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Posts posted by Guiaca

  1. Hey there!


    I recently come back to renegade and I'm loving it, works as a treat at home. I work as a game developer and we often have game nights, or sometimes just play during lunch hour. I wanted to get renegade set up so i can play at work. 


    First i tried to use renlist, but it wouldn't populate the server list, i assumed a firewall problem, the firewall is managed by an external company, since there are lots of gamers in the office its not uncommon to put in a request to open certain ports, I was unable to find out details about which ports are specifically blocked for renlist. I realized that I mostly play Jelly server and sometimes rencorner, so i got those unlocked and launch the game from command line using the ip and port.


    Unfortunately I just get "Joining Game....". Is there anything else i have missed, some other ports that need unblocking? I was asked to check if the ports i asked for were unlocked so they could close the ticket. It could be that they are not open, but it could be that I've missed something else. Anyone know? 




    Other info:

    I set up renegade as specified in the thread on this forum, using the same steps I used at home. 

    I have a valid game key

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