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Dragonade Plugins

4 files

  1. Building Warnings

    WARNING! This plugin only works with DA 1.10.2!
    Plugin reports building health percentages and repairing messages ingame with EVA sounds like below.
    Messages are configurable from it's configuration file "BuildingWarnings.ini".
    Plugin is capable of:
    - Reporting vehicles with building type (like Turrets).
    - Custom preset names to report (everything of every type).
    - Configurable message colors.
    - Sending building percentages to enemy team.
    - Customizable message cooldown.
    Configuration is self-documented so you should be able to do the configuration without an external documentation.
    If you find a bug, let me know in comments or join http://discord.gg/KjeQ7xv and report the bug in #bug-discussion channel. I check Discord more often.

    Source Code


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  2. Fund System

    This plugin is no longer continued and support is dropped.
    WARNING! This plugin only works with DA 1.98 and above!
    Download DA 1.98 from http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=tree&th=41243&start=0&
    This plugin lets players fund their destroyed buildings with !fund command. Just put DLL to da.ini under [Plugins] section.
    You have to add the configuration which is at bottom to make this plugin work.
    To-Do List:
    - Fix ConstantFundAmount.
    - Make a command to take your fund from a building.
    This plugin made by MasterCan and I tested with my slave seifmagdi. If you find a bug, please find me on Discord "The Unstoppable (TR)#1000".
    CONFIGURATION: (You must add this to bottom of da.ini to make plugin work.)
    [Fund] ;Plugin made by MasterCan. ;This settings can be edited from game mode ini files as well. ;By default, these values will be used. ;Enable or disable funding system. EnableFund=1 ;Decide if the fund amounts of buildings are constant or increases when a player joins. ;Using values except 1 and 0 will automatically disables this option. ConstantFundAmount=0 ;If your constant fund amount is 0, you can determine how much price will be added when a player joins to fund cost. ;Max = 1.0, Min = 0.1, else multiplier will be set to 1. FundAddMultiplier=1.0 ; ---------------------------------- Building Fund Ticks ---------------------------------- ;If ConstantFundAmount is 1, specified amounts will be constant fund amount of buildings. ;If ConstantFundAmount is 0, building fund cost will be increased by specified amounts when player joins or changes team. ; ;Leaving fund enabled for a building and setting tick to 0 will cause plugin to misbehave. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tick_PowerPlant=450 Tick_Refinery=500 Tick_VehicleFactory=600 Tick_SoldierFactory=550 Tick_Defense=575 Tick_ConYard=300 Tick_ComCenter=325 Tick_TibSilo=350 Tick_RepairPad=200 Tick_Shrine=175 ; -------------------------------- Building Fund Allowance -------------------------------- ; Specify the building funds you want to disable. ; Use 1, for enable funding. Use 0 for disabling. ; ; Using values except 1 and 0 automatically disables funding for that building. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund_PowerPlant=1 Fund_Refinery=1 Fund_VehicleFactory=1 Fund_SoldierFactory=1 Fund_Defense=1 Fund_ConYard=1 Fund_ComCenter=1 Fund_TibSilo=1 Fund_RepairPad=1 Fund_Shrine=1  


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  3. Build Plugin

    This is a very light and simple plugin that lets you build whatever you want and it is super configurable.
    To install it, copy everything in the ZIP to your server folder, and under "[Plugins]" section in da.ini, append "BuildPlugin.dll=1".
    By default, configuration is included in ZIP, but you can find the latest structure of it at here.
    Feel free to post your contraptions to comments.
    You can ask for help in comments, or contact me from Discord.
    Source of this plugin can be found at https://github.com/TheUnstoppable01/BuildPlugin.
    You can find a demonstration video of this plugin below.


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  4. Deathmatch Plugin

    Simply when the game feature is loaded (see below), it can force team, replace player models and forces your team to a specific team when game over is triggered, by the configuration options below. The main aim of this plugin to make Deathmatch maps funnier to gather all players in a single team and freely kill themselves. Damage and kill points of all soldiers are set to negative equivalent, so nobody will have negative score for this teaming rule. You should do some configuration modifications before making the plugin fully-functional.
    In "da.ini", under "Plugins":
    In "da.ini", under "General":
    In "da.ini", create new section "DMPlugin":
    All of the settings are also compatible with gamemode specific configurations such as da_deathmatch.ini, so you can enable/disable it like, in "da_deathmatch.ini", under "General" or no category:
    Thank you for using this plugin!
    Source code is available at TheUnstoppable/DMPlugin in GitHub.


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