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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Version 1.0


    This is Pipline Problems 2v2. AI is enabled
  2. Version 1.0


    outer edge of map is textured in nicely done desert textures. The center is a nice lush green textureing. Basic 4-Corner set up with a tibeium field near each start postition. The rest of the tiberium is in the center, mutant hovels and towers are available for capture to secure your share of the tiberium. Nicely done map. Authors Notes: "Pooled resources is a 4 player 500x500 yellow zone map that must be played to be truly enjoyed. It has numerous bodies of water, twisting valley like passageways, and much Tiberium scattered throughout the map.
  3. Version 1.0


    Some tech buildings available for capture near the central dock area. Nicely done walls along the canals.
  4. Version 1.0


    Basic 4-corner set up, non-symetrical map. Urban area in the center to fight over. nice looking map, with a unique layout.
  5. Version 1.0


    This is Redzone Battle Italy!
  6. Version 1.0


    This is another one of my redzone maps,I made this map very symetrical, and very detailed as well. There are many buildings to garrison, there are defensive towers to capture, 8 bridges, and 8 tiberium spikes to capture as well. There is one very large redzone tiberium field in the very center of the map that grows really fast, faster than usual. and each player starts out with 1 regular redzone tiberium field, there are also 4 blue tiberium fields to expand to. There is alot of room for expansion in all areas of the map. This map runs really smoothely and has alot of cool eye candy , ENJOY.
  7. Version 1.0


    This is a 4- player Redzone map, with each player starting out in each of the four corners of the map. Each player starts out with a nice big redzone tiberium field with lots of room to expand to other tiberium fields around the perimeter of the map. There are also 4 blue- mix with green fields on the canyons, and one very large redzone field in the very center of the map, so there wont be any lack of tiberium here. There are also 2 tiberium spikes to capture and 2 EMP's to capture as well. there are many shacks u can garrison near most of the expansion tiberium fields and on the canyon itself. Enjoy!!! I just wanted to say that i had lost all of my work that was on my hard drive, many of maps, and this is the first map since the crash!!!, and i am starting to get back in the game lol, also bought an external hard drive , just in case... Anyways Have Fun
  8. Version 1.0


    Some tech buildings available for capture near the double river that divides the map north to south. This map should make for a good 2v2 east vs west set up. Nicely done textureing, hills and trees combination make for a nice realistic landscape.
  9. Version 1.0


    The map is made with lighting and texture settings that attempt to recreate what the scrin homeworld might possibly look like. 3 Blue tiberium fields per player.
  10. Version 1.0


    Hey this is may next map...sorry it took so long i lost the internet...enjoy: This is a 4 player map each player gets a battleship to protect your base.
  11. Version 1.0


    Looks like the map would be a good 2v2 north vs south match. river divides the map east to west. mountainous areas.
  12. Version 1.0


    Two hills fighting through a valley, with additional islands in the middle packed with resources but vulnerable to heavy attack.Jump-jets may or may-not prove to be vital in this map. Try something different and play this map, by adding vertical warfare.
  13. Version 1.0


    Masterleaf A 4-Player skirmish map for Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars. A Desert themed yellow zone map. Blue tiberium as well as green tiberium, some plateaus with defensive tower tech buildings to capture.
  14. Version 2.0


    A 4-Player Command and Conquer 3 Map. Green tint to the map. This is the updated version of Siwa Egypt map.
  15. Version 1.0


    A 4-Player non-symmetrical map for Command and Conquer 3. Overgrown cites with tiberium infesting them. nice looking map. exessive objects placed concentrated in one area makes this a high performance computer only map.
  16. Version 1.0


    A 4-Player Command and Conquer 3 Map. Authors Notes: "Every player has 2 little blue tiberium fields on his isle. In the middle there is a bigger green tieberium field and some army units of player creeps, also there are 4 nuclear transports and 4 liquid tiberium transports. don´t destroy them instead wait till both transports are in your camp, you´ll gain control of them. When the first player build in the middle, 4 scrin units will defent the middle,its not easy to destroy these units. good luck.
  17. Version 1.0


    Based on a design from a Warhammer40k map
  18. Version 1.0


    Team Fortress. AI is enabled. Hf...!
  19. Version 1.0


    This is a detailed 4-player map with lighting set for evening. It was designed for skirmish play, with asymmetrical starting positions. It is suitable for 2v2 or FFA games. The setting is the desert of North Africa, at an abandoned Nod Tiberium harvesting installation. All of the expansion Tiberium is found down in a huge mining pit, with a limited amount of space for building. Control of this pit is key to dominating the battle, but watch the back entrance to your base. The extremely rugged terrain provides many choke points to establish defensive positions. Includes 2 tech buildings and some hostile creeps. Enjoy the map!
  20. Version 1.0


    This is a 4 player regular map in the redzone. All players have quite a bit of tiberium to start out with, each player has 1 green tib field and 2 blue tiberium fields. There are 8 tiberium spikes to capture and four mutant hovels to take over. There is also 2 redzone tib fields on the left and right of the map, to fight over , and one in the very center of the map. This map has a cool redzone steamy look to it around some of the bridges. Ive actually had this map in my files and pretty much finished for a long time, again i was trying to expand and definate a map like redzone rampage, and this waz my finale. Enjoy
  21. Version 1.0


    kanesdarknes hello this is my first map on here this is going to be one of many. this map is a red zone map is 4 players is a skirmish map this a quite large map for 4 player
  22. Version 1.0


    This map is supposed to represent an abandoned GDI base with Air and Ground buildiings in a small city, there are many ways in and obviously also many buildings to garrison.
  23. Version 1.0


    I finally came up with a really cool and new version of "The canyon of the Dead" map. I Used cool texrures to make this map look really cool and desert- like. I expanded the map a bit to include things like bridges and water, I put defensive towers, and objects to garrison. This is one of my fav- maps, and i just wanted to make it look good, and make it a bit funner as well. Other things included for gameplay * Unlimited POWER * tiberium seeding(EACH PLAYER HAS 4 INDUSTRUCTABLE TIBERIUM SPIKES THAT ARE IN YOUR CONTROL FROM GAME START.) * Tiberium fields growth rate is faster. There is also 2 EMP's , and four other tiberium spikes that are destructable that you can captcher as well. Anywayz, Enjoy .
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