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Posts posted by zunnie

  1. Banner_Small_TCW_Dev_Night.png

    Tiberium Crystal War Developer Night

    Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 17:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour

    Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 10:00:00 MDT UTC-6 hours

    New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 12:00:00 EDT UTC-4 hours

    London (United Kingdom - England) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 16:00:00 GMT UTC

    Paris (France) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 17:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour

    Moscow (Russia) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 20:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours

    Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, 31 March 2013, 03:00:00 EDT UTC+11 hours

    Beijing (China) Sunday, 31 March 2013, 00:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours

    New Plymouth (New Zealand) Sunday, 31 March 2013, 05:00:00 NZDT UTC+13 hours


    Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Tiberium Crystal War.

    Most, if not all, of our Developers and Testers will be available during this event so you can ask questions and or make comments about the current version 1.52 and the upcoming version 2.0 which is under construction.


    If you are a newcomer to Tiberium Crystal War or never heared of it, go watch our video trailer first on homepage.

    Tiberium Crystal War is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need Renegade to play it and you can run it aside Renegade just fine.

    It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other assets from the game C&C 3: Tiberium Wars which were worked up by our Developers to work with Renegade.

    There are 15+ maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch, Co-Op and Domination.

    If you want you can look at our Official Manual


    You can download the Tiberium Crystal War v1.52 client from our website at http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

    There are several mirrors available and all are hosted on 100mbits connections.

    Thanks & Have fun

    Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a while so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun.

    I would really love to see many people ingame this time again so Please spread the word and let's have some bigass fun in there :)

    Greetz the Tiberium Crystal War Development Team


  2. Banner_Small_TCW_Dev_Night.png

    Tiberium Crystal War Developer Night

    Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 17:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour

    Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 10:00:00 MDT UTC-6 hours

    New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 12:00:00 EDT UTC-4 hours

    London (United Kingdom - England) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 16:00:00 GMT UTC

    Paris (France) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 17:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour

    Moscow (Russia) Saturday, 30 March 2013, 20:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours

    Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, 31 March 2013, 03:00:00 EDT UTC+11 hours

    Beijing (China) Sunday, 31 March 2013, 00:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours

    New Plymouth (New Zealand) Sunday, 31 March 2013, 05:00:00 NZDT UTC+13 hours


    Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Tiberium Crystal War.

    Most, if not all, of our Developers and Testers will be available during this event so you can ask questions and or make comments about the current version 1.52 and the upcoming version 2.0 which is under construction.


    If you are a newcomer to Tiberium Crystal War or never heared of it, go watch our video trailer first.

    Tiberium Crystal War is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need Renegade to play it and you can run it aside Renegade just fine.

    It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other assets from the game C&C 3: Tiberium Wars which were worked up by our Developers to work with Renegade.

    There are 15+ maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch, Co-Op and Domination.

    If you want you can look at our guides: n00b guide & Official Manual


    You can download the Tiberium Crystal War v1.52 client from our website at http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

    There are several mirrors available and all are hosted on 100mbits connections.

    Thanks & Have fun

    Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a while so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun.

    I would really love to see many people ingame this time again so Please spread the word and let's have some bigass fun in there :)

    Greetz the Tiberium Crystal War Development Team


  3. mpfgamemestats.png

    http://mpf.gameme.com :: View Server Stats

    We now have very detailed game statistics provided by GameME for the games CounterStrike Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2.

    Hopefully this will attract some players to the servers :)

    We had around 10 people earlier this morning which was quite fun.

    Our servers are running MetaMod and SourceMod so if you find a cool plugin or extension for either please do let us know and we might put it on the server(s).

    You can join our CS:GO Servers at the following addresses and add them to your favorites: (Office 24/7) (Iceworld_Arena_GO 24/7)

    You can join our Team Fortress 2 server at the following address and add it to your favorites:

    Have fun! :)

  4. Should the coop have Purchase Terminals available or not? and

    Should the coop have limited amounts for certain characters?

    Gameplay will be tougher because you really have to assemble a team of various characters to complete the level.

    Hotwire(s) for repairs, Gunners for anti vehicle/turret, Snipers for anti infantry and Officers and Patches maybe.

    Officers would have the ability maybe to call in air support in the form of dropping bots and/or ammo maybe.

    All bots will randomly drop armor, health or a weapon (or sometimes nothing).

    Players that died will drop the Key they had if any.

    Players that died will drop their primary weapon or a DNA powerup allowing a member of the team to change character on the spot if it is really needed.

    For example if a Hotwire is missing in the group, a officer could pick it up to provide the team with repairs.

    Some objectives will require Key Cards and/or a specific Unit to complete.

    Please vote what you think would be best.

  5. So you want a teleporter for players on your map? This is possible.
    I made two scripts for this purpose, one that teleports anyone, and another that teleports only players from a specific team.
    Ofcourse you can use other scripts for this but i will focus this tutorial on the two i made myself which are available in 4.0
    The two scripts are called "z_Enter_Teleport_Random" and "z_Enter_Teleport_Random_Team".
    You can also use this for the teleporters as it looks much cooler than a stupid pedestal: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/212-teleport-tubes/

    First lets move on to the Editor and we place a CtfPedestalGold on the map which will function as the visual indicator for this teleporter,
    stepping on this pedestal will teleport a player to another location.
    Expand (1)Object, then (2)Simple, then (3)CTF_Objects and finally select (4)CtfPedestalGold

    Now click the make button and it will appear on your map:

    Now, the way my scripts work is simple:
    You place 5 "Daves Arrow" on your map, the ID of each of these Arrows are used by the script and randomly select one of them to teleport the player to.
    So we are now gonna place 5 of these Dave Arrows on the map.
    Expace (1)Object, then (2)Simple, then select the (3)Daves Arrow and (4)make 5 of them on the map near the location where you want players to teleport to:

    Now double click on each of the Arrows and note their ID in notepad:

    In my example they are:

    Now that we have the ID's let's finally actually create the area that will teleport the player.
    Expand (1)Object, then expand (2)Script Zone and there select the (3)Script_Zone_Star and click (4)Make to place one on your map.
    A green box will appear on the map, position it over the pedestal, you can resize it with the black boxes at each corner, hold shift to size it up and down.
    Make the box appear like on the example screenshot below:

    Now double click on the green box, a new window will appear. Goto its "Scripts" tab.
    There click on "Add" and scroll down to z_Enter_Teleport_Random and select it.
    Here you enter all the five ID's we wrote down in Notepad earlier:

    The endresult should look like this (based on my example ID's above):

    Now save your map, make a mix file and try it out!
    Players that step on the pedestal will be teleported to the locations of the Dave Arrows you placed randomly.

    PS: If you want a TEAM oriented teleporter then use z_Enter_Teleport_Random_Team and do the same thing but with Team enter 0 for Nod and 1 for GDI,
    then only players of that team can use the teleporter.

  6. I was asked by a few people to do this. So this is how i work with my editor and stuff :P

    I find it very handy but like always some people might not think so and do it different :)

    Thats fine..

    I just hope this helps some people get under way with mapping for Renegade.

    Although i myself use 3dsmax8, for legal reasons i could not include that in the files of course, so i made one for RenX.

    If you do get a copy of 3dsmax8 the environemnt setup is pretty much the same really..

    Anyway, good luck with your mapping :)

  7. EDIT: Server is back online in XWIS mode!

    XWIS (todays Westwood Online (WOL)) appears to be down for the last couple of hours now.
    I have placed the NewMaps server in GSA mode (listed on RenList) for now.

    You can connect to it using a program called RenList which fetches all available servers off of GameSpy.
    Simply extract the package to your Renegade\RenList folder, then run RenList.exe and set a nickname in Options.
    To join our server just select it from the list -maybe add to favorites- and click on Connect.

    Hopefully XWIS will be back online shortly and when that happens the server will be restarted.

    Edit: Appearently the XWIS servers which provide us with a serverlisting are being DDoS attacked.
    I hope the guys responsible for this will stop attacking it soon so we can have a couple of normal good old fashion games again :/

  8. Banner_Small_TCW_Dev_Night.png

    Tiberium Crystal War Developer Night

    Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 9 March 2013, 19:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour

    Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Saturday, 9 March 2013, 11:00:00 MST UTC-7 hours

    New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, 9 March 2013, 13:00:00 EST UTC-5 hours

    London (United Kingdom - England) Saturday, 9 March 2013, 18:00:00 GMT UTC

    Paris (France) Saturday, 9 March 2013, 19:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour

    Moscow (Russia) Saturday, 9 March 2013, 22:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours

    Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, 10 March 2013, 05:00:00 EDT UTC+11 hours

    Beijing (China) Sunday, 10 March 2013, 02:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours

    New Plymouth (New Zealand) Sunday, 10 March 2013, 07:00:00 NZDT UTC+13 hours


    Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Tiberium Crystal War.

    Most, if not all, of our Developers and Testers will be available during this event so you can ask questions and or make comments about the current version 1.52 and the upcoming version 2.0 which is under construction.


    If you are a newcomer to Tiberium Crystal War or never heared of it, go watch our video trailer first.

    Tiberium Crystal War is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need Renegade to play it and you can run it aside Renegade just fine.

    It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other assets from the game C&C 3: Tiberium Wars which were worked up by our Developers to work with Renegade.

    There are 15+ maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch, Co-Op and Domination.

    If you want you can look at our guides: n00b guide & Official Manual


    You can download the Tiberium Crystal War v1.52 client from our website at http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

    There are several mirrors available and all are hosted on 100mbits connections.

    Thanks & Have fun

    Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a while so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun.

    Greetz the Tiberium Crystal War Development Team


  9. Banner_Small_TCW_Dev_Night.png
    Tiberium Crystal War Developer Night
    Amsterdam (Netherlands)    Monday, 4 March 2013, 19:00:00    CET    UTC+1 hour
    Calgary (Canada - Alberta)    Monday, 4 March 2013, 11:00:00    MST    UTC-7 hours
    New York (U.S.A. - New York)    Monday, 4 March 2013, 13:00:00    EST    UTC-5 hours
    London (United Kingdom - England)    Monday, 4 March 2013, 18:00:00    GMT    UTC
    Paris (France)    Monday, 4 March 2013, 19:00:00    CET    UTC+1 hour
    Moscow (Russia)    Monday, 4 March 2013, 22:00:00    MSK    UTC+4 hours
    Sydney (Australia - New South Wales)    Tuesday, 5 March 2013, 05:00:00    EDT    UTC+11 hours
    Beijing (China)    Tuesday, 5 March 2013, 02:00:00    CST    UTC+8 hours
    New Plymouth (New Zealand)    Tuesday, 5 March 2013, 07:00:00    NZDT    UTC+13 hours

    Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Tiberium Crystal War.
    Most, if not all, of our Developers and Testers will be available during this event so you can ask questions and or make comments about the current version 1.52 and the upcoming version 2.0 which is under construction.

    If you are a newcomer to Tiberium Crystal War or never heared of it, go watch our video trailer first.
    Tiberium Crystal War is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need Renegade to play it and you can run it aside Renegade just fine.
    It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other assets from the game C&C 3: Tiberium Wars which were worked up by our Developers to work with Renegade.
    There are 15+ maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch, Co-Op and Domination.
    If you want you can look at our guides: n00b guide & Official Manual

    You can download the Tiberium Crystal War v1.52 client from our website at http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com
    There are several mirrors available and all are hosted on 100mbits connections.

    Thanks & Have fun
    Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a while so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun.

    Greetz the Tiberium Crystal War Development Team


  10. MPF_Grand_Prize_Contest.png

    February 2013 WINNERS
    Congratulations to TitMilk and fscjames for winning February 2013's first ranked game prizes on the servers NewMaps 4.0 and Snipers 4.0
    They will both be contacted shortly and receive their prizes in the Steam and Origin Platforms.

    March 2013 PRIZES
    NewMaps 4.0 Prize: This time, at the end of March, the player ranked first on our NewMaps 4.0 Server will receive a serial code for the Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection to activate on the Electronic Arts Origin Platform.
    Snipers 4.0 Prize: Available on Steam, the player ranked first on our Snipers 4.0 Server will receive a legit copy of Counterstrike: Global Offensive.

    Notes & Requirements
    To be eligable for receiving your prize you must be a member of our forums and have either an Origin and/or Steam Account.
    Click the image below to install these two clients from Valve and Electronic Arts.

    originlogo.png || steamlogo.png

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