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Posts posted by zunnie

  1. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Weekend

    Starting on the morning of Friday the 20th of March 2015,

    Ending on the late evening of Monday the 23rd of March 2015!

    Be there :)


    Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Red Alert: A Path Beyond which will be the first one this year with more to come maybe in the future.

    We will be playing on the MPF AOW/Coop Server with all -or most of- our moderators, players and server developers.


    The server records all sorts of things such as kills, games played, vehicles destroyed, buildings destroyed, infantry killed and also which weapon was used to kill with.

    Check your stats here: http://apb.multiplayerforums.com/stats.php

    Win C&C 3 Tiberium Wars


    I bought a legit copy of C&C 3 Tiberium Wars on Steam for the person ranked first!

    The rankings will be reset on Friday the 20th of March. The person ranked first at the end of the event on Monday the 23rd of March will receive the game as a gift into their Steam account from me.

    After the event the stats will be archived and the regular monthly stats will resume :)


    If you are a newcomer to RA:APB or never heared of it:

    Red Alert A Path Beyond is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need the game Renegade to play it but you can run it along-aside Renegade just fine in case you do have it.

    It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other custom assets from the game C&C Red Alert.

    There are lots of (custom)maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch and Co-Op.

    Where to Download?

    You can download the Red Alert: A Path Beyond client from their website at www.bluehellproductions.com

    Thanks & Have fun

    Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a long time so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun.


    Greetz the MPF APB Server Moderator and Development Team

  2. We've put up a new download for our Mappack and Keys Configuration file.

    The mappack v.26 is now once again fully updated to our server content.

    The keys config contains a new entry for Chinook Vehicle Transport abilities which will be used on Imperial Age maps in the near future.

    You can download them from our Downloads Area @:

    - Download Mappack Here (1.24GB)

    - Download MPF Keys Configuration Here(160KB)

    Have fun ppl :)

  3. devmpf_small.png

    New Mapping & Modding Area

    We've created a new forum category for your mapping and modding needs.

    Wether you have questions or want to show off your map/mod progress, this is the public forum to goto:


    Upgrade to RenHelp content

    The RenHelp category we are running for Renegade Tutorials has been upgraded as well.

    View the revised RenHelp HERE


    To add tutorials click the "Add Record" button at the top-right. Then select your options and write the actual Tutorial you have in mind.

    Remember to use the built in attachment uploader for your tutorial images and do not link off-site.

    Thanks for your submissions people and have fun on our websites.

  4. About time the vanilla renegade maps that were actually worth playing came back. High noon and Alpine day personal favorites. Only risk I see is players dropping due to low FPS on Fjords.

    We wanted to try this map for a bit, if appears too much ppl have a side-effect on this one, we'll remove it again. Just testing for a while.

  5. MPF_Grand_Prize_Contest.png

    ren.mpforums.com - Visit our Website | www.multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now

    MORE INFO/REPLIES: http://multiplayerforums.com/topic/4812-grand-prize-contest-marchapril-2015-serious-sam-collection/

    UltraAOW NewMaps Prize March/April 2015

    For the month March and April i got a special prize, not just some game, but a complete pack of games and most of its DLC.

    The Prize & Winner?

    On or around the 1st of May 2015 we will announce who is the number one winner and this person will receive the copy of Serious Sam Complete Pack in their Steam account.


    Where can i lookup my stats?

    Here: http://ren.multiplayerforums.com/ranks/NewMaps/

    Rules of Engagement?

    Most important rules:

    • You cannot ever cheat on any of our servers
    • You cannot use advantage skins or models
    • You must be registered on our forums over here
    • You must have a Steam Account to receive the Prize
    • Anything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or admin
    Other important rules you should know about to avoid being (q)kicked, banned or excluded from the contest:

    Please click here to review all server rules

    MORE INFO/REPLIES: http://multiplayerforums.com/topic/4812-grand-prize-contest-marchapril-2015-serious-sam-collection/

  6. MPF_Grand_Prize_Contest.png

    ren.mpforums.com - Visit our Website | www.multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now

    UltraAOW NewMaps Prize March/April 2015

    For the month March and April i got a special prize, not just some game, but a complete pack of games and most of its DLC.


    Starting as of today after making this post the server will collect player statistics and on Friday the 1st of May at midnight Dutch time GMT+1 it ends and we will announce the winner.

    The Prize & Winner?

    On or around the 1st of May 2015 we will announce who is the number one winner (the person with most games) and this person will receive the copy of Serious Sam Complete Pack in their Steam account.


    Where can i lookup my stats?

    Here: http://ren.multiplayerforums.com/ranks/NewMaps/

    Rules of Engagement?

    Most important rules:

    • You cannot ever cheat on any of our servers
    • You cannot use advantage skins or models
    • You must be registered on our forums over here
    • You must have a Steam Account to receive the Prize
    • Anything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or admin
    Other important rules you should know about to avoid being (q)kicked, banned or excluded from the contest:

    Please click here to review all server rules

    Other Requirements: TT 4.1

    The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server.

    You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it.

    It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff!

    The Map Rotation

    MtBog Fjords Pacific Dawn_Raid MtPass BlazingSands BunkersTS

    Alpine_Night River_Canyon Cold_River Land_Day Cold_Valley

    Creekdale_Fly Tib_Pit_3 Sand Industrial_Strength Bio River_RaidTS

    GreatWall Deth_River Battleground [River_of_Hope] Detroit Quick_Draw

    Orca_Heights Tiberium_Temple Canyon_Fortress Urban_Conflict Ocean_View

    Forest_Falls Cold_Wall Snow Pacific Land_Night GreatUnder Airai

    Terrace Hidden_Valley Country_Side SeasideSunset Tib_Waste

    Lake_Garden Tobruk Area81 Esco_Island Wasteland Urban_Warfare

    Dust_Training HillBilly_Valley Cold_Waters Backstab FalcWhore

    Infinite_Isle Tomb Uphill BattleForMidway BasinTS MtPass

    SeasideCanyon Winter_Field Vile_Facility Tib_Pit_3 River_RaidDB

    MtBog Cliffs BlazingSands Tiberium_Temple Deth_River Dawn_Raid

    GlacierTS Siege Winter_Assault Nova Cold_River Canyon_Fortress

    Sleepy_Hollow RiverValley Orca_Heights Forgotten_Town

    Industrial_Strength MetroTS GreatUnder Crevasse RiverValley

    Hidden_Valley Tropics River_of_Hope Winterfell Detroit

    ImperialKaskins's D2 Maps

    Visit website information

    In ImperialKaskins's D2 map series there is the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character.

    Please download and install the keys.cfg from here.

    Active Server Plugins

    Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups.

    Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list.

    You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams.

    For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website.

    Mappack is Available

    You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already.

    Then you will not experience (m)any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection.

    All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join.


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