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Posts posted by BlackDragonOfDarknes

  1. Cool stuff!  Finally some of the better map ideas are getting reworked so they become more than just a conceptualized map.


    I must point out though, laser is an acronym with each letter holding the place of a word:


    la·ser [ley-zer]
    noun Physics.
    a device that produces a nearly parallel, nearly monochromatic, and coherent beam of light by exciting atoms to a higher energy level and causing them to radiate their energy in phase.
    Also called optical maser.
    1955–60; l(ightwave) a(mplification by) s(timulated) e(mission of ) r(adiation)

  2. The Renegade-X team has, last I saw, encouraged people to make custom maps once the editor comes out.  The last post I saw on the subject said the mapmaker would be released after the MP goes to release.  Downloading the maps would, until an autodownloader is figured out, be a manual install method like the original before scripts four.

  3. I used to play the UT3 version of Renegade-X on an Intel mobile series 4 chipset.  Granted, it was at 20 FPS 480x300 and turned down all the way, but it ran, and I got some kills even.


    By the way, my GTX 560M runs Black Dawn like a dream... On a laptop.  I have also found that UE3's framerate is massively affected by the resolution you run in.  My desktop is 1600x900 and I run Black Dawn at 1280x720.  I can run full high settings at the lower resolution with 60 FPS constant, versus 30-40 at full size on full low detail.

  4. I never did say the two were the same, but they do the exact same thing, they run on the local machine, and they're no more than FaceCrook for games.  I hear far too many people bitching about STEAM FORCING their game to minimize for a PM.  I don't want the entire internet in my ESC menu, that's why I play games in FULL SCREEN.


    I don't care if it isn't going to matter to the devs, but that's the truth, Steam gives me serious pause.  Don't take my bluntness as anything other than a simple statement of my opinion on the topic it contains.  Do I seriously need to put it in my signature?

  5. Most people are running too many processes on their machines as it is while they game.  Myself included.  I was force-fed Origin when I was given a digital copy of Battlefield3, which I would hope would be the most useless of that type of software, as it is truly horrible.

    Why the hell would I want to use Steam when I already have too many programs that spam ads in my face while I load the game itself?  I'll still have to deal with the horrible UT3 style menu, unless Steam skips straight to the server direct connect style.  Not to mention the constant notifications from friends logging on and off, joining and leaving games, private messages minimizing your game, and still more bandwidth used for no reason.

    Why would I want to take a bad menu, and add a pain in the ass program like Steam to the beginning of that?


    My point: I hope like hell I won't need Steam to run this.  If so, it could hurt my chances of even installing the game...

  6. After a few bumps, I got it to work. However, my antivirus stopped the installation because of a herustic virus. False positive?

    Heuristics is basically used by anti-viruses to detect a potential threat in a file that hasn't been marked as a virus by the virus definitions.

    Your anti-virus has decided that something looks malicious.

  7. Well I tried, but beyond those little tips, I wouldn't know anything about it, as I still don't run 4 because my HUD requires custom shaders.


    I still cant grasp why TT did certain things with scripts 4.


    Personally, what dragged me back still again, was watching the AI on my buddy's install of the RenegadeX campaign act just like original Renegade's, and remembering all the pre-4.0 bugs that Ren had.


    I actually MISSED bluehell.  New games, for example: where there's any bug, there's a way to exploit it for personal gain or team detriment, and therefore piss me off.  Renegade on the other hand, if you went to bluehell while in a safe area, or had a friend ready to take the veh over for a minute, you could rejoin and the bluehelled vehicle would usually be right where you last saw it on the map, but good luck bluehelling it on purpose..

  8. I made sure the games were allowed throughfirewall though.


    You have to make the same exception for Renlist and it's updater.exe, not just Renegade.


    I have also found that Renlist won't work correctly unless it's set via the "Compatibility" tab in the "Properties" window to automatically "Run as Administrator" upon starting the program.  Same with WWConfig and just about every (dang*) program out there.


    (*Insert profanity here)

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