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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Version 1.0


    Looks good, plays average. While it is always nice to have sensible asymmetrical maps, in this case, the fact that the map is not even has been emphasised. For example only 1 side (left) has easy access to the lone tech EMP structure. Also the placement of the tech expansion that each side gets is silly. The left team has their tech expansion near the bridge (potentially useful for defending the only ground access point), while the right side has their tech expansion near their starting tiberium field (presumably because they cannot get there first tiberium refinery very close the field without capturing the expansion point first). So basically the right side is at a large disadvantage. The other issue is that is possible for the green tiberium on the right side to grow in areas that the AI harvesters will not harvest (classic CnC3 bug), but that a player can manually target. This is a further problem for the player (or AI) that starts on the right. However I will definitely award an additional point because crates can be enabled on this map, too many map makers do not bother with this standard feature. Madin
  2. Version 1.0


    An interesting 4 vs 4 map (left vs right), that features a river bed full of tiberium! What makes this map interesting is that after the starting tiberium field is running out, the central river bed full of small tiberium fields is the only expansion point! You can build refineries a little closer to the central area, but there is limited space, which adds to the tactics of this map. There are only 4 tiberium spikes on this map, which is odd, especially has it is basically 2 for each team (uncontested, although there will probably be a contest between team mates!). The lone 'central' EMP tech structure is silly. While it is technically in the centre of the map, because of the way that the river bed snakes in and out (you can get an idea of this in the above image), the team on the left side of the map have to cross the tiberium river bed in order to get to the tech structure. Obviously this means that it massively favours the right sided team. The other issue is that there are areas in the river bed where tiberium can grow in places that the harvester AI will not automatically harvest, which of course leads to CnC3's famous harvester stall bug. So you will have to keep an eye out on your harvesters (obviously the central area is always a 'hot' zone, so you will probably be looking out for them regardless). This map gets an extra point because you can use crates (if enabled) on it! Madin
  3. [GAMEPLAY] – Smoke screen overlay fades faster now when exiting smokes quickly. – Adjusted boundaries of smoke screen overlay slightly. [TOURNAMENT SUPPORT] – Added server setting sv_reliableavatardata: when enabled player avatars are reliably exchanged between all players and casters on the game server, reliably delivered to GOTV spectators, and recorded in demo files. – Added the ability to specify team logos just like we specify team names or flags (via convars mp_teamlogo_1 and mp_teamlogo_2 using team’s shorthand image name). — Team logos now show in the spectator scoreboard, the win panel and the player scoreboard. – Added a new win panel string that shows the team name if they win the round. [MISC] – Added ff_damage_bullet_penetration convar to control how much penetration power and damage is scaled when hitting a friendly when FF is off. – Fixed pistol muzzle flash so it no longer stretches to the map origin at low framerates. – Fixed fog clearcolor calculation that caused free-cam spectators to see bright colors behind level geometry. – Speculative fix for spectating audio bug. – Added player flashbang visual indicators with a progress bar that shows over players heads when you are watching via GOTV. – Updated the first person flash effect when spectating someone via GOTV. – Fixed bug which stopped CS:GO from working on OSX Snow Leopard. – Added flavor text to the Bravo Collection weapons. – Added 5 new Music Kit Offers. – Added 12 new Sticker Offers. – Fixed gamepads being reset and deactivated on map load. – Added support for hot-plugging of gamepads rather than requiring that they be connected prior to game launch. [MAPS] -Cobblestone –Removed various boosts –Further optimizations –Tweaked layout of underpass room –Moved door from CT side to T side of underpass –Made cubby at entrance to Bombsite A smaller –Widened arch at end of long A –Set correct surface types on textures –Brightened haystacks at entrance to Long A –Updated collision on broken wall in bombsite A and B
  4. Version 1.0


    A giant sized map for some nice battles on snow grounds. There are 2 little lakes at the top and 1 larger lake in the middle for cool naval battles. This map should be played with 4 human players (at the bottom of the map) and 4 computer players which start on the other locations. Lots of resources available for all players. Have fun!
  5. Version 1.0


    A giant sized map for some nice battles on snow grounds. There are 2 little lakes at the top and 1 larger lake in the middle for cool naval battles. This map should be played with 2 human players (at the bottom of the map) and 5 computer players which start on the other locations. Lots of resources available for all players. Have fun!
  6. Version 1.0


    This map is large with a very long trading route resulting in resources or experience of 500+ every trip of the trading cart/train etc. The map is designed for 3 Human Players versus 5 Computer controlled civs. Player slot 1-3 must be human players and player slot 4-8 should be Computer players. There are a dozen trading posts around the map. For each player start position are two tradeposts, left for player 1, middle for player 2 and right for player 3 + additional trading posts along the route for any player to take including the computer. I've placed a dozen Docks for the computer factions to improve its usage of Naval units which is normally low in regular games. This makes sure they make use of naval. The human players are also given 1 Dock at the start of the game. The island the players are on is fairly easy to defend. Have fun!
  7. ren.mpforums.com - Visit our Website | www.multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now UltraAOW Marathon Prize Weekend To celebrate the opening of our Marathon server the player ranked first this weekend will receive a free legit copy of the game "Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed" on Steam. When? Starting on the morning of Friday the 13th of Feburary we will temporarily replace the rankings on UltraAOW.com Marathon with a clean one. During the weekend it will collect player statistics and on Monday the 16th of February at midnight Dutch time GMT+1 it ends. The Prize & Winner? On or around Tuesday the 17th of February we will announce who is the number one winner and this person will receive the copy of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed in their Steam account. Where can i lookup my stats? Here: http://ren.multiplayerforums.com/ranks/Marathon/(will be cleaned when the weekend event starts) Rules of Engagement? Most important rules: You cannot ever cheat on any of our serversYou cannot use advantage skins or modelsYou must be registered on our forums over hereYou must have a Steam Account to receive the PrizeAnything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or adminOther important rules you should know about to avoid being (q)kicked, banned or excluded from the contest: Please click here to review all server rules Other Requirements: TT 4.1 The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! The Map Rotation Field Canyon MtBog Area81 Woodland Complex City_Flying Pacific Dawn_Raid [MtPass] BlazingSands Glacier_Flying BunkersTS Alpine_Night River_Canyon Cold_River Hourglass Islands Land_Day Cold_Valley Creekdale_Fly Tib_Pit_3 Sand Industrial_Strength Mesa Under Bio River_RaidTS GreatWall Deth_River Battleground River_of_Hope Detroit Quick_Draw Orca_Heights Volcano Walls_Flying Tiberium_Temple Cold_Valley Ocean_View Forest_Falls Cold_Wall Snow Pacific Land_Night GreatUnder Airai Terrace Hidden_Valley Country_Side SeasideSunset Tib_Waste Lake_Garden Tobruk Esco_Island Wasteland Urban_Warfare Dust_Training HillBilly_Valley Cold_Waters Backstab FalcWhore Infinite_Isle Tomb Uphill BattleForMidway BasinTS Atoll Land_Day Winter_Field Vile_Facility Tib_Pit_3 Pacific MtBog The_Pathe BlazingSands Tiberium_Temple Deth_River Dawn_Raid MPF_Valley GlacierTS Siege Winter_Assault Nova Cold_River Sleepy_Hollow Land_Night RiverValley Forgotten_Town Industrial_Strength Dawn_Raid MetroTS GreatUnder Crevasse RiverValley Hidden_Valley Tropics River_of_Hope Winterfell Detroit ImperialKaskins's D2 Maps Visit website information In ImperialKaskins's D2 map series there is the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character. Please download and install the keys.cfg from here. Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience (m)any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up the Weekend. And good luck battling for the Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed copy
  8. Not sure.. Try set your options/keybinds in a lower resolution, save them. Then set your resolution to 4k
  9. IRC.CNCIRC.NET - CnCIRC We had a grande idea for a network of IRC servers related to various Command and Conquer communities. It will be possible for pretty much any community to link up with CnCIRC.net and bring all sorts of CNC fans together on one network. Cronus and Genesis have been working their butts off to configure this all for our enjoyment MPF IRC Servers There is not changing anything for MPF's servers apart from the network name which shall be *.cncirc.net instead of *.multiplayerforums.com You can continue to use the MPF addy irc.mpforums.com or irc.multiplayerforums.com however you should change your scripts to include the new network name of *.cncirc.net Other C&C Communities At present, we have the following communities connected to the network: MPF (Renegade community)CnCFPS (C&C news site)Nite-Serv (C&C Community)Tibitek (Renegade-X community)Tiberian Genesis / C&C Generations (CE3 game based in C&C universe)Kamuix (Renegade community built around MissionDM)Renegade-X / Infamous IRC (developers of Renegade-X)Avalon / THS (Minecraft community)Jelly is available through a channel "janus" link for #jelly and #jelly-marathon (others included, just do a /list *jelly*)BHP (A Path Beyond community)Connecting to the IRC network You can use the addy irc.multiplayerforums.com or irc.cncirc.net to connect to the network which will randomly pick a server. It should be noted that there is no more autojoin for #MPF on the network, so if you want to be in this channel (and others) you will have to add them into your perform or script to join them. Oper Privileges These are very scarce and only a couple of trustworthy people have global oper status assigned to help users with for example registration problems and any other issues they may have. If you or someone you know requires any help please tell them to join the channel #cncirc Have fun! Please have fun chatting on the CnCIRC network. We hope to see this grow and become the 'quakenet' for CnC If you have any questions or want to link a server then please talk to Genesis and Cronus as they are in charge of the CnCIRC network.
  10. Version 1.0


    This map is a 2 Human players versus 6 Computer players only. The players should start in slot 1 and 2, the CPU in slot 3 to 8. The CPU starts with a few naval units but doesn't do much with naval units here unfortunately. 3 small islands in the lake could provide your colony some extra cash, food and wood Have fun!
  11. zunnie

    England 2v6

    Version 1.0


    Fun map for 2 Human players versus 6 Computer controlled factions. The players start on the little islands at the bottom of the minimap. There is not much build-space so you have to expand to main land a.s.a.p. and conquer the computer players In the center is a trade route with 2 trade-posts close to the players, 1 for each. There are plenty of more on the main land. Have fun!
  12. zunnie

    England 3v5

    Version 1.0


    Fun map for 3 Human players versus 5 Computer controlled factions. The players start on the little islands at the bottom of the minimap. There is not much build-space so you have to expand to main land a.s.a.p. and conquer the computer players In the center is a trade route with 3 trade-posts close to the players, 1 for each. There are plenty of more on the main land. Have fun !
  13. zunnie

    Carolina 2v6

    Version 1.0


    Very hard map to win. TRFL and me were playing this today for 3.5 hours before we finally won lol. Numerous Trade Posts all over the map. The two Trade Posts near the human player 1 and 2 are reached via boat only. The AI starts with 6+ Docks to force them into naval warfare.
  14. The BHP Launcher was updated recently. You should download the new version and install it. After installation it will update your APB to the latest version and you will be able to play again. Download & Release Notes over here
  15. Version 1.0


    A nice fun map for 3 HUMAN players versus 5 COMPUTER players only. The Humans must start in position 1, 2 and 3, the Computers in spot 4 to 8. There is a looong trading route on this map with a dozen trade-posts. Three of them are under the island where human players 1, 2 and 3 are situated. The Human island has a seperate location near it with a lot of trees to cut for each player. This map is quite easy to defend. Also note that unlike most scenario's out there this one DOES support AI Naval units so beware of your Docks!
  16. Version 1.0


    A nice fun map for 2 HUMAN players versus 6 COMPUTER players only. The Humans must start in position 1 and 2, the Computers in spot 3 to 8. There is a looong trading route on this map with a dozen trade-posts. Two of them are under the island where human players 1 and 2 are situated. The Human island has a seperate location near it with a lot of trees to cut. This map is quite easy to defend. Also note that unlike most scenario's out there this one DOES support AI Naval units so beware of your Docks!
  17. zunnie

    zunnie 4v4

    Version 1.0


    4 human players versus 4 computer controlled opponents ONLY! Player position 1 to 4 must be human players ONLY Player position 5 to 8 must be computer players ONLY Lots of resources i think for a good deal of warring There are 10 trading posts available. Thanks for downloading/playing
  18. Version 1995


    The original installation discs for Command and Conquer Red Alert. Have fun!
  19. Version 1995


    The very first Command and Conquer developed by Westwood Studios decades ago. Very cool game. These are the original installation discs.
  20. Version 1.0


    This patch is for Windows XP and will allow you to play the game on that Operating System.
  21. BHP Warning Post Appearently there was a hostile take-over for the Launcher which runs APB and their forum database was stolen. They are requesting everyone to change their passwords to be safe. Hopefully this 'bhp split-up' has no side-effects to APB any further than this.
  22. Remove the S from games.exe so it reads "game.exe" (no quotes)
  23. Updated again today to include some of the major updates made to IK's maps and a few other things.
  24. We've moved the files for our TTFS (the files your game downloads when joining) to an alternative location. We dont expect any errors with this but there may be, if it happens that you cannot download a package or file through the ingame downloader please let us know. Thanks & Have fun.
  25. New Administrators and Staff For a while now these people have been helping out in the "shadows" for a long time now in lots of different areas for MPF. Be it through Teamspeak or IRC and what not for the past few years some of them or a bit more recent. Regardless of how long exactly they have been around, they all have earned their position we think. Who are they? - Genesis2001 is now an Administrator for his long endurance in supporting MPF in many areas including the forums, irc and server. - Kickmofo is now an Administrator to be able to fully run the Renegade division as the leader for this. - Mike is now an Administrator with several duties regarding the maintenance and support of the websites. - Unknown is now an Staff member for his work on brenbot coding and irc and the server. Thank you and have a great time over at MPF
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