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Posts posted by zunnie

  1. 201308_the_prize_killingfloor.png

    In the month August 2013 we will be battling for the game "Killing Floor":

    Killing Floor is a Co-op Survival Horror FPS set in the devastated cities and countryside of England after a series of cloning experiments for the military goes horribly wrong.

    You and your friends are members of the military dropped into these locations with a simple mission:

    Survive long enough to cleanse the area of the failed...

    You must be ranked first on our Renegade NewMaps 4.0 server.

    To be eligible for receiving the prize please review the Contest Guidelines.

    To receive your copy you must have a Steam Account @ http://store.steampowered.com


  2. We now have a new server online in Amsterdam the Netherlands running our NewMaps 4.0 plugin and New Maps obviously.

    It will probably be online 24/7 just like the US one. It is however uncertain if we keep it online, testing phase currently.


    The rankings for the EU server can be seen at http://www.ultraaow.com/ranks/NewMapsEU/

    Small note: The rankings for the EU server are a clone of the current US server, however, the EU and US server have split rankings.

    Next month (August) both servers will have completely seperated rankings, i just cloned the US rankings so it has some data already ;)


    We hope you enjoy our servers and keep playing there :)


    PS: Take a little moment and register on our forums at http://multiplayerforums.com please :D

    PS2: The IRC channel is #MPF-NewMaps-EU

  3. I have updated this serverbox with some windows important updates which require a server reboot.

    I will perform this tomorrow morning when the server dies out at roughly:



    Amsterdam (Netherlands) Thursday, 11 July 2013, 05:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours
    New York (U.S.A. - New York) Wednesday, 10 July 2013, 23:00:00 EDT UTC-4 hours
    Moscow (Russia) Thursday, 11 July 2013, 07:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours
    Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Thursday, 11 July 2013, 13:00:00 AEST UTC+10 hours
    Beijing (China) Thursday, 11 July 2013, 11:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours
    Corresponding UTC (GMT) Thursday, 11 July 2013, 03:00:00
    Downtime will last about 30 minutes up to an hour.
  4. http://ul.to/8ogu15g0


    Here u go, german ISO File of Renegade :)

    What kind of gay downloadsite is that lol, i clicked free download, then got the word Renegade.rar which i was supposed to click to donwload but nothing happens? it just opened another ad-window LOL.


    Can you upload it to the TS3 Renegade filebrowser lol?

  5. I was pointed to a "new" map by Xpert earlier and i must say i liked it a lot.

    It's called Hourglass Flying and i was quite impressed with how it looks.

    Can't believe i never played this map before.

    It will be added to the rotation shortly. As soon as the server empties a little bit i will install it.

    So expect this map to come by tomorrow :)

    Some screenshots:



  6. Buzzer is currently working on the IRCd's making up the IRC network irc.multiplayerforums.com

    It will take a while probably and while this is being set-up there will be some downtime starting now.




    Will all three go down once or twice tonight.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

  7. MPF_Grand_Prize_Contest.png

    June 2013 WINNER

    Congratulations to comanchei for winning June's Unreal Tournament Pack by ranking on our NewMaps 4.0 server.


    July 2013 PRIZE

    NewMaps 4.0 Prize: This time, at the end of July, the player who ranked first on our NewMaps 4.0 Server will receive the game-collection from Sanctum on Steam.


    New Prize Restrictions

    If you win a prize for our server contest, you will not be able to win another prize for one month.

    So if you won in June 2013, you cannot win in July 2013, but you can in August 2013.

    This is to give other players who have less time to play a chance to win as well.


    To be eligible for receiving your prize you must be a member of our forums and have either an Origin and/or Steam Account.

    Click the image below to install these two clients from Valve and Electronic Arts.

    originlogo.png || steamlogo.png

  8. 201306_the_prize_unrealcomplete.png

    View June 2013 Rankings

    Congrats to comanchei for winning June's Prize:

    The game-pack Unreal Tournament containing 5 items: Unreal Gold, Unreal Tournament, Unreal II, Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament 3 which are acquired on the Steam Platform.

    olidead6 and RaceHorse are not members of the forum so they are not eligible to receive the game prize for this month.

    Once we get around to talking to comanchei, he or she will receive the prize into their Steam Account.

    To receive your copy you must have an Steam Account @ http://store.steampowered.com


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