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    180.00 USD 

Posts posted by zunnie

  1. We've moved the files for our TTFS (the files your game downloads when joining) to an alternative location.

    We dont expect any errors with this but there may be, if it happens that you cannot download a package or file through the ingame downloader please let us know.

    Thanks & Have fun.

  2. Sometimes when you create maps there can be 'duplicate ids' for objects in your level, don't ask HOW that happens, i don't know but fact is that with 4.1 and on it will crash clients when the map is loaded on a server. There will be a error box saying there is a collission id detected if that is the case.

    It is VERY important that you run "object -> check IDs" in leveledit and if any ID collisions are found, run "object -> fix ID collisions".

    Note that if you make use of special scripts and objects, those objects may receive new ID's after fixing, you will need to check your scripts and adjust their parameters if that is the case or they may stop functioning correctly.

  3. RenList Temporarily Down

    Appearently renlist appears to be down the past 12 hours or so...

    There are alternatives to join the server like RenIP: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/640-renip/




    Enter the path to where your game.exe is located, your username, servername, ip and port and click "Connect" at the bottom right.

    Imperial Age Client


    This client we assembled over the last few months for the server will join it without problems.

    You do NOT need this if you have Renegade, however you may want to try it out anyway :)

    It can run aside Renegade just fine and will not conflict with it.


    Good luck & Have fun

  4. MPF_Grand_Prize_Contest.png

    ren.mpforums.com - Visit our Website | multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now!

    MPForums Imperial Age & Prize Month!

    In the MPForums Imperial Age Month everyone who is a registered member of our forums at http://multiplayerforums.com is eligable to receive a Game Prize for playing on our server.

    The server will run strictly maps from ImperialKaskins designed for NewMaps's Imperial Age for one whole month.


    We have 3 ORIGINAL COPIES of the Ultimate Collection of Command and Conquer for the Origin platform.

    The players ranked 1st, 10th and 25th will be awarded their original copy for Origin on the 1st of January 2015.

    We have 5 ORIGINAL COPIES of the Killing Floor game for the Steam platform.

    The first five players who have the highest killcount and more than 800 kills are eligable of receiving this game in their Steam account on the 1st of January 2015.

    Rules of Engagement?

    • You cannot ever cheat on any of our servers
    • You cannot use advantage skins or models
    • You must be a registered member on our forums over here
    • You must have a Steam Account and/or Origin Account to receive the Prize
    • You at all times follow our server rules and guidelines.
    • Anything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or admin

    Starting on the morning of Monday the 1st of December we will replace the rankings on MPForums.com NewMaps 4.1 with a brand new clean one for the duration of 1 month until the 31st of December 2014.

    During this month it will collect player statistics like points, kills, repairs, etc, and on Thursday the 1st of January 2015 (at midnight Dutch time GMT+1) it ends.

    The Winners?

    On or around Thursday the 1st of January 2015 we will announce who are the winners:

    • The player ranked 1st wins an original copy of the Ultimate Collection on the Origin platform.
    • The player ranked 10th wins an original copy of the Ultimate Collection on the Origin platform.
    • The player ranked 25th wins an original copy of the Ultimate Collection on the Origin platform.
    • The 1st player with the most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform.
    • The 2nd player with the 2nd most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform.
    • The 3rd player with the 3rd most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform.
    • The 4th player with the 4th most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform.
    • The 5th player with the 5th most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform.
    Where can I lookup my stats?

    Here: http://ren.multiplayerforums.com/ranks/NewMaps/

    It will be cleaned when the Imperial Age month event starts on the 1st of December 2014.

    Play Requirements: TT 4.1

    The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server.

    You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it.

    It adds lots of extras: anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader; awesome stuff!

    The Map Rotation

    Winter_Assault, MtPass, BlazingSands, Cold_River, ULake, Industrial_Strength,

    GreatUnder, River_of_Hope, Orca_Heights, Urban_Warfare, Cold_Wall, GreatWall,

    Hidden_Valley, Lake_Garden, Cold_Waters, Infinite_Isle, Vile_Facility,

    Urban_Conflict, Ridge_Warfare, Cold_River, Hidden_Valley, Cold_Wall

    ImperialKaskins's D1 Maps

    In ImperialKaskins's D1 map series there is the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character.

    Please download and run the follow installation file which installs the keys.cfg for you: Here.

    Active Server Plugins

    Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups.

    Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list.

    You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams.

    For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website.

    Mappack is Available

    You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have most of the map files already.

    Then you will not experience (m)any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection.

    All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join.


    Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up a few times this month.

    And good luck battling for the free original copies of the Ultimate Collection and Killing Floor.

  5. Welcome back Commanders!


    The websites for Renegade, Imperial Age, CSGO, Unreal Tournament 4, TCW, APB, and Renegade-X have all been moved successfully to a subdomain under .multiplayerforums.com

    We registered a short domain to easy access the sites, to view their pages visit one of the following links:

    http://ren.mpforums.com -> UltraAOW Website for NewMaps and Snipers

    http://imperial.mpforums.com -> Imperial Age Website for ImperialKaskins's Modifications

    http://csgo.mpforums.com -> CounterStrike Global Offensive section website

    http://unreal.mpforums.com -> Unreal Tournament 4 servers and info's

    http://tcw.mpforums.com -> Tiberium Crystal War website and info's

    http://apb.mpforums.com -> Red Alert A Path Beyond Server Informations

    http://renx.mpforums.com -> The Renegade-X website division

    http://www.renhelp.net -> The RenHelp forums for help with Renegade

    Notice Errors?

    We've worked all day and night the last few days to get this sorted. However we may have missed something: If you spot any errors please let us know :)


    This change is probably for the best, it keeps everything nice and clean under one primary domain and is also somewhat cheaper for us.

    Special Thanks

    Special thanks goes to Cronus and Genesis who have done the backend of configuring the software and operating system.


    Remember people we need donations to stay online ;)

    This change may be a little cheaper in the long run but we still do need donations to survive.

    We have a very good serverpc with OVH in Canada now and are planning to hold on to it for a long time to come.

    Our expenses are still roughly $200 USD a month for this. Probably a little over. So if there is anything you can miss please do not hesitate and donate :)

    Thanks! :D

    Greetz zunnie

  6. logo.png

    Moving our stuff

    Hello ppl, we are about to move our stuff from our ServerPC at Limestone to a new datacenter controlled by a company called OVH located in Beauharnois, QC, Canada.

    We are getting a lot better hardware and a very fast connection to go along with it.

    It will cost us around $150 USD a month.

    When and how long?

    Our current ServerPC will be cancelled effectively on the 9th of Decemeber 2014. So we must have moved our stuff over to the new ServerPC at OVH before this date.

    That said, we are going to order our new ServerPC between the 25th and 30th of this month November 2014.

    The gameservers won't be offline very long this way, since they can continue to run while we work on setting them up on the new ServerPC. If everything goes well downtime for the gameservers alone should be less than 30 minutes.

    What about the Websites

    The websites are a little different story. We are moving these as well and will host them 100% ourselves again on CentOS 6 x64 operating system with an Official cPanel license.

    Downtime for the forums will be slightly longer because we have to move and configure more for this type of thing than the gameservers and the forums cannot stay online while we work on moving them.

    Subdomain Re-organization

    Most if not all of our websites we have such as ultraaow.com, ren-x.com, mpf-games.com, tiberiumcrystalwar.com and a few others will run off a subdomain instead, this is cheaper and keeps everything centralized on our primary domain: multiplayerforums.com

    There will be subs for all of them: ren.multiplayerforums.com, renegade-x.multiplayerforums.com, tcw.multiplayerforums.com, etc.

    Donations are really welcome


    If you ever only thought of donating to us: This month is the time to do so :)

    We are preparing some big changes and some require us to purchase hardware or licenses for the forums and all.

    If we all stick in a few bucks we all happy :D

    Note that donators have some minor advantages in our servers and website: Read More here

    To donate Click Here -- Thanks <3

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