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Open Beta 3 Changelog


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- Weapon Texture resolutions have been reduced to a max of 1024x1024.

- Unnecessary textures due to shader optimization such as Gloss maps and reflection maps have been removed.

- 3rd person weapon meshes now only have a single material slot for a single draw call.

- All mesh LODs for 3rd person weapons have been updated.

- First person arms mesh now uses a combined single texture map / material for less draw calls. At the same time this also fixes the stealth effect on the arms not working right due to more than one material.

- Optimized all characters (draw calls, textures & shaders).

- Gold Rush & Mesa II: - optimized collision, reduced lightmap sizes, optimized certain LODs, smaller filesize.

- Optimized silo light map sizes.

- Added a PT scene specific C-130 which is cropped and has much smaller light map size,

- PT actors moved server side, and replicated to clients

- Opening/Closing PT is now completely client-side


- No longer uses seamless loading. Could *possibly* fix crashing at game end.

- Fixed a few shader issues with hovercraft, gunboat, and C-130.

- Fixed issue with version check not evaluating the version number correctly.

- Fixed shotgun and ramjet reticles always showing as yellow.

- Fixed the air vehicles being purchased in non-air maps using the key press.

- Fixed being able to heal over Max Armour.

- Fixed a bug where if a player tried to enter another player's locked vehicle directly after it was produced, it would stop driving and not clear the spawn location.

- HUD now actually calls the clean-up functions and also made it clean some extra references. Possible crash reduction.

- Fixed the PT UI memory crash.

- Restore enemy minimap blip visibily when targeting.

- 1st person reloading animation no longer gets overridden by sprinting animation.

- 1st person sprinting animation should now automatically play after switching to a different weapon whilst sprinting.

- Fixed clients not seeing and hearing Airstrike aircraft if the Airstrike target area was out of sight.

- Fixed being able to continue to repair 100% Friendly Tech Buildings.

- Fixed Apache rockets being fired from the gun socket when playing as a client on a dedicated server.

- Fixed Missile Launcher first person clipping through camera in some resolutions

- Main Menu map will no longer show aspect ratio bars

- Fixed lighting on the mammoth tank in the main menu

- Fixed an issue that would cause spy crates to not set the spy flag if it changed your pawn (ie, going from non-SBH character to SBH and vice versa).

- Fixed not being able to heal armour if the heal had 0 armour.

- Fixed potential occurrence of being able to heal someone who is dead if they still had some armour when they died.

- Fixed issue with beacons destroying buildings that they are very far by using the bounding

- Fixed issue where player’s weapon ammo count did not update after leaving vehicles

- Fixed infinite reserve ammo infantry weapons not showing as infinite in multiplayer.

- Fixed respective ammo counters not updating when switching to a weapon with 0 usable or reserve ammo

- Fixed SBH not lighting up properly when getting shot while cloaked

- Fixed Stealth tank not lighting up properly when getting shot while cloaked

- Fixed Stank often being and staying visible from any distance after getting shot


- Added 60 second per-client cooldown for calling votes, so grievers can't prevent others from calling votes.

- Vehicle explosions no longer do damage.

- Added TeamDonate command.

- Entering 0 into a Donate command now donates all credits.

- Slight change to the client list output to make it easier for people parsing.

- Restored playing Building Repaired sound. Building repair sound will not play if the building hadn't fallen below 85% health. Building repair sound replay cooldown is set to static 10 seconds versus 6-10 range.

- Remove one thread frame lag, hardware physics, and speedtree in the settings, as they are not usable and performance hogging.

- Hud Game Time now shows Elapsed Time if in a no-time limit match.

- Added disallowed nicknames to Rx_Game. Very short names, or names containing certain reserved values are not allow (e.g. "-----").

- Added 0.5 second delay to re-access purchase terminal to disallow refill spam. Updated hud indicators to show non-accessible PT while the delay in in progress to avoid confusion.

- Updated sniper, ramjet and shotgun reticles.

- Going to first person in vehicles now zooms in for precise long shots.

- Camera shows map overview at end of match, instead of "winning" player.

- Scoreboard is now delayed about 10 seconds after the game is over.

- Player main HUD will now be removed before the scoreboard is shown after the game is over.

- Removed legacy building damage system which operated within the levels

- Added new building damage system which is handled entirely within the actor classes

- Updated base weapon shader to include a global simplified cubemap reflection, and also improved specularity by interpolating sharpness based on Fresnel to make highlights appear sharper with harsher facing angles which improves first person specularity considerably.

- Updated various weapon first person positioning

- Rocket Launcher, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Flak Cannon, and Heavy pistol now have proper explosion lights

- Ramjet Rifle has updated impact effects

- Current weapon will no longer perform weapon switching on the same weapon while reloading. this is to prevent a glitch on the arm mesh being visible.

- Ramjet and sniper now have dots on their reticle

- Artillery now has an ordinary tank crossair because of the reduced arch

- Updated explosion particle effects

- Barracks now has an improved interior, and now goes red at destruction state, it also has proper damage material changes like the other buildings

- Carbine and Tactical rifle now have a subtle more aim-able firing animation when aiming down sights

- renamed reduced gore to enabled gore to avoid major confusion.

- Carbine and Tiberium Auto Rifle will now be unequipped on the back of the character rather than the where the pistol is holstered.

- Enabled post process in the system settings for very low preset settings

- Removed the HTML filter from EVA messages as they don’t seem to get fully parsed as HTML

- Spotting an SBH will now give a "Spotted SBH near X !!!" message instead of just the usual "Spotted 1 infantry near X"

- Previously you could never use spotting on an SBH when it was cloaked. Now you can do a spot message for a short time after it got hit even when its cloaked

- Enemy Beacons as well as friendly Beacons can now be targeted with 'Q' to display a message about their location for your teammates

- Upgraded the new DeployedActor building hit detection to more accurately support the varied shapes of buildings.

- Added vehicle blocker volumes at the doors of the WF to prevent vehicles from being able to drive inside it on all maps

- Orca's engine sound volume reduced to match that of Apache's


- Replaced old java launcher with a brand-new WPF launcher. Pretty UI, update checks, community banners and more!

- Added new shotgun first person animations.

- Added new Marksman Rifle first person animations.

- Added new Tiberium Flechette Rifle model, animations, and sounds.

- Missile Launcher has new sound effects.

- Missile launcher has new first person animations.

- Silos now broadcast team EVA/Cabal sounds on Capture and Loss.

- Settings options menu can be accessed through the pause menu.

- Scoreboard system in pause nenu.

- Chat system in pause menu.

- GDI bought some less blurry siding for their barracks.

- Donate menu in pause menu.

- Added new end game camera fly through & music sequences

- End game scoreboard vote menu UI now displays timer and next map

- Added new Black Hand Sniper / Laser Chain Gunner character model

- Added Option "Use Classic Ren Team Color Names" in the Input settings for both Frontend and Pause Menu.

- Renegade player info (namely Score and Credits) are now saved between reconnects.

- Added EVAPrivateSay, a server command that allows the server to privately message a player as "EVA". Comes in a lighter, more cyany blue.

- Added Anti-Tank mines in the weapon section (non-refillable)

- Added EMP Grenades in the weapon section (non-refillable)



- Rate of Fire reduced to match classic renegade.

- Damage vs armoured vehicles increased.

- Projectile speed and range increased.

- Headshot damage increased.

- Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced.


- Shotguns can now do headshots.

- Shotgun headshot damage multiplier reduced to 1.5.

Missile Launcher:

- Alt fire no longer tracks targets.

- Missile launcher building damage tweaked to be almost equal to gunner's rocket launcher in terms of damage per second against buildings.

- Alt fire projectile speed increased.

Tiberium Flechette:

- Reduced based spread and spread increase per shot.

- Range increased.

Flak Cannon:

- Reduced damage of both primary and alt fire

- Reduced projectile speed

- Reduced splash damage of alt fire

Flame Thrower:

- Added new volumetric projectiles that will damage targets within the volume instead of a traditional projectile

- reduced range

- reduced damage vs infantry to compensate for volumetric projectile

Chemical Thrower:

- Added new volumetric projectiles that will damage targets within the volume instead of a traditional projectile

- reduced range

- reduced damage vs infantry to compensate for volumetric projectile

- removed gravity influence

- Updated projectile effect


- Rev up time reduced with quicker rate of fire.

- Rev down time increased slightly.

- Projectile speed reduced.

- Maximum range increased.

- Now fires armour piercing rounds which can damage heavy armour and has small radial damage on infantry.

- Increased horizontal recoil.

- Spread increase, and max spread reduced.

- Removed ADS.

Laser Chaingun:

- Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced.

- Rev up state fires shots in the same time.

- Max range increased.

- Horizontal recoil increased.

- Head shot damage increased.

- Removed ADS.

Laser Rifle:

- Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced.

- Max range increased.

Grenade Launcher:

- Damage radius reduced slightly.

Heavy Pistol:

- Head shot damage increased.

- Maximum rate of fire increased.

Silenced Pistol:

- Spread increase and max spread reduced.

Volt auto rifle:

- Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced for both primary and alt fire.

- Increase maximum range.


- Deploy time reduced slightly.

- Blast radius on increased slightly

- Damage increased slightly


- Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

- Projectile speed reduced.

- Projectile range increased.

- Rate of fire increased.

- Spread increased.

- Reload time increased.


- Range increased to match Artillery's range.


- Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

- Headshot damage increased.


- Doubled missile count

- Reduced missile damage slightly

- Increased missile reload time to compensate for increased pay load

- Increased gun ammo count

- Reduced gun reload time

- Increased vehicle health slightly


- Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

- Head shot damage increased.

- Bullet Rate of fire increased.

- Bullet Damage reduced slightly to compensate for increased ammo and rate of fire.

- Doubled missile count

- Reduced missile damage slightly

- Increased missile reload time to compensate for increased pay load

- Increased gun ammo count

- Reduced gun reload time

- Increased vehicle health slightly


- Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

- Projectile range increased.

- Headshot damage increased.


- Projectile speed reduced.

- Artillery projectile gravity pull reduced to give less of an arch.

- Artillery explosion blast radius increased.

Medium Tank / Light Tank:

- Recoil shake reduced.

Light Tank / Medium Tank / Mammoth Tank

- Range increased slightly.

- Explosion blast radius increased slightly.

Flame Tank:

- Added new volumetric projectiles that will damage targets within the volume instead of a traditional projectile

- Increased turret turn rate

Mammoth Tank:

- Increased vehicle speed

- Increased vehicle turning rate

- Increased missile range

- Increased missile damage

- Increased missile reload time


- Reduced hitbox radius.

- Stealth effect has more clarity but has the same distance reveal radius

- Added a dynamic offset to the third person camera when aiming very high/low, so that the crosshair isn't obstructed by the player model (in like 96% of cases)

- Updated character rag doll physics to be less limber and stiffer with less collapsing into itself



- Added vehicle blocking volumes to all 8 wall infantry ramps (stop vehicles getting on top of the walls)

- Added extra blocking volumes to boarders (stop players climbing the rocks)

- Added vehicle blocking volume to the middle of the hill (stop aircraft from getting stuck on the walkways)


- Fixed some spots were vehicles could get in to the infantry only paths


- Updated minimap on field so that the silo is not a barn


- Fixed collision bug on GDI tunnels.


- Removed floating Tiberium crystal


- Bran new remake of Volcano


- Remake of the UT3 RenX fan map by Kenz3001 remade by Kenz3001 himself!

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