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Status Updates posted by Relentless

  1. Get your ass home before you catch sum slugs, brain running down the drain, like the LA floods.

  2. You're only as old as you feel. And don't tell me about the days when you feel old!

  3. "Some people live an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference in the world, Marines don't have that problem." -Ronald Regan

  4. A best friend is a best accomplice.

  5. A diamond is a lump of cole that finished what it started.

  6. Assimilate the past, excell beyond the present, secure your future.

  7. Been a while kiddo... I trust your visions match your future now! C u around.

  8. Courage is endurance just a few moments longer.

  9. Do not measure the height of a moumtain until you have reached the top.

  10. Do not need sight to see. Do not need knowledge for wisdom. Do not need beliefs to believe.

  11. Experiance is only gained by not having it when you need it.

  12. Git on ren ass kloun!

    1. Travist66


      theres never a OG map when im around/

  13. Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to handle them.

  14. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.

  15. I have my conversation with Mrs. Millimeter, she's my best friend, gnab, you want to meet her?

  16. I'll be the first to set it though, you can bet it. You're crazy if you think I'll let it go.

  17. Love the light for it shows the way. Embrace the darkness for it shows the stars.

  18. That which can, will. That which can not, will not.

  19. The fewer the people, the greater the share of honour.

  20. The nuclear dust settles, leaving Relentless in a blown base full of dead n00bs.

  21. There is no greater ally nor worse enemy than yourself.

  22. There's a lot of oppertunities, if you know how to take them. If there are none, you can make them. Make or break them.

  23. Think twice, speak once.

  24. Those who do not find time for exercise will find time for illness.

  25. Those who have no defined goals will work for those who do.

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