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A River to Conquer 1.0

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1 Screenshot

About This File

This map has been created for the CNCmaps map contest.

I didnt had alot time to creatae it, so I was very happy to hear I had 2 extra days left to finish.

The map is nothing special, there only is a bit detail, and the map did not become what I wanted it to be, but stillit does look reasonable.

Its a 2 player map with a very limited amount of tiberium, so its very inportant to watch your economy.

Also the map (as I call it) realistch symetrical, its not symetrical, but both side contain the same, same road, same elevation, but they are not exatly the same.

The water does looks a bit srewed, but had no time to fix it.

Hope everone like it

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