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Posts posted by N3tRunn3r

  1. Hello there,


    I wasn't able to take a look on nothing, it was disturbing me... The MultiPlayerForums still misses a favico.ico on top, so I just have created one. The regular IPB favico.ico is... ok but old, time to use an own one!

    This single ico file I have just created includes data of the actual MPF symbol as 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 and 96x96 pixels in a total of only 72KB.


    Here you go for the attachment, have fun replacing this boring IPB icon. I hope you like it:


    ... Attachment deleted.

  2. ...  IT'S STEALTH WEEKEND M8!!!!!!!! :P :P :P



    Agreed ^^ Nice easter egg, haha.




    I noticed that when maps were made and the strings were changed on older versions of scripts 4.0 that that would happen, but just on those maps. Im sure it was fixed cuz it happens no longer, when you make maps. :)


    Ok, so about older maps. thx!

  3. RenegadeX began as a Unreal Tournament 3 Mod. I don't know, if it has become a standalone mod. It so has a pretty much same story as C&C: A Path Beyond had which has been modded and created by www.bluehellproductions.com!


    The gameplay of RenX was nearly the same as Unreal Tournemnt 3 has, just with Renegade structures, different units, vehicles and of course weapons. I maybe played it for 30 minutes only on its official pre-release day in the past. IMHO it was better to play UT3 instead. However, the modders did a really great and awesome job!!


    This here is/was the (latest?) official promotion trailer before open-beta:


  4. Nice idea.


    Eliminating all SAM Sites and an airstrike will be insta ready. We know that SAM Sites can be repaired, so be quick!! Let us say someone destroyed all Sites, took the flare and then a SAM Site got repaired again. He will still have the flare until all Sites are destroyed again, so he can easily drop a flare. While being dropped and a Site is being repaired again... who cares. The airstrike HAS TO bombard then. I remember that flare principle of APB. What about to add this airstrike flare into the regular PT at the beacon's place as a next page?


    An airstrike should NOT destroy a whole building such as the PP, WF, BARR, HON, STRIP, REF, so all the main structures, but insta damage them for like 50% - 80%. The Nuke/Ion Cannon is there to insta kill all kind of structures already.


    An airstrike should be able to insta kill defensives such as the AGT, OBLI, TURRETs, GUN TOWERs. At least an airstrike is able to kill the obelisk in classic C&C95, well, also the Powerplant... but well.


    An airstrike should instal kill all Soldiers, MOTOR CYCLEs, BUGGIEs, HUMM-VEEs, APCs, LIGHT TANKs, STANKs, ARTIEs, MRLS' and all AIR UNITs.


    An airstrike should insta damage units as the MEDs, MAMMYs, FTANKs




    Oh forgot something... Is it possible to create a flare as a grenade? Simply drop this burning flare as a grenade at any position you want. Over walls, cough. Easy going.

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