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  1. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Kickmofo in Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!   
    Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!

    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download

    Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes!

    You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes.

    It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2.

    Check out the complete change list HERE.

    This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience!
    source > http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&p=126980#p126980
  2. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Manuel857 in Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!   
    Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!

    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download

    Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes!

    You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes.

    It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2.

    Check out the complete change list HERE.

    This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience!
    source > http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&p=126980#p126980
  3. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Pwn Call in Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!   
    Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!

    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download

    Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes!

    You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes.

    It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2.

    Check out the complete change list HERE.

    This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience!
    source > http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&p=126980#p126980
  4. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Comancheiv in Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!   
    Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!

    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download

    Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes!

    You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes.

    It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2.

    Check out the complete change list HERE.

    This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience!
    source > http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&p=126980#p126980
  5. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from alexrirak in Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!   
    Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!

    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download

    Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes!

    You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes.

    It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2.

    Check out the complete change list HERE.

    This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience!
    source > http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&p=126980#p126980
  6. Like
    kenz3001 reacted to zunnie in Thanks people :)   
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who plays on our server and also to the people donating to us.
    Yet another month our donation goal has been reached which is great and shows people really appreciate our server and websites.
    Makes us happy to see you like the server and things we do for it.
    I know some maps aren't the greatest and there are some occassional problems here and there but overall i think we are doing good
    Thanks for your support and please continue to join our server
  7. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from LordGalyen in .rar files   
    well you did tll me to call you a n00b
  8. Like
    kenz3001 reacted in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    Whine whine whine all i ever see
  9. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from zunnie in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    coz it uses a bloody web browser in the launcher ... stop bitching about .net ... you need .net and if it needs the now one then you need the new one not just for renx but almost everything else thats going to come out soon !
  10. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Kickmofo in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    most issuees are coz you dont have an uptodate directX installed >>>http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/confirmation.aspx?id=35
  11. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from White_Hand in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  12. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Cheryripe in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  13. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from ImperialKaskins in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  14. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from falcod in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  15. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Manuel857 in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  16. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from johnnyfix in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  17. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Comancheiv in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  18. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from alexrirak in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  19. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from TRFL in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  20. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Bazil in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!
    Download Renegade-X Multiplayer Beta 1
    Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!
    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.
    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download
    More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.
    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!
    System Requirements
    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
    2.0+ GHz processor
    2 GB system RAM
    SM3-compatible video card
    4 GB free hard drive space
    Recommended :
    Windows Vista 64 SP2
    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
    4 GB system RAM
    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
    Plenty of HDD space
    Setting-up Game Servers
    A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]
    Tips and tricks
    - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
    - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
    - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
    - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
    - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
    - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
    - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
    - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
    - 'F3': Chat
    - 'F4': Teamchat
    - 'U': Private Message
    - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
    - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
    - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.
    Story and Game Mode
    The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.
    The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard
    Future Content
    The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.
    -More multiplayer levels
    -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
    -Clanwars ladder
    -More items
    -New gamemode(s)
    -Glitch fixes
    -Custom map and mod support
    -More to be announced on a later date!
    These are some ingame shots of our game:

    Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.
     It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.
    Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.
    Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.
    Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.
    We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.
    Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!
  21. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from BlackDragonOfDarknes in Command & Conquer Mode: Basic Tutorial   
    The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X.

    On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com
  22. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from Bazil in Command & Conquer Mode: Basic Tutorial   
    The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X.

    On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com
  23. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from TRFL in Command & Conquer Mode: Basic Tutorial   
    The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X.

    On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com
  24. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from alexrirak in Command & Conquer Mode: Basic Tutorial   
    The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X.

    On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com
  25. Like
    kenz3001 got a reaction from falcod in Command & Conquer Mode: Basic Tutorial   
    The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X.

    On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com
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