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    180.00 USD 

Posts posted by zunnie

  1. logo.png

    Moving our stuff

    Hello ppl, we are about to move our stuff from our ServerPC at Limestone to a new datacenter controlled by a company called OVH located in Beauharnois, QC, Canada.

    We are getting a lot better hardware and a very fast connection to go along with it.

    It will cost us around $180 USD a month.

    When and how long?

    Our current ServerPC will be cancelled effectively on the 9th of Decemeber 2014. So we must have moved our stuff over to the new ServerPC at OVH before this date.

    That said, we are going to order our new ServerPC between the 25th and 30th of this month November 2014.

    The gameservers won't be offline very long this way, since they can continue to run while we work on setting them up on the new ServerPC. If everything goes well downtime for the gameservers alone should be less than 30 minutes.

    What about the Websites

    The websites are a little different story. We are moving these as well and will host them 100% ourselves again on CentOS 6 x64 operating system with an Official cPanel license.

    Downtime for the forums will be slightly longer because we have to move and configure more for this type of thing than the gameservers and the forums cannot stay online while we work on moving them.

    Subdomain Re-organization

    Most if not all of our websites we have such as ultraaow.com, ren-x.com, mpf-games.com, tiberiumcrystalwar.com and a few others will run off a subdomain instead, this is cheaper and keeps everything centralized on our primary domain: multiplayerforums.com

    There will be subs for all of them: ren.multiplayerforums.com, renegade-x.multiplayerforums.com, tcw.multiplayerforums.com, etc.

    Donations are really welcome


    If you ever only thought of donating to us: This month is the time to do so :)

    We are preparing some big changes and some require us to purchase hardware or licenses for the forums and all.

    If we all stick in a few bucks we all happy :D

    Note that donators have some minor advantages in our servers and website: Read More here

    To donate Click Here -- Thanks <3

  2. Character and Vehicle Limitations

    I've finished coding the extended Character and Vehicle limitations for the server.

    What this allows is preventing people from buying certain characters and/or vehicles when a certain number of those units already exist.

    The limitations for coop maps in general are:
























    Medics and Veterancy

    Medics now receive +23 veteran points when they fully healed a nearby unit.

    Mobile Gap Generator plans for Coop maps

    I'm planning to code the Mobile Gap Generator in such a way that when players are inside the Gap Bubble they cannot be seen by enemy AI units.

    The AI will still attack the Mobile Gap Generator itself though. Expect this feature on the server very soon!

  3. Test Version

    The map Dark Dawn is now on the server. It nearly the exact same terrain i made for the very first time back in 2006 or something for APB Beta.

    The start-area is a little wider and has an open sea near it. Different textures and base walls and the map has some nicer looking lighting.


    The Mission Objective

    The primary objective is to obtain the A-bomb Intelligence Laptop from the engineer inside the A-bomb Silo.

    Once acquired it must be taken to the start area where a Naval Transport is waiting, goto open sea with it and you will win the mission.

    The Construction Yard -as long as its alive- will re-create the Flametowers every 630 seconds. So you better move when one is destroyed and do what you gotto do :P

    When the Barracks is destroyed all advanced infantry will stop spawning. Naturally the Tesla Coil defending the Radar Dome and A-bomb Silo can be powered down by destroying the Advanced Power Plant.

    Character Limitations in this mission








    Difficulty Level Settings




    With Level 1 difficulty up to 4 players the bots have normal health and drop powerups frequently.

    With Level 2 difficulty up to 8 players the bots have enhanced health and drop some powerups.

    With Level 3 difficulty up to 11 players the bots have high health and drop few powerups.

    Level 2 bots have 33% more health and armor than Level 1 bots.

    Level 3 bots have 66% more health and armor than Level 1 bots.

    Screenshots from Editor


  4. Test Version
    I've put the map Bomb Interception Test on the main server now.
    It needs some extensive testing with actual players.


    The Mission Objective
    The primary objective is to drive the Demo truck available in the Soviet base to the end of the map.
    You can try to drive it there 3 times, if all 3 times it gets destroyed you will lose the game.
    Only a Mechanic can unlock the Demo truck, after it has been unlocked once, anyone can drive it.
    Good luck!

    Character Limitations in this mission

    Difficulty Level Settings

    With Level 1 difficulty up to 3 players the bots have normal health and drop powerups frequently.
    With Level 2 difficulty up to 6 players the bots have enhanced health and drop some powerups.
    With Level 3 difficulty up to 9 players the bots have high health and drop few powerups.

    Level 2 bots have 33% more health and armor than Level 1 bots.
    Level 3 bots have 66% more health and armor than Level 1 bots.

  5. imperial-age-logo.png

    Visit our Renegade Website || ImperialKaskins's Information Pages

    Imperial Age Wednesday

    On the Imperial Age Wednesday the rotation consists of only ImperialKaskins maps which were recently updated to version D1. (Unit Information for Imperial's D1)

    Special functions in D1 are the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character. Please download and run our keys.cfg installer from here.

    This will make some interesting games once again. Be there!

    All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website.


    The Wednesday this week the 12th of November 2014.

    TT 4.1 Update is Required

    The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server.

    You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it.

    It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff!

    Active Server Plugins

    Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups.

    Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list.

    You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams.

    For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our UltraAOW Website and the Imperial Age Website.

    Mappack is Available

    You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already.

    Then you will not experience any (much of) the ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection.

    All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join :)


    Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Wednesday.

    Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can fill the server to 77 players :D

  6. Thank you all for visiting our websites, playing on our server and donating to us to keep this online and active :)

    Stats for http://multiplayerforums.com


    Stats for http://www.ultraaow.com


    Stats for http://www.ren-x.com


    Stats for http://www.mpf-imperial-age.com


    Stats for http://www.mpf-games.com


    Stats for http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com


    Stats for http://www.csgods.com


    Stats for http://www.unreal4ever.com


  7. MPF's Red Alert: A Path Beyond Server Website Online

    Click to visit: http://apb.multiplayerforums.com/

    The website is nearly finished but good to go for now.

    Check out the Info pages :) And of course our Team page :D

    The Stats page although it exists is not fully functional yet, we are working on it.

    It currently pulls some fake data and the images are from our renegade server which need to be replaced with RA:APB content.

    Thanks and have fun! :)

  8. MPF's Red Alert: A Path Beyond Server Website Online
    Click to visit: http://apb.mpforums.com/

    The website is nearly finished but good to go for now.
    Check out the Info pages :) And of course our Team page :D

    The Stats page although it exists is not fully functional yet, we are working on it.
    It currently pulls some fake data and the images are from our renegade server which need to be replaced with RA:APB content.

    Thanks and have fun! :)

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