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Create your own TTFS Server


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In this tutorial I'll tell about how to create your TTFS server, containing your packages and maps.

This tutorial will assume you installing the web server into a Windows system, for the first time (while no other instances of any web server running), FDS being in the same computer, and use the web server for only TTFS hosting.


1- Install XAMPP

XAMPP is the most popular (as far as I know) hosting application. You can see a list of downloads at here.

The main topic of this post is not how to install XAMPP, but I'll tell the steps briefly:

- Download the latest version of XAMPP.

- On "Select Components", we only need "Apache". You can untick everything else. But if you know what you're doing, you can choose other stuff.

- You're done! You can control web server from "Apache" module in Control Panel.


2- Prepare your server

Now, navigate to your XAMPP folder, then "htdocs" folder. You'll find some initial files there, you can delete them all.

Open your notepad, and save that blank file at your "htdocs" folder as index.html, don't forget to choose All Files (*.*) from dropdown. This file will prevent others to see your web site root.


3- Create a symbolic link

Symbolic links are shortcut-kind links which appears as folders or files. We'll use this to link our server's TTFS folder to web server. Open a Command Prompt, and navigate to your web server's "htdocs" folder with "cd" command.

Then, type the following command: "mklink <Your server name here> /d <Your server's TTFS directory here>"

<Your server name here>: Name of the link.

<Your server's TTFS directory here>: The root folder of your TTFS.


For example: "mklink MyServerTTFS /d "D:\MyServer\Renegade\FDS\ttfs"

You're done! Now if you check your "htdocs" folder, you'll see a shortcut named <Your server name here>. And when you open it, it'll appear in your "htdocs" folder instead of taking you to actual place.


4- Configure tt.cfg

We need to tell the server where your TTFS server is. First, you need to find out your public IP address. To do that, go to https://www.whatismyip.com/ and note down your IP address. Now, go to your server's tt.cfg and open it.

Scroll down until you see "repositoryUrl". Type in "http://<Your IP address here>/<Your server name here>"

<Your IP address here>: The IP address you noted down.

<Your server name here>: The server name you entered in 3rd step.


Now Renegade knows where your TTFS server is.


5- Final touches

If you need to open ports, open the default port, which is 80, on TCP protocol.



You made it! If you have any questions, problems or you think I missed something, let me know in comments.

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