514 files
By Pwn Call
Remake of the C&C map under, added more tunnels and a back base entrance, bases are modified slightly.
By Forithow
Map Name: C&C_Aztec_Stronghold.mix | Version: 1.0
Creator: Bokurei (Forithow)
Setting: Deep in South America, near hidden Aztec temples.
Description: A medium-large Renegade level where Nod has situated a base in Peru and spent a long time trying to discover the secrets of the lost temple to retrieve a powerful weapon.
GDI found out about this and decided to set up their own base, opposite of the temple to preserve the mysteries and stop Nod from digging up what shouldn't be dug.
Special thanks:
-Mortalc13 for providing interiors/exteriors for Conyards and CommCenters, HUD icons and many more.
-Halo38 for models of the temple
-Blacky for Field Lights and Tiberium Gas emitters
-[-HOH-] SZYMEK777 for the nod guard tower models
-And you for playing the map!
-TOW Humm-Vee. A standard humm-vee with upgraded armour and a rocket attached on top.
-Fires 4 homing rockets which is great for taking out aircrafts.
-Slightly faster than a regular Humm-vee
-Costs 550 credits.
-Rotatable MRLS. An alternative version of the regular MRLS that you can buy by
pressing the arrow on the left on the MRLS in the vehicles menu.
It is the same as a regular MRLS except it has a rotatable turret.
-Harvester. A standard harvester that collects tiberium and dumps it in the refinery.
-Same as a regular AI harvester except it is driveable
-Can harvest tiberium in any tiberium fields (including the enemy's), and then
dump the tiberium in YOUR refinery (not the enemy's), to provide 300 credits
to your entire team.
-Cannot dump tiberium if the refinery is dead so you can't make more credits
but you can still buy harvesters for other reasons.
-Costs 2000 credits because 300 credits to every player on your team is a lot of credits.
-Can be useful as bait for massive rushes.
-Recon Bike. A standard bike with upgraded armour.
-Fires 2 homing rockets which is great for taking out aircrafts
-Half the rate of fire of a TOW Humm-vee, but does fire 2 rockets per shot (so same DPS
as a TOW Humm-vee)
-Costs 550 credits
-Harvester. (Exactly the same as the GDI Harvester)
Construction Yard - Conyards provide automatic repairs to the team's base as well as their minor defenses such as Guard Towers and Turrets,
they repair at a rate of a normal engineer would. Destroy them to make base destruction easier. Construction yards cannot repair themselves.
GDI Turret - GDI was able to briefly capture the Nod Construction Yard and managed to build themselves some turrets before Nod took it back.
-The GDI Turret does slightly more damage than the Nod one to help balance it with the GDI AGT which does less damage than the Nod Obelisk.
Nod Guard Tower - Nod was able to briefly capture the GDI Construction Yard and managed to build themselves some guard towers before GDI took it back. - Acts the same as a regular GDI Guard Tower
Repair Facilities - Repair Facilities provide repairs for Vehicles, it's slightly faster than the repair rate of an Engineer. They are also c4-able like the Tiberium Silo and a lot quicker to destroy.
Tiberium Silos - The Silos are situated outside of the base, protected by a chainlink fence, a house and a guard tower. They are c4-able like on RxD maps and provide 1 credits per second.
Note they will mosty likely to be destroyed in late game, they are mostly just to offer extra credits early game.
Communications Center - The communications center provides radar for GDI/Nod. If destroyed,
it will no longer provide radar for its respective team.
(Originally the Communication Center would detect if an enemy is in a specific building and warn the team, but
I decided that was too OP and ruins the element of sneaking in. Also originally wanted it to jam enemy radar
if they get too close to the base, but this will sometimes crash games.)
If you can find 3 secret keys and open the door to the temple, you will unlock a chance of getting one of two special weapons:
Personal Obelisk Cannon - A gun that fires obelisk lasers, it does 125 damage, has limited range and requires a charge up.
Personal AGT Launcher - A gun that fires AGT bullets/rockets. Does pretty much like a normal AGT, but has limited range.
There may be some occassional VIS glitches here and there
Double message for player harvesters displays when depositing tiberium into the refinery.
renegade C&C_DeDust2_Night
By Forithow
A map based on the iconic De_Dust2 from Counter-Strike bought into C&C Renegade. This is the night-time version which allow vehicles on the map, there's also the even smaller daytime version which is infantry only and a deathmatch version.
Features of this map:
- 2 Vehicle entrances and 3 infantry entrances, there are gates for 1 of the vehicle entrances and 1 of the infantry ones
-Refinery/Hand of Nod/Airstrip/Silo vs Refinery/Barracks/Weapons Factory/Silo
-Shrine of Nod is a building that provides nuclear strike beacons to Nod, so if destroyed you cannot buy nukes anymore
-GDI Communications Center is a building that provides ion cannon beacons to GDI, so if destroyed, you cannot buy ion anymore
-Guard tower and turret have EVA sounds when they are under attack or destroyed (There are 2 of each, both are near the two vehicle entrances)
-Rocket Humm-vee and Recon bikes are here but they are slower as this is small map, TOW Humvee is same speed as a regular humvee, the bike have the same speed as a buggy
-Bots are configured to play on this map, there are only some minor issues but they do destroy and finish the match.
-Oh, and the bushes are not bulletproof, it's not like Creekdale!
Special thanks to:
-DemonicXTC13 (Mortalc13) for providing help on this map with GDI Comm Center and Shrine as well as placing all the manual VIS points
-Blacky for providing tutorials for field lights and other things
-Unstoppable for giving useful advice and tips
-PwnCall for giving useful advice and tips
By Pwn Call
Flying version of field, updated graphics and some rocks added for boundaries otherwise identical to regular field.
By Forithow
Medium-large sized map, symmetrical from both sides, two entrances with 4 tunnels from both bases that lead into the middle or the opposing base. NIght time snowy winterland situated on a giant iceberg. Contains Recon Bike and TOW Humm-vee.
By Pwn Call
Remixed version of Field. has flying units and a new path from base to base behind air/bar. also has additional tunnel entrance on the new infantry/flying vehicle path.
By Forithow
Coastal alpine map that leads into a beach with flying vehicles enabled. Three entrances for both team, one that leads into an underground tiberium cave.
Tunnel system that connects to everywhere on the map.
Bases include refineries, airstrip/weapon factory, barracks/hand of nod, silos and base defenses. Also includes minor base defenses such as guard towers/turrets.
By Unstoppable
This one is not actually a playable map. This map uses a single tiled texture everywhere in a large box, that allows green-screening and chroma mapping of game elements.
Please refer to "readme.txt" for setup guide of the map.
C&C Iron City
By trunkskgb
Iron City is a map that I started a few years ago. It's currently still in beta testing.
If anyone finds any issues, please leave a comment here, or on the thread for this map, which is located here.
YouTube Playlist!
By Pwn Call
8 Mile road in Detroit, location of the Detroit branch of Carnage Club Xtreme.
Map features Carnage Club Xtreme between bases with narrow tank routes and many areas for infantry to flank tanks. Features OB/AGT with single turret/Guard Tower. Has Silos and no Refinery. Small map.
By rrutk
Years ago I made this little DeathMatch-type mix map: CaptureTheBunker
Here is C&C_CaptureTheBunker, Version 1.0:
This map presents an old, never used Westwood SAM-Bunker and
offers a special game mode.
It's a combination between Team-Deathmatch and CnC-Mode:
A GDI raid attacks the lower entrance of a NOD SAM-Bunker.
Theire mission is to destroy the SAM located at the highest floor.
GDI supplies are available from theire APCs only (mobile PT's situated there).
Nods mission is quiet clear: defend the SAM at all costs.
Nod have PTs located within the facility.
GDI wins, if they destroy the SAM (building amoured).
Otherwise the decision is made by team deathcount (1000).
If deathcount isn't reached, decision is made by points.
Have fun!
PS: If you have any problems concerning missing textures, delete all your *.thu-files manually!
By rrutk
Years ago I made a Renegade mix map with NAVAL and flying units.
It's a big map.
Would be great to see it on a server and gibe it a try...
Readme, C&C_Dunes_Naval_Flying, Version 1.01, 22.11.2011
You WILL NEED to have Scripts 4.X (TT-Patch) installed to play this map.
As far as I know, this is the first, one and only naval map for C&C Renegade.
Please read this notes:
!!!!!!!!!! EXIT a naval vehicle: FRONT ONLY !!!!!!!!!! Otherwise you will drown.
!!!!!!!!!! Don't exit a submarine just for fun. It will be destroyed. !!!!!!!!!!
You have 2 repair zones at shipyard, marked with green seabuoys, as long as shipyard is alive.
The red seabuoys are marking the construction zone!
Buy the naval vehicles at the terminals within the shipyard bulding.
Poke the terminals, as long as you see your money account has decreased.
Naval vehicles:
- SP GDI & Nod Gunboat (Primary Fire: Rockets; Secondary Fire: Anti-Submarine-Bombs)
- SP GDI & Nod Submarine (Torpedo Weapon)
- SP Personal Hovercraft (2 Seats)
- Old GDI & Nod Light Transport Hovercraft (a lot of seats, use like an APC, just naval)
- SP Heavy Transport Hovercrafts (much more seats, use like an APC, just naval)
Flying vehicles are able to be automatically repaired at the helipads only.
Ground vehicles are able to be automatically repaired at the repair facilities only.
If you loose your communications center, you will loose your radar.
The mutant lab is not destroyable. You can buy different mutants there.
They are NOT tiberium restistant or healable. Would be to much power.
Server owners, please enable the extras:
Within the extras (press F8, enter "extras", press "ENTER"; after that hold "ALT" while selecting vehicle/char menu):
- SP Nod Commanche Attack Helicopter
- GDI Logan
- GDI Civil Resistance
- Nod Mutant Petrova
- Nod Kane
PS: If you have any problems concerning missing textures, delete all your *.thu-files manually!
1. JFW_Change_Spawn_Character has a problem changing the chars at FIRST SPAWN.
So probably you won't have the RA_Underwater_OnCustom script attached first spawn.
2. Seldom the naval vehicles are stucked after creation.
By Unstoppable
A Giza themed map, which is a governorate of Egypt. There are pyramids and a sphenx in the map. Bases contains all basic buildings + Communication Center and Repair Facility. Map is made by me (Unstoppable) and @Muslium. There are also several mummies and some pictures in the pyramid.
Snowy Mountains
By Unstoppable
My first public map on Renegade. Silos, repair facilities and tailguns are capturable. Double base defenses. Defenses, building locations, etc. are balanced as much as I can. Report bugs and glitches in the comment section. My next map will be soon.
C&C Paradox Harbor
By trunkskgb
Map works, but is missing ALL exterior building textures.
C&C Ravine
By trunkskgb
Map is broken and needs fixed. Please let us know if someone wants to repair this map before we do.
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