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CnC_CaptureTheBunker.zip 1.0.0

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10 Screenshots

About This File

Years ago I made this little DeathMatch-type mix map: CaptureTheBunker



Here is C&C_CaptureTheBunker, Version 1.0:



This map presents an old, never used Westwood SAM-Bunker and
offers a special game mode. 
It's a combination between Team-Deathmatch and CnC-Mode:
A GDI raid attacks the lower entrance of a NOD SAM-Bunker. 
Theire mission is to destroy the SAM located at the highest floor.
GDI supplies are available from theire APCs only (mobile PT's situated there).
Nods mission is quiet clear: defend the SAM at all costs.
Nod have PTs located within the facility. 

GDI wins, if they destroy the SAM (building amoured). 

Otherwise the decision is made by team deathcount (1000).
If deathcount isn't reached, decision is made by points.

Have fun!

PS: If you have any problems concerning missing textures, delete all your *.thu-files manually!

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