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Everything posted by falcod

  1. That is exactly what I tried first... and it broke lol. I guess the auto install only works for certain environments, anyone using a cpu with different settings gets screwed. so then I had to run all over doing all the crazy suggestions from various forums... finally got it working somehow but still have no idea how :S
  2. Just from my experience the counts seem lower. That said it could of course just be me having the bad luck of joining at bad timezones or bad parts of the rotation, so if you're using some server tool to see that the numbers are actually up overall then there's no problem.
  3. close but not quite. I'm not a kdwhore, if i die i can just buy another veh lol, its not like I'm short on credits once I start whoring. Not to mention I'm so far back on most maps that if you can reach me with an engie u might as well be trying to kill the building behind me lol. a stronger ulterior motive is that maps almost always end in base kills, making my pointwhoring to win by score meaningless since the time limit is never reached! but well, the real issue is ultimately still the player count.. empty servers suck, and the quick games from stealth events tend to make the counts drop in my experience.
  4. Please anything other than stealth lol, player counts are dropping cause of bad gameplay. The concept is fun at first but as it goes on it just gets annoying, too much sneaking around not much fighting, cause anyone who starts fighting gets shot by all the other people in hiding. at this point even NO points weekend (so the only credits are from your ref/silo) would be more attractive.
  5. yea this event happens too often, it no longer has the event feeling . Do IKMaps+MPFStockMaps event.. that'd bring the players .
  6. Nubby question: Once the game is released, can we download it directly from this site or do we have to go through steam or something else?
  7. that's how every person holding a rocket launcher should feel
  8. is there no low quality graphics version? tbh this is one of my concerns.. a lot of fps seem designed for playstyles that involve long periods of camping around corners and waiting for opportunities.. this gives CPUs time to cool down since nothing much really happens while you're staying still. but my playstyle is the direct opposite.. constantly running around at high speed and dying and exploding .. so my cpu overheats stupidly fast.
  9. Isn't that enough? A red skin sticks out far more than a white one most of the time, since many maps have plenty of white backgrounds (especially snowy maps, or day maps with white skies) which make the white skin sbh harder to see. On the other hand red backgrounds are pretty rare, you need to have like power down inside a building or a nuke to turn the sky red. Thus red skin makes it easier to catch those stealth guys. Granted if you made it purple it would be even better... since theres pretty much no such thing as a purple background in renegade. well its pretty much the same as clear scope.. there's obviously an advantage to using it, but if its allowed then we just live with it lol.
  10. Its funny that you mention that, cause this server actually has a ~2.5x score setting on permanently, not just for a weekend.. normal arty hits do like 20 score on jelly, 50 here . And that's just the normal buildings... some of the buildings are so messed up that I've seen them give 100x score at times. It makes pointwhoring so.. so wonderful . (that said, the guys getting the most "bonus" score %-wise isn't really the pointwhores, but the snipers.. since pointsfix is off.. 12 points for shooting a stank even though u do 5 damage . So don't start accusing me of points bug abuse here lol.)
  11. allowed advantage skin is still an advantage skin... just an allowed one lol.
  12. No teches? we'd have severe repair problems, but sounds ok On that note.... how about a super repair weekend? Boost the repair/disarm speed by like 5 times. (If necessary, create a new repair gun weapon with higher heal amount and make every character spawn with it.) That way even if there's a bunch of arties pointwhoring away on a building, you only need 1 hotwire to repair the building... also get to do fun stuff like quickly disarming lots of proxies to sneak into bases.. hehe.
  13. wouldn't work as long as lag killers are around i'm afraid how about firing speed instead of moving speed? is it possible to make everything fire twice as fast? or bad aim weekend where every weapon gets huge aiming variance, so all that matters is strategy not "skill" *cough hardware*. or bot army weekend where the use of !support is allowed every 30 seconds and turrets limit raised to 10
  14. hm? I did get MVP MDK... on dockside (the only speed game i was there for the full time). it just took me 60 deaths to do it >_> . I agree that speed is fun but the lag killers ruin it >_>
  15. Just tried it out.. i was sorely disappointed . I was expecting awesome basic infantry wars, since shotgunners and engineers could quickly run up to stuff and kill them, and those long range snipers wouldn't be as damn overpowered if short range troops could run up to them 5 times faster right? I was partially right... engies do pwn tanks, and you CAN fight snipers with shotgunners.. the normal snipers who aren't lagging/cheating anyway >_>. Unfortunately, the super speed seems to give some snipers some really bad lag.. turning them into monster lag killing machines. I mean we're walking at 5 times the normal speed and dodging jumping crouching changing directions like mad monkeys etc yet these guys still never miss.. how is that even possible unless they are lagging and just see people walking in straight lines?! Thanks to that the games more or less became sniper server games, where the one guy with the stupidest lag amount just trashes the hell out of everyone else . On a side note: there's also a serious balance issue with obby being useless while agt continues to work just fine. So overall I'm glad it changed to stealth weekend.
  16. I hate it when people say they are just "playing for fun" and "winning doesn't matter". The idea alone is fine if your idea of fun isn't exactly winning the game. If its something like sniping or kdwhoring or pointwhoring, that is perfectly fine, at least you're still helping the team win in your own way, although maybe not by much. The problem is the people who say stuff like that often use it to justify their blatant acts of team hampering.

    1. falcod


      Whenever they find the game they are in unfun, they selfishly proceed to try and lose as quickly as possible, so they can get to a game they DO find fun, screwing over all their teammates who are trying to have fun in the current map. Then they spout those lines as if that justifies their actions. If you don't like a game and at least try to end it by destroying enemy buildings to win quicker, or GTFO.

  17. One day I shall change my nickname to "MvPFalco", and it shall look like I'm in the MPF clan since MPF is in it.. hehe XD

  18. Looks good! Currently browsing through their forums for more details lol. I will miss playing kaskin maps though, since the maps can't actually be transferred without being completely remade right? EDIT: So according to the FAQ on their forums, they are making quite a few gameplay balance changes, including: - All mrls get rotatable turrets (which is meh-ish since the non rotatable one is usually more useful for shooting around obstacles), - but they get some kind of lock on system that makes their missiles home in, (presumably better than the current renegade's homing since they can supposedly hit aircraft ) - Sniper mechanics changing (woohoo!) - Arties get a slight arc in their trajectory - Energy bar for sprinting/rolling/jumping! (O_O) - No more splash damage through walls (This one seems a bit GDI biased, what with hon having windows to shoot inside and all ) (Supposedly, this also helps to stop tunnel beaconing ) - Purchasable airstrikes (no not the old storm ones that hit buildings, but airstrikes that can be summoned anywhere to kill tank rushes and the like) - Vehicle collision damage (Drive into a wall at high speed and you take damage lol. Wonder what happens if you ram another tank at high speed...)
  19. Oops. I got tricked by the rotation lol. I went from islands to islands without seeing those maps, forgot you guys like having the same subset of maps listed multiple times in the same order lol.
  20. I noticed hidden valley, infinite isle, and hourglass are missing. Those maps are fun, can we add them in?
  21. I play way more, not whore way more. I whore way smarter maybe. And of course I'll use a more powerful unit if the map offers it. What braindead idiot wouldn't? Its not like its illegal, if anything the map makers are RECOMMENDING you get it since its a new unit they made. Recon outdamages mrls/arty, so ofc I'm getting it. Shelf whatever rubbishy pride stops you from using new good units and use them or you'll be beaten to pulp by the enemies who do lol. But ultimately I've seen you play and you do the same damn thing. You used teamwork my ass, definitely not any more than me. Unless of course your definition of teamwork is have lackeys with teches follow your arty around so you don't have to rep it yourself.. in which case yea you did >_>. And by tying up those people to repair you I'm fairly sure you're overall helping the team less than me who flies solo most of the time. I make it a point to tie up as many enemies as I can by myself, ideally forcing 2 people to repair (by shooting different buildings) and 2 people to try and kill me (and hopefully fail!), so my 1 person ties up 2-4 people. That helps the team way more than 1 arty with 1-2 teches, cause those teches are often wasted if no one attacks the arty. Just to clarify something here: teamplay/teamwork does not mean you MUST MOVE IN A GROUP. If anything, that's often detrimental since you'll have less people in other places. If you move in a group, at least be high damage things and hit the enemy base (like a stank rush), and even then moving separately can often be better (such as stank rushing from multiple directions at the same time). Otherwise all that happens is the enemy team avoids you and takes out your base. Teamplay/teamwork means you should be near constantly doing something that helps your team or harasses your enemies. That's it really. You don't actually have to rush together if everyone is already helping out. You'd win almost every game if your team followed this rule, because then you would have a very strong hold on field and tie up most of the enemy team with repairs. Even if the enemy team tried a team rush, with your team holding field it wouldn't work. And even if they manage to stop you from killing any buildings you'd still win by score. If you're waiting around a corner for an enemy that may never come.. thats not helping. If you're repairing a tank/building that gets hurt so rarely it can really survive by self repping, that's not helping. If you're sniping in tunnel.. that's not helping. If anything its hurting the team cause the enemy snipers who lose give up and go to help field.. the part of the map that actually counts (well it depends on the map, but in general the tunnels are useless). Same thing if you're killwhoring/camping a part of the map that isn't useful. If you're stealthing around or taking unnecessarily long and slow walks, that's also not helping. If you're harvesting creds when your team is already loaded with creds, that's not helping. If you're waiting IN base for other people to buy tanks for a rush, that's also not helping unless the other people are really fast about it. And frankly it'd still be better if you met up in field instead. All too often people just gather in base for a long time waiting for a team rush and then the enemy rushes and kills a building or at least steals control of field in the meantime. And whoring IS helping the team win. It ties up the enemy people forcing them to repair. It gives your team a score lead. It holds field and blocks rushes. It generates 2x as much cred for your team than the enemy. It even KILLS buildings if the enemies let their guard down. Its not like I'm such a massive pointwhore that I'll purposely let buildings live so I can whore them more you know? At the very least, it helps way way wayyyy more than most people who just get useless snipers/sbhs screwing around in tunnel or camping around corners. And about the guys harassing me, if you used your brain this would be obvious: Its clearly done when I'm not hitting buildings. Think about it.. why would I be repairing my tank unless I was fighting enemies? And how would it even be possible to screw up my aim if my target is a giant building? And clearly I have to be IN FRONT OF most of the harassers, otherwise I would see their names and report them. I.e. I must be on the frontlines fighting the enemies when they harass me. In fact, the harassment was done mostly when I'm fighting other tanks or defending the base. And the problem is, with the exception of a few idiots like Buttnutella who rams me from the front and pms me with taunts (I reported him so he stopped.. for now...).. most of them are doing it secretly by shooting me from the back where I can't see them unless I turn around and let my tank die. And they usually use meds and other common tanks so I can't tell who they are just by pressing j. They just want the enemy team to hold field so I can't pointwhore, even if they make the team lose to do it.
  22. Lol wow just stumbled upon this thread.. so much rage about me winning the prizes when I have never accepted one and never will lol. Is this month's prize THAT amazing? :S And manuel, before I came, you were the constant MVP, how are you any different? >_>. Lastly: What MDK said.. Its EXTREMELY simple to steal my mvp.. just teamplay and WIN. Its not like tank battles need aiming *cough lagging cough* skills you know.. if you grab tanks and take field I can't pointwhore, simple as that. All my little tricks and shenanigans will at best let me win 1 on 3 if I'm very lucky. Its not like I have a monstrous weapon that one hit kills everyone the instant before they appear so I can hold the fort by myself 1 on 30 like some lagkilling nubjet u know.... But instead all I see are people being stupid useless sbhs, or snipers in tunnels, and then they complain they aren't mvp. Well duh! you weren't doing shit! I mean sureee if you camp that little corner of tunnel all game you can 1-sidedly slaughter anyone that comes by ambushing him.. but how important is that corner really >_>? And that's just the legal method. I've been wondering why this month I've been harassed endlessly by people on my OWN team trying to screw with me.. People ramming into me endlessly with apcs, shooting my tank when I get out to rep, purposely standing in the path of my tank and even my repair gun, or repeatedly moving in and out from behind me to screw up my aiming.. its getting ridiculous.
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