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Grunge-fierce GDI Orca

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About This File

Displays a "grunged/fierce-look" GDI Orca VTOL Assault Craft, adding teeth and nod insignia throughout the vehicle, as a replacement skin for the default GDI orca.

How to install:

Extract the files from the ZIP file using WinZip or WinRAR, and place them anywhere on your desktop for easy access. Navigate your way in your C:\ drive (or what ever drive is your primary drive, you used to install C&C Renegade, normally C:\) and go through \Program Files\ (or \Program Files (x86) if you are x64 bit), then go to \EA Games\ and find your First Decade or Renegade folder, open it, find Renegade, and go to your data folder. You're finally here! Extract everything from the .ZIP file and place the files here. You're done.

If you require assistance on installing skins, you can always post in the Help & Suggestions board, and there will be many people willing to help.

Locations: (TFD, if you do not have TFD, the location should be similar)

64 bit

C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Renegade\Renegade\Data\

32 bit

C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Renegade\Renegade\Data\

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