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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Version 1.0


    This is a highly detailed 8 player map. It is somewhat assymetrical in that each base has a different layout, yet a diagonal river divides teams into an "L" shape. The bottom bases are divided by cliffs and generally are less accessable. The top bases are divided by tiberium chasms of various shapes. I tried to make it so each player has access to an equal and sufficient amount of resources.
  2. Version 1.0


    Dangerous Neighborhood is a 8 Player Fun Map with many Surprises. Good Luck, Commander! HF...!
  3. Version 1.0


    A large elongated eight player map where the aim of the game is to take control of the rich blue middle which sits at the bottom of a tapered valley. The map features decreasing zones with the highest being a track which runs around the entire map. The next down houses the first four players bases at opposite ends of the map, beneath that are the final four, and beneath that is the hotly contested blue area. In the centre of the middle blue tiberium area is a raised platform with four turrets and an EMP. Each player starts with 1.5 tiberium fields, so it is important to move as a team towards the blue in a similar fashion to Bordertown Beatdown. The map is best played with eight players working together rapidly towards the blue fields, enjoy!
  4. Version 1.0


    I came up with the idea of this map from predatores "Move that base " map, because the idea of the map and the gameplay factor of having to move your base to aquire more resources or any other reasons. This map is an eight player map good for playing pretty much any kind of fight and awesome for free 4 all matches. This map is made for online gaming, the ai is enabled and works, but for the factor of having to move your base alot, the computer does not comprehend the gameplay factor.This map is smaller than most maps and all players begin the match in the very center.There is blue tiberium chasms in each of the four corners of the map, and alot of tiberium spikes all around the outside of this map to aquire. The point of this map is to build as fast as you can and destroy your opponents fast, because the battle is at a very high climax from beginning to end. Have fun i hope you enjoy this map as much as i do, because i play online alot. Tip: Engineers rock this map if you know some good tactics!!!
  5. Version 1.0


    1. Start locations are broken up into sections of 2. Suitable for playing free for all OR 2v2v2v2 2. There are 4 spikes. 3. Each start location has one green field. You can put 2 harvesters on it but it will run out, Scrin players should not have a problem with an Accelerator.
  6. Version 1.0


    8 player map.
  7. Version 1.0


    There is no tiberium at the start locations, instead you'll have 2 tiberium spikes and 2 silos. Then you have to fight over the blue tiberium fields and additional spikes. The map rewards players that advance, but is also highly defendable. Bunkers and building are stronger than normal and therefore are worth garrisoning.
  8. Version 1.0


    This is a 8 Player Red Zone map on the Scrins home planet, includes 6 spikes, 2 hovels, 2 emp centers and 3 silos. This map is set on the Scins home planet, lots of detail in this map. This is my 6th map, 3nd in the Planet Scrin Series. "working mini map" I have tested this map thoroughly and i believe i have worked out all the bugs, also the AI works wonderfully. The center of the features a damaged but active alien base so beware.
  9. Version 1.0


    Large map based on the Red Planet we all know as Mars.
  10. Version 1.0


    This is Redzone Rampage Ultimate. This is a 8 Player Unlimited Blue Map! In the middle of the Map, I placed another Surprise! AI is enabled.
  11. Version 1.0


    This is a large 8 player circular map with 4 players on the outside of the ring and 4 players defending the middle of the ring. Each player has 2 tiberium spikes and alot of blue tiberium. There are also many defensive towers to capture on the outside of the ring and on the inside. This map is pretty much even for all players but i think scrin rules this map over gdi and nod. This map is very fun online with all 8 players and AI is enabled. Last but not least , everyone has unlimited power.
  12. Version 1.0


    This is a great map for just about everything, 1vs 1, 2vs 2, 3vs 3, 4 vs 4 and great for free for all matches as well. NO AI ENABLED ONLY ONLINE MAP( IT WILL CRASH IF YOU TRY OTHERWISE) (if anyone can help me with the scripting prob. that makes it crash so we can maybe play it with ai, please let me know thnx. Anyways this is pretty much a nice close combat arena, with a survival cash script that gives u money every so often , you wont have to collect any tiberium, also an unlimited power script, so you will only have to build one power plant. This survival map is also combined with a map i love called Collusium by MUNGOVIN, pretty much the same layout, but with a survival script for cash. I threw in a couple bonus crates as well just to spice it up a bit. Everyone gets five tiberium spikes(industuctable), on a script giving each player 25$ every few seconds THIS MAP GDI OWNES. LOL
  13. Version 4.0


    This map is a mix between two different maps that i like a whole lot, survival island and winter horror, so the setting of the map is in the winter. I spent a bit more time and effort on this one for that the fact that it will only play online because of the scripting, and will crash if you try to play it with ai. Believe me i wish i could fix it so i could also play against the computer too, so sorry about that factor, and also that everyone has to move their base because all players start out in the middle too close for comfort LOL. But other than the ai problem this map is so very fun online with friends. This is a 8 player map, but not too big so there is no lagg even with 8 players. Each player has 4 tiberium spikes, and green tiberuim, and has 1 EMP in the middle. Also the scripts give each player money every few minutes just like my other survival islandz map. I gave this map alot of detail and textures as well, ENJOY.
  14. Version 1.0


    This map represents the earth, our little blue planet, and you will spread war all over it! OK, it took me some weeks to make and i hope you 'll have some fun playing it. **FIXED**
  15. Version 1.0


    This map is a remake of one map frome one game , if you know the game then you should recognize the map. This unsymmetrical map can have 8 max players and set in unknown region where terrain is still remains hardly touched by Tiberium . Yet this map is still can be played in team based or free for all conditions . Well basically its a flat terrain with lots of rivers , i was trying to add as much details as possible yet at some points keep the originality of this map. This map also includes slight camera changes , the height of camera was increased from 300 to 600
  16. Version 1.0


    I actually made this map for my clan in tiberium warz, my friends wanted a map that was unlimited tiberium for really very big battles, and they wanted it kinda plain with not as much detail but something that would play very well and a map that was very even for every player. Well, anywayz, i played around and i came up with this map, it is an 8 player map , all tiberium is unlimited, lots of flat surfaces to build a crazy unlimited army, everything is very even for all players. there are 5 tib spikes for each player to capture, 4 emps in center of the map and a few towers to garrison. WARNING*** this map plays pretty decent but if u do not have a decent graphicz card it will lagg with the very huge battles. HAVE FUN AND VERY HUGE DESTRUCTION BATTLES!!!
  17. Version 1.0


    There is no tiberium at the start locations, instead you'll have 1 or 2 tiberium spikes depending on your start location (players get rewarded if they start on the inside and receive an extra spike) and then have to fight over four green tiberium fields. There is also a blue tiberium field in the middle along with two more tiberium spikes and a couple of silos that will pay out $5000.
  18. Version 1.0


    8 player map.
  19. Version 5.0


    This is a 3 Human Players versus 5 CPU Players map. There is a Research Lab controlled by Player 1 (Bottom left start position) which must be protected at all cost. The CPU players will not specifically target this building though, but once they spot it, and they will, they will attempt to destroy it. You will lose the game when it is destroyed. There are several Tiberium Spikes on this map and a capturable Ion Cannon Center and a Temple of Nod. Note though that you nor the cpu will be able to BUILD superweapons. Furthermore there is a EMP center in the center of the map. Plenty of green and blue tiberium as well.
  20. Version 3.0


    Large canyon with unlimited power and blue gems. Cool map with lots of space for bigass wars.
  21. Version 1.1


    Large Co-op map for 3 Players versus 5 Computer Controlled opponents.
  22. Version 1.0


    Put a Brutal Scrin at the Top-Center position. Players should Team 1 on the other six start positions. Good luck, comrades.
  23. Version 1.05


    Put a Easy GDI on the spot at the right, have fun.
  24. Version 1.0


    Art of Defense - Forest assault V1.0 This Art of Defense is a 4 player map (3 players +1 AI) that has been created by Xionox. On this map you have to protect a building from being destroyed. You can repair this building once you captured it. The enemy you are fighting does not use special powers like nukes. This can only be made possbile with the SDK mod. It's a mod that hasn't been released while i was making this map. At the end of hard mode you will have to fight a boss called "Mother of all Mammy's". This boss wave is a Mammoth tank that has 100 times more health then a normal mammoth tank and on top of that he is heroic.
  25. Version 1.0


    AoD Map. Versus ai, put GDI topright on easy.
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