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C&C Iron City 0.12

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About This File

 Iron City is a map that I started a few years ago. It's currently still in beta testing.


If anyone finds any issues, please leave a comment here, or on the thread for this map, which is located here


YouTube Playlist!


What's New in Version 0.0.9   See changelog


B9 changes are as follows...


1.     Zunnie’s Coffee Drive-Thru has been added under the freeway! Stop by and check it out! Be sure to have your sound (music) turned on to hear him!

2.     Billboard displaying Zunnie’s memorial playlist on YouTube added near the Coffee Drive-Thru as well!

3.     NFHAVOC’s walk-way sign added in the rear of the bases!

4.     Walk-way along the mountain has been widened for an easier trip!

5.     Tiberium field reduced in size again.

6.     The boats are back…but with FAR LESS points for damaging them!

7.     The big walls that surround the bases have been retextured to be more consistent. In prior versions, the textures didn’t line up properly.

8.     A new blocker has been added along the mountain path, and near the wall edges so you can’t get anywhere you shouldn’t be!

9.     The cranes are OFF LIMITS! It was reported to me that people were stealing the Nighthawk & Vindicator, and then abandoning them on TOP of the cranes, preventing each team from having them respawn. Damage zones have been added and will destroy ANY vehicle and Infantry that sets foot on them. You have been warned!!!


B8  changes are as follows... 


1.     BASE TO BASE attacks are no longer possible! A new wall in the front of each base prevents this!

2.     The new walls also will determine where different types of tanks can access the base. Entering GDI’s base on the War Factory/Power Plant side is only allowed by Buggy, Humvee. Entering Nod’s base on the Hand/Power Plant side is also only accessible by Buggy or Humvee. The other side of the bases are for heavier tanks, rushes, and camping from on the docks.

3.     The new wall in each base also provides cover for both sides if they want to go up on the freeway. The AGT can no longer target Nod, but at the top it can. Be careful and if you’re on foot, stay near the wall. It also provides cover if you come out of the underground tunnels near the Tiberium field.

4.     The Orca & Apache have been moved into the parking garages and have replaced the Service Depots. They NOW respawn and the timer is 10 minutes.

5.     The Gunboats have been removed.

6.     All of the crates now spawn independently instead of shared locations.

7.     The Tiberium Silos have been removed.

8.     The Tiberium fields have been reduced in size to allow Infantry to walk behind them.

9.     A new section of the walls have been opened up in the rear of the bases that allow Infantry to walk along the top, as another option for offense.

10.  The layout of the bases have changed, buildings have been moved around to better protect the bases!

11.  Extra crates have been added to each base for emergency use, but feel free to use whenever.

12.  The tunnel access points near the AGT/Obelisk have been shifted and a wall has been added to prevent Obelisk walking.

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