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Posts posted by zunnie

  1. mpf_renhelp.png


    code_icon.png Some Scripts will be featured in the sub-forum, As to how they function and operate. There will also be some tutorials on how to implement them and other features!



    Note though that some scripts are only available on the NewMaps 4.0 server and are probably not be included in the latest 4.0 release.

    If you need to use any of our scripts from NewMaps 4.0 then you will have to contact us to get the scripts.dll

    Note that when you use any of our NewMaps 4.0 specific scripts that your map will not work correctly on other servers.

    We encourage everyone to create new maps even with or without using our scripts, if you are 'good enough' of a mapper we might give you access to our UltraAOW Developer group which has a lot of custom stuff available. Simply contact us :)

    If you have script requests you can post them in this forum: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/forum/183-scripts-requests/

    Join us on irc.multiplayerforums.com in channel #MPF-RenHelp

  2. Please review the video tutorial here on how to post


    When submitting a new tutorial please follow this simple guide to keep tutorials concise and provide the best learning experience. When you post a new topic, it will need to be approved by a moderator. 

    Some things to think about

    • Only post releases of Renegade related tutorials in the their correct catagory
    • Add a category tag before the title, to do this add a tag with one of the common tags and click on ' use first tag as prefix ' then  create a [ ] containing the main format and provide the author name. Example: WWSkin animation - Author: Mauler
    • Attach your screens and/or files to the forum post, unless your release is too big to be attached. This is very important as it's the only way to make sure that in a couple of months/years, your download still exists. If you do not follow this, your tutorial will face unapproval and will be deleted/removed until you have done so..
    • If possible, please keep tutorial videos under 15 minutes
    • Please only reply to tutorials specifically if their is an error or mistake, that way the original author can correct any errors, and other comments, replies can be asked,talked about in our 'General Discussion' forum.
    • No external links to anything, if found, your tutorial will be removed (archived tutorials may contain external links- being fixed)
    • No illegal material, warez, cracks, etc
    Most commonly used topic prefixes











    MISC - used in Miscellenous subforum and for tutorials that cover multiple programs


    All posts to subforums are currently moderated, so please be patient, and follow the guideline and your topic will be posted ASAP


    Failure to comply to these guidelines, your tutorial risks removal..


    Please be patient, topics will not be approved right away, but will be approved asap, thanks!


    Other than that please let us know how we are doing, and please give us feedback to help improve Renhelp.

  3. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website

    UltraAOW Stealth Weekend

    In the Stealth Weekend every unit you buy will be stealthed, your spawn soldier, your engineer, even your Havoc :P

    All vehicles and turrets also will start with Stealth Enabled! This will be interesting days again just like last time i think lol :D

    All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website.


    The Weekend of Friday the 11th of July till Monday morning the 14th of July.

    TT 4.1 Update is Required

    The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server.

    You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it.

    It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff!

    Active Server Plugins

    Of course the server will run our own mpf_newmaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups.

    The server has been upgraded to run Dragonade which adds a dozen new features such as !drop to drop a weapon, headshot notifications and much more. Thanks Whitedragon!

    For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog)


    Industrial_Strength Madness Mars DOM_Tutorial Traverse BasinTS Battleground GlacierTS

    Hangmans_Canyon HillBilly_Valley Backstab Cold_Wall Bridge_Control DOM_Hand_of_Nod BunkersTS Bio

    Uphill River_RaidTS Arid Cold_River Infinite_Isle GreatUnder [River_Canyon] Lake_Garden

    RiverValley River_of_Hope SeasideCanyon Siege Crumble Medical_Center Area81 Urban_Warfare

    Atoll Orca_Height Cracked Vile_Facility Creekdale_Fly Tib_Pit_3 Deth_River Domes

    Dust_Training Esco_Island Nova Hidden_Valley Terrace MPF_Valley Oasis_Flying MPF_Walls_Flying

    Ocean_View The_Pathe Ridge Winter_Field Crevasse TheCanyon CloseCombat Industrial_Strength

    GreatUnder Tropics Uphill Deth_River Urban_Rush Winterfell Cold_Valley Ferk_Night

    Forest_Falls Cold_Wall Airai Airz Hourglass_Flying Forgotten_Town MPF_Islands Whoreglass

    SeasideSunset Country_Side Cold_Waters Woodland MPF_Mesa Silent_Dawn ULake Urban_Warfare

    Nebraska Sleepy_Hollow Tib_Field Orca_Height Wasteland Tib_Waste Tobruk Tomb

    Hidden_Valley Infinite_Isle River_Canyon Terrace Lunar_Landing

    Game Prize

    This month's Game Prize is Age of Empires II HD Edition on Steam.

    The person who has the most vehicle repair poitns on our server at the end of July 2014 will receive this game into their Steam Account as a gift.

    201407_the_prize_age2hd.png ( Read More )

    Mappack is Available

    You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already.

    Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection.

    All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join.


    Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this upcoming Friday.

    Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts.

    Teaser Video by Bazil, Kenz3001 and Mauler

    //Greetz the MPF UltraAOW Team

  4. The serverbox is still not operating the way we want it to. The performance is lower on this "better" hardware than on the old serverbox we used to have.

    They are taking another look at the hardware and replacing things where needed to try solve the issues.

    Serverbox will be down for up to 2 hours or so.

    We *might* have to do an OS Reload later on today which means reinstalling everything from scratch. That will increase the downtime up to a day.

  5. The serverpc will go down for about 3-5 hours tops today.

    This to perform some diagnostics on the hardware as we are experiencing random server reboots and lower performance than we expected for the hardware we have in there.

    If something appears to be wrong we might have to switch our stuff over to a new serverpc which means we have to reinstall everything... and this obviously extends the downtime up to a day further.

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