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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Version 1.0


    Arena Of Death 3v3
  2. Version 1.0


    A 6-Player Command and Conquer 3 map. Authors Notes"Battle for rivers edge is a six player map based in a yellow zone, its a basic river setup with 3 players on opposite sides of the river, which is reached by 3 bridges and 2 perminant land bridges. The map i created was a previous battle leaving destroyed vehicles, craters and a small destoyed city at the end of the river.There is also a small Neutral Base in the Center which was left from the previous battle, and attacks anyone who goes near it, The AI usually overruns it before you can get to it, so its not much of a problem. There are small patrols of neutral vehicles too,which is a nice little surprise for anyone who hasnt played there before. There is Plenty of Blue and Green Tiberium giving you a descent amount of tiberium to harvest, and tiberium spikes also.Ohhh and a added bonus i made the blue tiberium grow extra fast for better income. I recommend the map for skirmish play, i havnt played it onlne though but i think it would be a ton of fun."
  3. Version 2.1


    This is Bay of Pigs from the RA2 game, ported over to C&C3. Its a nice 6 player map, with enough resources to last. It also has several tech building around the areas to take over.
  4. Version 1.0


    * 6 Player, 3vs3 and 2vs2vs2 Layout * Medium/Large Sized * Yellow Zone / Tropical * 9 Tiberium Spikes, 2 EMP-Centers
  5. Version 1.0


    Authors Note: Burning Rage (6 Player CnC3-Map) Skirmish/Multiplay The setting are (is? dont know, i'm german, both sounds strange to me ^^) the outskirts of an australian metropolis at dusk. It features parts of the city as well as some forest- and desert-areas. It is meant for 3v3 Teamdeathmatch games, might be slightly unbalanced for FFA games. Works well for comp stomps. NOTE: To make a long story short: I do only have 1 Gigabyte of RAM, an athlon3500+ and a relatively weak graphics card, so creating such a big map was a pain in the ass for me. I just had to get rid of this (map-) monster, if you know what i mean... So.. it is definately not as detailed as my previous maps, and definately my last map thats that large. I hope you like it nevertheless.
  6. Version 1.0


    This is a 6 player map set in a red zone environment on a dessert dry mid-day. Mountains form natural borders but there are many ways to access each base. There are Tiberium spikes sprinkled around along with other tech buildings. The middle of the map also contains 2 tiberium fields built for fast paced game play.
  7. Version 1.0


    Challenge on Unsound Art is a 6 Player Map. Its a Remake of Original Kanes Wrath Map "Unsound Investment". I have added new Effects, and eliminated small Errors (Building Bugs on the Original Map). HF...!
  8. Version 2.0


    This is a symetrical map with an arena like appearance, though it still maintains a natural look. In the center of the map is a hill with 2 blue tiberiums fields and an EMP. I hope you enjoy playing my map! Please share this round online!
  9. Version 1.0


    Ok this map is basically what I've seen many cnc3 fans asking for: An assymetrical, detailed and overall good quality map. The primary feqature of this map is a large gully that inadvertaintly divides the map in 2. One can tell a battle has taken place from the destroyed vehicles (not to mention the MKII) and crashed aircraft.
  10. Version 1.0


    * 6 Player, Mirror-Symmetric Layout * Large Sized * Blue Zone / Germany * 8 Tiberium Spikes, 2 EMP-Centers, 6 Defensive Turrets, 1 Subway System * 4 larger Cities with garrisonable structures
  11. Version 1.0


    Hostile Dawn Classic: A ZH port and texture job.Green tiberium for the spawn's and blue in the middle. Works well for comp stomp and also works well as 2v2 and 3v3. Ported by:Eclipso Email: Jayeclipso[-@-]comcast[-.-]net
  12. Version A & B


    This is a remake of the 6-player Tournament style Generals map Waterworks that was originally made by the infamous RVMECH. It looks and plays very close to the original. Player starting positions are separated by water. Each player starts with a Tib Field at their base area, and a Tib Field to fight over in the center. Two versions of the map included with the download, one with lighting set for night, and one for evening.
  13. Version 1.0


    These maps are a mod of C&C Generals for C&C3 For 2v2 or 3v3 multiplayer or skirmish mode.
  14. Version 1.0


    Small to Medium sized map with a river dividing the 3v3 team bases. Each base has 3 Spikes and Turrets. Tiberium fields are scarce so capture the Spikes asap. Bridges connect the two sides, blow them up to resort to a Air battle.
  15. Version 1.0


    Well the title of this map pretty much says everything. This map is a very dark 6 player Redzone map with 1 EMP in the middle of the map and 2 Tiberium spikes on the left and right side of the map. This map is a very close comparrison with the Dead Six original in the way that all the players starting positions are and the way the map is all set up. There is alot of tiberium, blue and redzone green tib fieldz for players to start out the match with. Like i said it is very dark and it gives the coolest effects for all of the lighting of units and structures as well. I HOPE YOU ARE NOT SCARED OF THE DARK LOL
  16. Version 1.0


    This is a detailed symmetrical 6 player map, which should be played 3v3. The whole map is set in the area around albania and consists high mountains, plenty of room to build, 12 green, 2 green-blue, and 2 blue well placed tiberiumfields. (blue field crators let blue tiberium grow twice quicker, than the normal crators, because of importance to hold the middle.) It has a river which is flowing from north to south in the middle of the map. The middle part of the river is passable, to not let the 4 bridges be the only way to get on the other side of the map. Bunkers are placed near tech-buildngs and civil buildings are placed at hard fought areas, for the tactic aspect. AI is fully tested and works just fine. I played it online and everyone liked it.
  17. Version 1.0


    This map is a fun 6 player map, 3 islands on the top, 3 islands in the middle and 3 islands on the bottom. The top 3 islands and bottom 3 islands are each players bases, with the middle 3 islands that have 1 blue tiberium field to fight over. This map is an online map only and will not work in skirmish. In this map each player automatically gets a money transfer every few minutes, and also each player has 2 indestructable tiberium spikes. And last but not least everyone gets unlimited power( Yaaaaaaaaaaay)
  18. Version 1.0


    Important: The Layout is 4 vs 2! Two players in the North face of against the rest. Two players start at the north edge of the map, defending a blue zone against four opponents invading the idyll from the southern half of the map. The primary part of the city is located on a huge plateau, accessible only through a choke point in the center and two flanking entrances. Expect heavy street fighting in the beginning of a match, struggle for air sovereignty in mid-game and huge armies and super weapons to finally resolve this massive conflict. Despite what inexperienced players will tell you: This map is balanced! A hundred balancing games with and without AI make this map smoother than the original "Unfair Advantage" 1 vs 2 map. The reason for an unbalanced game is usually one or more players turtling in and fortifying their start positions instead of expanding. Of the utmost importance are two fields in the north west and north east corners of the map. These fields can be fortified by either the defending and attacking players alike. Either way these fields are difficult to expand to and difficult to defend. Yet they hold vast Tiberium resources and grant the owner a significant advantage. This map features more than 4,000 road pieces, more than 5,500 trees, houses, cars, road signs, fences, garbage, garbage cans and 24,000,000 square feet of hand textured and blended terrain. A cunning AI is included, so you can easily play this map in Skirmish or PvE online. If you are not so daring to do 4vs2 you can of course play 3vs3 West vs East. A very comprehensive ReadMe with a detailed battleground reconnaissance and tactical hints is included with the download.
  19. Version 1.0


    Each side has 3 destroyable bridges and two solid ground bridges that lead to the center, these last two bridges are unbuildable to prevent people from crawling to the center or to the enemy base with structures. resources: 1 large green field for each player and 1 extra shared field with an ally 2 large blue tiberium fields in the center techstructures: 8 Tiberium Spikes, (in the center of the map, 4 on the leftside and 4 on the right side) 12 Subway exits, in each chunk of the city there is one at the bottom and the top, this allows the one that controls the subway station to send troops everywhere on the center island. 2 EMP control centers, left and right of the island.
  20. Version 1.0


    Map i found when i played online
  21. Version 1.0


    Put a Brutal Scrin at the Top-Center position. Players should Team 1 on the other six start positions. Good luck, comrades.
  22. Version 1.0


    4 vs 3 map. Players start in center with 4 ai controlled factions at the outer edge.
  23. zunnie

    9 Pack

    Version 1.0


    1. Tournament style map. 2. There are 12 spikes. 3. Tiberium fields can handle 2 harvesters.
  24. Version 1.0


    8 player map.
  25. Version 2.0


    This map i did alot better on the textures. It has a pretty cool look to it. This map kinda reminds me of an old gladiator arena of some kind with a big Pond in the center of the arena. Each player in this map start out very close together, which makes the fight start almost immediately. There are 2 Tiberium spikes for every player at the starting positions. There is alot of tiberium blue and green all around the outscirts of the main arena. This map has ai enabled and is very fun online with all 8 players. Have fun.
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