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RenegadeFDS: tt.cfg configuration file


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- tt.cfg -

The new way of configuring several aspects of your server.

Notice that the gameDefinitions lack the C&C_ prefix and that the corresponding maps in the rotation lack the C&C_ prefix as well.

Only C&C_ prefixes are used in the gameDefinitions mapName and packages to download.

Maps that do not have any additional packages to be downloaded can be added to the rotation with their C&C_ prefix.

In this example the maps FieldTS, GlacierTS and Lunar_Landing will download an additional package called quake and the maps DesertTunnels and Field will load a custom objects.aow modded presets file.

The quake package contains sounds which will play when players reach certain kills in a row without dying such as Firstblood, Multikill, Killingspree and Godlike.

These sounds can be enabled or disabled in ssgm.ini through the option PlayQuakeSounds. To manually create a package for quake download the file and use the packageeditor to turn it into a package: quake.zip

Example tt.cfg configuration:

gameDefinitions:{	FieldTS:	{		mapName = "C&C_FieldTS";		packages = ["C&C_FieldTS", "quake"];	};	GlacierTS:	{		mapName = "C&C_GlacierTS";		packages = ["C&C_GlacierTS", "quake"];	};	Lunar_Landing:	{		mapName = "C&C_Lunar_Landing";		packages = ["C&C_Lunar_Landing", "quake"];	};	DesertTunnels:	{		mapName = "C&C_DesertTunnels";		packages = ["C&C_DesertTunnels","quake"];		serverPresetsFile = "objects.aow";	};	Field:	{		mapName = "C&C_Field";		packages = ["quake"];		serverPresetsFile = "objects.aow";	};};/* Note that the rotation is a list of quoted maps without the .mix extension.Also note that the last map in the rotation does not have the ending comma. */rotation:[	"FieldTS",	"GlacierTS",	"Lunar_Landing",	"DesertTunnels",	"Field",	"C&C_Mesa",	"C&C_Canyon",	"C&C_Hourglass",	"C&C_Islands",	"C&C_Complex",	"C&C_Under"];/* downloader and its repositoryUrl control where the server will send clients to to download custom maps and content. */downloader:{	repositoryUrl = "http://ttfs.ultraaow.com/";};
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