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  12. Version 1.0


    Trembling Earth is my first attempt to make a map for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars. It's a symmetrical map giving each player equal advantages or disadvantages. It turned out a bit smaller than what I wanted, forcing the player to build his/her base a little tight. The scenario is set in a rather temperate setting with lots of vegetation. Each base area has four entrances, one of which is a bridge. Feel free to send me any feedback about it. General Information: Designed for: Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars v1.04 Gametype: Skirmish and Multiplayer Players: 4 Tiberium Fields: 8 green, 1 blue Tech buildings: None
  13. Version 1.0


    Walled base for each player. Tiberium in your base area and in the middle. 1 tiberium spike in rear of each base. symmetrical map.
  14. Version 1.0


    basic 4-corner set up. Walled base for each player. Tiberium in your base area and in the middle. 1 tiberium spike in rear of each base. symmetrical map. Midnight Edition.
  15. Version 1.0


    This is a 4 - player regular skirmish map set in (Beautiful British Comumbia), well, thats where i got the idea from, i was born and raised here in canada, anyways, i had to make a map of how nice it is here. Anyways, there are 8 tiberium spikes to capture, lots of buildings to garrison, and this map is quite big, so lots of room to build, lots of area to cover. It is a very competitive map, very even for every player, also- The tiberium fields are set up in a way that all players will be SHARING tiberium, so share and share alike, PLAY NICE EVERONE, HAVE FUN.
  16. Version 1.0


    Large waterfalls in the north and south ends of the map.The map is divided east and west by a river that runs through the middle, some tech and bunkers to capture on the field. Good 2v2 team play map.
  17. Version 1.0


    Basic 4-corner base set up. Tech emp buildings to capture in the center of the map. green fog.
  18. Version 3.0


    Small map with a bunch of Spikes at base start. Only one long road leads towards the bases, along the road are placed 8 Spikes.
  19. Version 1.0


    4 huge bridges span the map in a X shape. Tiberium spikes to capture in the corners but you must get on the bridge in the center of the map to get to those corners. The center has several defensive towers to capture to control the bridges you must take this area.
  20. Version 12.1.001


    This is a semi small to medium map without any construction buildings. You can only train infantry units and repair bases, there are also powerups and special stuff on the right side of the map. I'm not 100% sure how to play this map but its worth a try.
  21. Version 1.0


    Fun map where you start with a tech enabled base. Unlimited power applied.
  22. Version 1.05


    Put a Easy GDI on the spot at the right, have fun.
  23. Version 1.0


    Tiberium Growth Rate: 4/5. Story: Located outside of a blue zone in a river valley this battlefield exists. The tiberium here grows quicker then those in outside zones and this interests GDI, Nod, and visitors. The tiberium seems to have dug deep underground and drills cant seem to penetrate it. Threat levels are as follows. GDI: High Nod: High Visitor: High There also seems to be a little mini red zone on the island. Two fields are growing there and ion storms seem to be drifting out of here. If GDI retrieves this zone they can stop the ion storms ravaging the city of Sydney below and ravaging the animals to each direction. Nod wants to use this area as a staging area and a research facility. The Visitor's reasons are unknown. Features: Hijackable Convoys, Special Script, Timers.
  24. Version 1.0


    A 5-Player Command and Conquer 3 map. Authors Notes: "Island Assault is a map set in Eastern Europe, with farm lands to the south , fields to the North, a Train Station to the west and a small city in the East.The Island in the middle is reached by 4 bridges. for skirmish play i found its fun to have a 4 on 1 match with the comp on the island set on Brutal/Turtle, its impossible to win unless you have everyone on your team set on brutal. Its also fun to leave the middle empty and see who gets there first, a somewhat king of the hill match. I made the tiberium fields grow twice as fast so i could decrease the number of fields for more room,There are plenty of Tiberium spikes also."
  25. Version 1.0


    4 player (1 cpu) co-op map where you play with just a commando and take out hordes of enemies Put a CPU player on the topleft position, players start on the other 4 remaining positions and team together.
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