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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.32


    WARNING! This plugin only works with DA 1.10.2! Plugin reports building health percentages and repairing messages ingame with EVA sounds like below. Messages are configurable from it's configuration file "BuildingWarnings.ini". Plugin is capable of: - Reporting vehicles with building type (like Turrets). - Custom preset names to report (everything of every type). - Configurable message colors. - Sending building percentages to enemy team. - Customizable message cooldown. Configuration is self-documented so you should be able to do the configuration without an external documentation. If you find a bug, let me know in comments or join http://discord.gg/KjeQ7xv and report the bug in #bug-discussion channel. I check Discord more often. Source Code
  2. Version 1.3


    This plugin is no longer continued and support is dropped. WARNING! This plugin only works with DA 1.98 and above! Download DA 1.98 from http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=tree&th=41243&start=0& This plugin lets players fund their destroyed buildings with !fund command. Just put DLL to da.ini under [Plugins] section. You have to add the configuration which is at bottom to make this plugin work. To-Do List: - Fix ConstantFundAmount. - Make a command to take your fund from a building. This plugin made by MasterCan and I tested with my slave seifmagdi. If you find a bug, please find me on Discord "The Unstoppable (TR)#1000". CONFIGURATION: (You must add this to bottom of da.ini to make plugin work.) [Fund] ;Plugin made by MasterCan. ;This settings can be edited from game mode ini files as well. ;By default, these values will be used. ;Enable or disable funding system. EnableFund=1 ;Decide if the fund amounts of buildings are constant or increases when a player joins. ;Using values except 1 and 0 will automatically disables this option. ConstantFundAmount=0 ;If your constant fund amount is 0, you can determine how much price will be added when a player joins to fund cost. ;Max = 1.0, Min = 0.1, else multiplier will be set to 1. FundAddMultiplier=1.0 ; ---------------------------------- Building Fund Ticks ---------------------------------- ;If ConstantFundAmount is 1, specified amounts will be constant fund amount of buildings. ;If ConstantFundAmount is 0, building fund cost will be increased by specified amounts when player joins or changes team. ; ;Leaving fund enabled for a building and setting tick to 0 will cause plugin to misbehave. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tick_PowerPlant=450 Tick_Refinery=500 Tick_VehicleFactory=600 Tick_SoldierFactory=550 Tick_Defense=575 Tick_ConYard=300 Tick_ComCenter=325 Tick_TibSilo=350 Tick_RepairPad=200 Tick_Shrine=175 ; -------------------------------- Building Fund Allowance -------------------------------- ; Specify the building funds you want to disable. ; Use 1, for enable funding. Use 0 for disabling. ; ; Using values except 1 and 0 automatically disables funding for that building. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund_PowerPlant=1 Fund_Refinery=1 Fund_VehicleFactory=1 Fund_SoldierFactory=1 Fund_Defense=1 Fund_ConYard=1 Fund_ComCenter=1 Fund_TibSilo=1 Fund_RepairPad=1 Fund_Shrine=1
  3. Version 1.0


    Add this plugin to your RenSharp enabled server and it will enable you to put funding (credits) towards restoring dead buildings. For functionality, see the INI spoiler below. To enable: Add the DLL and INI file to your server directory. RenSharpBuildingRestoreFunding.ini: ; This plugin adds the following chat commands: ; - !fund <acronym> [<amount>] ; Funds a building <amount> credits with <acronym>. If <amount> is not specified it takes all the player's money. ; - !totalfund <acronym> ; Outputs the current total funds for a given building with <acronym>. Also displays how many credits you have put towards the funding ; - !refund [<acronym>] ; Refunds your credits that have been put towards building with <acronym>. If no <acronym> is specified it will refund funds on all dead buildings ; Global settings for the plugin ; All these global settings can be overridden on a per-map basis [RenSharpBuildingRestoreFunding] ; BRFEnabled ; Boolean value to specify if building funding is enabled. BRFEnabled = 1 ; BRFScaleWithPlayerCount ; Boolean value to specify if the cost of the building restore should go up based on the team's player count ; It uses the following formula: BRFRestoreCost * team player count * BRFScale BRFScaleWithPlayerCount = 1 ; BRFScale ; Float value for the scale to multiply the team player count by BRFScale = 1.0 ; BRFMaxRestoreCount ; Integer value to specify the maximum restore count for buildings, this is the default if none is specified for that particular building ; Declare a value < 0 for infinite restores BRFMaxRestoreCount = 2 ; BRFRestoreCost ; Integer value to specify the base restore costs for restoring a building. When BRFEnabled is enabled it uses the formula declared above. ; When disabled the absolute costs for the building is the same as BRFRestoreCost BRFRestoreCost = 2000 ; BRFAllowRefund ; Boolean value to allow refunds on funding of dead buildings BRFAllowRefund = 1 ; Example per map basis settings for the map C&C_Field.mix [C&C_Field.mix_RenSharpBuildingRestoreFunding] ; All below settings do the same as in the global settings, but they are only applied to the building presets that correspond with the acronym 'agt' ; The acroynms per building presets are declared below BRFMaxRestoreCount_agt = 1 BRFRestoreCost_agt = 1500 BRFScaleWithPlayerCount_agt = 1 BRFScale_agt = 0.9 ; Declare your building presets -> acronyms mappings ; Separate them by a '|'. Building preset names are case-sensitive. Acronym's are not. [RenSharpBuildingRestoreFundingDefs] SP_Comm_Center_Nod|mp_GDI_Com_Center|mp_Nod_Com_Center = com|comm|commcenter|comcenter|communicationcenter SP_Hand_Of_Nod_Nod|mp_Hand_of_Nod = hon|hand|handofnod Tut_Infantry_Barracks_GDI|mp_GDI_Barracks = bar|barracks|infantrybarracks|inf SP_Refinery_Nod|Tut_Tiberium_Refinery_GDI|Test_nod_refinery|mp_GDI_Refinery|mp_N od_Refinery = ref|refinery|refine SP_Power_Plant_Nod|SP_Power_Plant_GDI|Tut_Power_Plant_GDI|mp_GDI_Power_Plant|mp_ Nod_Power_Plant = pp|powerplant|power|plant SP_Con_Yard_GDI|SP_Con_Yard_Nod = cyard|conyard|constructionyard|cy SP_Obelisk_Nod|mp_Nod_Obelisk = ob|obby|obelisk|obl|obi Tut_Advanced_Guard_Tower_GDI|mp_GDI_Advanced_Guard_Tower = agt|gt|advanced|advancedguardtower SP_Weapons_Factory_GDI|Tut_Weapons_Factory_GDI|mp_GDI_War_Factory = wf|factory|weapons|weaponsfactory|weps|wepfac SP_Nod_Air_Tower|test_nod_airtower|mp_Nod_Airstrip = air|strip|airstrip|airtower SP_Silo_Nod = silo|tibsilo|tiberiumsilo mp_GDI_Helipad|mp_Nod_Helipad|SP_Helipad_Nod = helipad|heli|pad mp_Mutant_Lab = lab|mutantlab|mutant mp_GDI_Repair_Bay|mp_Nod_Repair_Bay = rep|repairbay|bay|repbay Source code: https://github.com/Neijwiert/RenSharpBuildingRestoreFunding
  4. RenX (Gmax) Buildings By Greg Hjelstrom - Westowood Lead Developer Buildings in Renegade are a collection of terrain meshes and static animated objects that are set up as “Building Aggregates” in the level editor. A logical building controller is created and placed in 3d space in the level editor. This controller collects all meshes near the building controller that have a matching prefix in their name. Building Controller Building controllers are defined and instantiated in the level editor. They can be found in the Presets tree under the top-level “Buildings” folder. The building controller defines the game-logic attributes of the building such as health and shield type. A key setting in the building controller is the MeshPrefix string. All meshes in the vicinity of the building controller whose names contain a prefix that matches this prefix will be tracked by the building controller for damage purposes. All “BuildingAggregates” in the vicinity whose names match this prefix will be animated according to the damage state of the building. Exterior Meshes Meshes that are part of the exterior of a building should be named like this: ^ For example, an exterior mesh for the gdi weapon factory might be named “mgwep^011”. The ‘^’ symbol indicates that it is an exterior mesh. Interior Meshes Meshes that are part of the interior of a building should be named like this: # The ‘#’ symbol is used to indicate that the mesh is part of the interior. Remember that all w3d mesh names must be less than 16 characters long. When a bullet hits either an interior or exterior mesh of the building, damage will be applied to the logical building controller. Building Aggregates A building aggregate is a special type of animated static object (tile) that plays different segments of its animation depending on the damage state of the building controlling it. These are set up in the “Tiles” sub folder of the “Presets” tree in the level editor. The model and preset for a building aggregate should contain the mesh prefix that the building controller expects. To make a tile which is a building aggregate, you create a tile and select “BuildingAggregate” as its physics model type. There are many settings in the building aggregate that can be used to do things that the shipping version of Renegade does not currently do. For example, you can create truly destructable buildings by simply making a huge destruction animation and setting it up as a building aggregate. Have Fun!
  5. RenX / Leveledit Make your own Building: a Step by Step to create a full functional building like the Westwood ones. Important!! Read this tutorial carefully. If something didn`t work as you have expected it, check the coresponding part of the tutorial if you have not miss a thing. First of all, of course you need you building. I used for this tutorial is the Atreides Weapon factory for the Battle for Dune Mod It is important that you move your whole building to the center of RenX. You also should already have setup all collision settings. Now select all the meshes that are part of the EXTERIOR. This should be all parts of the exterior of the bulding, excluding any emitters, animations or doors. Then goto the W3D-Tools --> Assign Node Names: In the following dialog uncheck/check the Options you see on the screen below, enter at the Root Name: entry a short name, e.g. atrwep (atreides weponfactory) followed by a ^. You should write this down. because youll need that later, I`ll refer to this name as the Meshprefix later. The Meshprefix should NOT exceed 6 characters. Congratulation you have now created a buildings exterior. Now goto Group --> Group and enter a name (e.g. wep_ext) Now hide your ExteriorGroup and unhide all parts of the interior, again excluding any emitters, animations or doors. Again select all meshes and open the same dialog as for the interior. Enter the Meshprefix followed by a #. Again Group this and name it for example wep_int: Now we will add the doors, emitters as well as animate them for the later use. If you have already done this, you can just skip this part. For the doors I`ll use the standard Rengade MP ones, but of course you can make your own ones. As you can see, I have unhidden the Ext/Int-Group to better align things. For the doors you need the name of the preset of the door, the standard Rengade doors name is `mpdr_0` create a box 1x1x1 at the topview, and place it at the location where the door should be placed, name the box : mpdr_0~ (or the name your door-preset has in Leveledit + a ~ ) add a 00 after the ~ for the first, a 01 for the second and so on. When you have placed all doors, group the doors e.g. as wep_doors. When you are done with the doors, you need some damage emitters. You can make your own with W3D-Editor or use Renegade ones, extract them with XCC_Mixer you can identify them by the leading e_ (e.g.e_19fire1.w3d). For all Emitters you should extract (or download) the e_master01.tga so you can see the emitter effects: Now create three boxes (1x1x1) named: emitter0, emitter25, emitter50, emitter75. I will refer to this as the `DamageBox`. After that, create 1x1x1 boxes named like the emitter file (without the w3d) that should be displayed later, in this case e_fire1. I will refer to this as `EmitterBox`. IMPORTANT: Never just rename the emitter file!! You must edit the name in w3d-Viewer and re-export it or the file will not be loaded or even crash Renegade!!! Now link the EmitterBox to the DamageBox emitter75 if this emitter should be showed up at the state for when the building is 25% damaged, emitter50 for half damged, emitter25 when the bulding is damaged by 75% and emitter0 when the building is detroyed. For this use the Link tool and klick and drag from your EmitterBox to your DamageBox (The damage box will flash for about 2 sek when this is done succesfull. Then place all around your building emitters or objects that should be displayed at the different states and link them to the coresponding DamageBox. I recommend to save your work now if you have not done this before!! Now we must make an animation, so Renegade later know what parts must be showed at the damage states. For that you should reopen RenX, because the `Trackview` that we will need often conflicts with the RenegadeMaterialEditor for Gmax, restarting RenX solves the problem. Open now the `Trackview`: On the Trackview browse to Objects --> emitter75: Add a visibility track by clicking the eye icon that will add a new option to your Object: Click on the new option and add via the at frame 1, 2 and 3 a new key. Rightklick the first key and change the value to 0 (invisible) Now change this also for key2. The trird key must not be changed and should stay at value 1 (visible) Repeat this process for all other DamageBoxes, but switch the keys to the following: When you have done this, group all DamgeBoxed and the EmitterBoxes e.G wep_emitter emitter50 frame 1,4,5 emitter25 frame 1,6,7 emitter0 frame 1,8,9 Now we will prepare the PT and the MCT (This is optional) Your PT`s and MCT can have also animations like the damage emitters. For the PT`s you might want to add animations for a powerless building like westwood does. for thsi jsut create four more emitter boxes( emitter0p, emitter25p and so on) and count up the last frame by one for each state liek you have seen in Section 6. Select all MCT Meshes and use the naming tool that is described in Section 2, and use as a basename the meshprefix#mct (e.g. atrwep#mct). repeat this for the PT`s also but use meshprefix#pt here (e.g. atrwep#pt) Group all your PT`s and the MCT to a seperate group, e.g. wep_pct and wep_mct Exporting time. Now you must export all parts for the use in Leveledit. Export: * the Interior Group as mesprefix_int (Renegade Terrain) * the Doors Group as meshprefix_doors (Renegade Terrain) * the Damage and Emitter as meshprefix_dam (Hirachy Animated Model) * The MCT Group as meshprefix_mct (Hirachy Animated Model) * The PT Group as meshprefix_pt (Hirachy Animated Model) In my example I`ll get 5 files: atrwep_int.w3d, atrwep_doors.w3d, atrwep_dam.w3d, atrwep_mct.w3d, atrwep_pt.w3d Copy all these files into Your modfolder if you have not done this already, a seperate folder e. g. buildingparts would be a nice idea. Setup your exterior mesh for use in Maps. You might wonder what will happen to the exterior mesh. We must jsut setup some very simple parts to finish this: create a box from the TOPVIEW (1x1x1) in the EXACT center of Gmax/Renx. Name this box meshprefix_int~, then clone the box (or create a new one) and name it meshprefix_doors~ and so on for all w3d`s you have exportet in part 8. then select all these boxes and activate the [x] Hide and [x]Aggregate w3d option. After that select your ExteriorMesh and these Boxes and group them to for example AtreidesWeponfactory and save your work. You can now Merge this Group into your map(s) like the orginal westwood buildings. Setup everything in Leveledit. Now start the Leveleditor and Load your Modpackage. Goto Terrain-->Add and enter a name, e.g. mybuildings Select this new group and press again add. Enter as name meshprefix_doors (e.g. atrwep_doors) and under the settings tab under m_Modelname select your _doors w3d file. Repeat this part also for the mesprefix_int w3d file, you`ll then has 2 new entry`s: Now change to the Tiles Tab and again press add create a new entry named: mybuildingtiles under the Physics Type select BuildingAggregate. Select this new group and once again press add, enter as name: meshprefix_dam, under the Physics Model be sure that the type is Building Aggregate, change the Model Name to your coresponding w3d file, the AnimationMode to Manual Scroll down to the Building Behavior Settings and change the AnimLogicMode to ANIM_LOGIC_SEQUENCE. The Buidling state for 75% to 1, 1 as showed below, for 50% 2,2 for 25% 3,3 for detroyed 4,4. Repeat this also for the State: Power OFF. After that press OK, again use the add, now enter as name: meshprefix_mct (e.g atrwep_mct), select the needed w3d, setup everything like before, but check the checkbox labled [x] IsMCT. If your MCT also has animation sequences, you must set them up coresponding to your animation as described above. Again add another tile, name it meshprefix_pt, set it up as explained for the MCT, but let the [ ] IsMCT uncheked. Now you have three new entrys in your mybuldingstiles group: Congratulations!!! You are finished now. Add your Building Group you have created in part 9 to your map via the MERGE command in RenX/Gmax, export it as Renegade Terrain and enjoy your bulding. One Last Step: To make your building work ingame you have to Clone wia the ADD button one of the Buildingcontrollers, for example mine is a Weponsfactory, so I clone the GDI_Weponsfactory: You can name it whatever you want.... but you must fill in the MESHPREFIX into the coresponding field: Of course you can edit other settings like health in this dialog too,play around abit with these settings Have Fun by detroy all your hard work ingame
  6. Version 1.0


    ### Created by Xpert from Atomix ### irc.ax-games.net ### www.ax-games.net ### DESCRIPTION ### This was always in the earlier versions of SSGM before 4.0, but it didn't work correctly because of incorrect IF statements in the code. This plugin will enable the extra building report sounds that EVA says such as "Structure health under 50 percent" and also "Warning - %buildingname destruction imminent". It will also report to the SSGM Log Messages prefixed with _BUILDING and state when a building is under attack like the early SSGM. Example from my bot: <CloudyServ> The Nod Power Plant is under attack! <CloudyServ> The Nod Obelisk is under attack! ### CHANGELOG ### V1 - Release
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