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Everything posted by Wyld

  1. I just wanted to say this was a HUGE success and I thank MDK for the idea and zunnie, Mauler, etc. for kicking it off. It was a lot of fast maps to start but this really stepped up teamwork as evidenced by some long intense back and forth maps. Some of the best competition I have had in ren in a long time.
  2. Excellent idea! I'm there for sure!
  3. The maps are awesome! We tested them last night. Zunnie is right these are some old maps. We had these as stock maps at [uN] (Kick, Hunter, a few others will remember them) I bet Speedy059 will really start playing now!
  4. I need cookies right now and have none........:( I want a big cookie.

  5. Whew that was close! lol Thanks for fixing it.
  6. Just woke up, wanted to "Like" a few posts. I haven't "Liked" that many so who broke the "Like" button? .
  7. Very nice. Thanks for the hard work! Appreciate it.
  8. Wyld

    My computer

    Yeah agree it's usually vid card. When I got my new one I had never seen much less thought 1,000 FPS was possible. lol
  9. Wyld

    My computer

    Sweetie you have a lot more to do that just that. Some older systems and it sounds like you have one can't handle upgrades with the processors they have. Go to system and post the specs on it.
  10. Very nice and something to be proud of. @Orca234 Hi there! Where have you been and good to see you playing!
  11. 615 downloads

    This is a small group of reticles I have collected over 10+ years in ren. I have not used them all so use them at yoru own risk! bigjimer has screened these so they are allowed in the server. Thanks jimer. But if someone finds one that is a problem etc. please pm me and we will remove them. (Some are Halo rets for Ren)
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