... That's all. Noob Here: Displays an arrow on player. (Very low chance) In other words, ModernAOW does NOT have any modifications from UltraAOW, except the ones above. Server is available in the listing under the title [MPF] ModernAOW, and is also available in our Servers page. See you in there!
  11. Classic reskinned Field, with flying units and extra paths.
  12. Classic reskinned Field, with a Repair Facility, no minor defenses and AGT/Obelisk.
  13. Classic reskinned Field, with a Repair Facility, only minor defenses and no AGT/Obelisk.
  14. Welcome. This tutorial will instruct how to set up your workspace to load and build Renegade scripts.dll project. Note that you can only work with scripts.dll in Windows. Linux with Wine, and macOS are not supported. Step 1 - Visual Studio 2012 (and its build tools) Visual Studio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to write, run, debug code. Visual Studio 2012 (will be referred to as VS2012 from now on) comes with the build tools (v110) that scripts.dll project requires. Unfortunately, build tools are not available as a separate product. Thus, forcing us to install VS2012 completely. Since Microsoft has cut the support for VS2012, it is tricky to obtain a copy of it. First, head to https://my.visualstudio.com/Downloads?q=2012. This page requires you to have a Microsoft account and join a program called "Visual Studio Dev Essentials". When prompted to join, simply click "Confirm". Then, open the link again. Once in there, you'll see loads of VS2012 downloads there. What you're looking for is "Visual Studio Ultimate 2012" or "Visual Studio Premium 2012". The edition does not matter as what we essentially want is the build tools bundled with it. Hit the "Download" button when you find it. The download should be in the ".ISO" format, as the support for it is over and no online installation methods are available. After the download is complete, double clicking the file should mount a virtual DVD drive and open the contents of it in the File Explorer. If that didn't work, right click on the downloaded file and click "Mount". In the virtual DVD drive now, find "vs_ultimate.exe" or "vs_premium.exe" and open it. You can unselect all options in the optional features, as none of them are needed for scripts.dll development. If installation succeeds, you now have the necessary tools required to build scripts.dll project. But wait... Step 2 - Get a newer Visual Studio You don't necessarily need to use Visual Studio 2012 as your primary IDE. And you probably can't if you don't have a license key, unless you own one. It is possible to use a newer Visual Studio version, like 2022, to work with scripts.dll, as VS2012 is only required for its build tools and not for the thing itself. You can download newer Visual Studio versions at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/, but you want to download "Visual Studio", and not "Visual Studio Code". This is important because they're not the same thing. If you decided to use a newer Visual Studio, (you probably will, because you have no other choice for long term development if you don't own a VS2012 license, just don't crack it... please!) only "Desktop development with C++" feature is needed. Step 3 - Get the scripts.dll project You can download the source code from https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/. Go to Downloads page and find the link with "Source Code" in it. Download it and extract the "source" folder itself to somewhere, then open ".sln" file in the folder. If the computer asks you to which Visual Studio to use, select "Visual Studio <newer>" or "Visual Studio Version Selector". I'm not going into any more details as this is not a "How to write C++ code" tutorial, but all the "engine_*.h" files have useful functions in them. Also, there should be an example plugin to get you started. Step 4 - Get the Dragonade project If you want to work with Dragonade instead, you can download or clone it from https://github.com/TheUnstoppable/Dragonade. It also has an example plugin to get you started. You now have a fully functional workspace to start developing your own scripts.dll. Good luck!
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