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Posts posted by zunnie

  1. It's being built on the UDK (Unreal Development Kit) which runs on Unreal Engine 3 used by for example Unreal Tournament 3.

    It has lots of better graphics than Renegade and TCW has.

    We used to run a server with MP-Gaming.com back in the day with the UT3 based Mod of it. Good times in the beginning with server alot of full but it is no longer supported now (the ut3 version that is, the UDK one IS).

    It's very nice stuff this. I've played the beta's a bit and its awesome :D

    Can't tell much about gameplay though as i havent played online yet with many people but im sure it will be great.

    Kenz3001 is a developer there btw :o (one of our Administrators) :o :o :o

  2. Banner_Small_TCW_Dev_Night.png

    Tiberium Crystal War Developer Night

    Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 17:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours

    Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 09:00:00 MDT UTC-6 hours

    New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 11:00:00 EDT UTC-4 hours

    London (United Kingdom - England) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 16:00:00 BST UTC+1 hour

    Paris (France) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 17:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours

    Moscow (Russia) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 19:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours

    Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, 4 August 2013, 01:00:00 AEST UTC+10 hours

    Beijing (China) Saturday, 3 August 2013, 23:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours

    New Plymouth (New Zealand) Sunday, 4 August 2013, 03:00:00 NZST UTC+12 hours


    Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Tiberium Crystal War.

    Most, if not all, of our Developers and Testers will be available during this event so you can ask questions and or make comments about the current version 1.52 and the upcoming version 2.0 which is under construction.


    If you are a newcomer to Tiberium Crystal War or never heared of it, go watch our video trailer first on homepage.

    Tiberium Crystal War is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need Renegade to play it and you can run it aside Renegade just fine.

    It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other assets from the game C&C 3: Tiberium Wars which were worked up by our Developers to work with Renegade.

    There are 15+ maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch, Co-Op and Domination.

    If you want you can look at our Official Manual


    You can download the Tiberium Crystal War v1.52 client from our website at http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

    There are several mirrors available and all are hosted on 100mbits and 1gbit connections.

    Thanks & Have fun

    Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a while so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun.

    I would really love to see many people ingame this time again so Please spread the word and let's have some bigass fun in there :)

    Greetz the Tiberium Crystal War Development Team


  3. Would it matter if it is an airstrike on a static location?

    Or i could make it a beacon type maybe, when you plant it it will do the airstrike on that location although this might not work entirely correct, im not sure yet.

    Or have it randomly select an alive building and drop some bombs on that location.

  4. I remember vagely how we did this for the Venom we were testing then.

    It requires stuff to be attached to a bone of the vehicle if i remember correct and then setting the animation frames or something like that.

    I think i can do this again yes but i need you to make the objects animated and stuff. We'll talk it through when you are on irc or ts3 :)

  5. Explanation

    Allows a specific Team to purchase a character unit for a prize (double cost applied if needed) and playing sounds for granted and not enough money.

    Enterable Options

    Team = What team is allowed to buy from it

    Cost = How much it will cost (double cost when powerdown is applied automatically)

    Character_Preset = What preset to give the player

    Purchase_Granted_Sound = What soundfile to play when successful

    Insufficient_Funds_Sound = What soundfile to play when the player doesnt have enough money

  6. Alright done: z_Buy_Character_Poke_Sounds


    Team = What team is allowed to buy from it

    Cost = How much it will cost (double cost when powerdown is applied automatically)

    Character_Preset = What preset to give the player

    Purchase_Granted_Sound = What soundfile to play when successful

    Insufficient_Funds_Sound = What soundfile to play when the player doesnt have enough money

    It will be on the SVN in a few minutes :)

  7. Explanation

    This script allows players to capture the object this is attached to.

    It also allows playing sounds when it gets captured or killed for either team.

    When making it start off Unteamed you have to set its health to 1 and maxhealth to like 300 or something simular.

    Enterable Options

    Owner = Who owns this object when it gets created? Use 0 for nod, 1 for GDI and -2 for Unteamed.

    Audio_Captured_GDI_GDI = When captured by GDI play this sound for GDI

    Audio_Captured_GDI_Nod = When captured by GDI play this sound for Nod

    Audio_Captured_Nod_GDI = When captured by Nod play this sound for GDI

    Audio_Captured_Nod_Nod = When captured by Nod play this sound for Nod

    Audio_Killed_GDI_GDI = When owned by GDI and killed play this sound for GDI

    Audio_Killed_GDI_Nod = When owned by GDI and killed play this sound for Nod

    Audio_Killed_Nod_GDI = When owned by Nod and killed play this sound for GDI

    Audio_Killed_Nod_Nod = When owned by Nod and killed play this sound for Nod

  8. Explanation

    This script allows the object it is attached to to be captured (repaired) by players, it will then team to their team and they can use its special functions.

    Creating capturable defenses

    Make a turret and make its team Neutral.

    Give the turret 2 health and 300 max health.

    Put z_Capturable_Object on it with Owner set to -2

    Put the script M00_Base_Defense on it.

    When someone repairs the turret it will attack the enemy.

    Enterable Options

    Owner = Set the owner of the object when this gets created, use 0 for nod, 1 for gdi and -2 for unteamed.

  9. Explanation

    This can be used on maps with capturable Helipads.

    You give the helipad object the script z_Capturable_Helipad_Reload and the Script_Zone_All on top of it the script z_Capturable_Helipadzone_Reload.

    Then when the helipad is repaired and teamed to the guy that gets on it, their heli will be refilled.

    Enterable Options


    Owner = Set the owner of the Helipad when it is created, can be 0 for nod, 1 for gdi or -2 for neutral. When set to -2 you have to first repair it. The health of the object in editor must be 2 and maxhealth something like 500 with CNCMCTSkin as the Skin of the object.


    HelipadID = The ID of the Helipad object


    HelipadID = The ID of the Helipad object

    Cost = Cost of the object this helipad will give the player

    Preset = The presetname of the object to give the player on the helipad

    LocationID = A daves_arrow on the position where to create the object, the ID of this arrow.

  10. Explanation

    This script can be linked with an object on your map and allow players to purchase infantry while that object is teamed to their team.

    It will apply double cost when the power is down.

    Enterable Options

    InfantryFactoryID = The ID of the object that you want as the controller, must be a object, not a building.

    Cost = The cost to buy this infantry

    Preset = The presetname for the infantry to grant the player when successfully purchased

  11. Explanation

    This script will send a custom message to another object when the object this script is attached to is killed.

    That 'another object' can then have a script that listens for the custom message and parameter and act on it.

    For example z_Enable_Multiple_Spawners_Custom could be on that 'another object' and enable a few spawners of choice.

    Enterable Options

    ID = The ID of the object to send the custom message to

    Message = The custom message that will be sent to the ID

    Param = The parameter to send to the ID

  12. Some scripts will be explained how they work in this forum.

    Note though that some scripts are only available on the NewMaps 4.0 server and are probably not be included in the latest 4.0 release.

    If you need to use any of our scripts from NewMaps 4.0 then you will have to contact us to get the scripts.dll

    Note that when you use any of our NewMaps 4.0 specific scripts that your map will not work correctly on other servers.

    We encourage everyone to create new maps even with or without using our scripts, if you are 'good enough' of a mapper we might give you access to our UltraAOW Developer group which has a lot of custom stuff available. Simply contact us :)

    If you have script requests you can post them in this forum: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/forum/183-scripts-requests/

    Join us on irc.multiplayerforums.com in channel #MPF-RenHelp

  13. MPF_Grand_Prize_Contest.png

    July 2013 WINNER

    Congratulations to CalderCRC for winning July's Sanctum Pack by ranking 1st on our NewMaps 4.0 server.


    August 2013 PRIZE

    NewMaps 4.0 Prize: This time, at the end of August, the player who ranked first on our NewMaps 4.0 Server will receive the game Killing Floor on Steam.

    Killing Floor is a Co-op Survival Horror FPS set in the devastated cities and countryside of England after a series of cloning experiments for the military goes horribly wrong.

    You and your friends are members of the military dropped into these locations with a simple mission:

    Survive long enough to cleanse the area of the failed...


    New Prize Restrictions

    If you win a prize for our server contest, you will not be able to win another prize for one month.

    So if you won in July 2013, you cannot win in August 2013, but you can in September 2013.

    This is to give other players who have less time to play a chance to win as well.


    To be eligible for receiving your prize you must be a member of our forums and have either an Origin and/or Steam Account. (Review Complete Guidelines)

    Click the image below to install these two clients from Valve and Electronic Arts.

    originlogo.png || steamlogo.png

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