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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Load it using "/load -rs C:\Programs\mIRC\sysinfo.mrc" Here is what it looks like in mIRC: sysinfo.zip
  2. My editor used to crash when i tried it through that, thats why i used the tdbedit.exe But apperently TT 4.0(patch1) fixed it
  3. I edited your post, i think it is best if you post "bugs and potential bugs" on the renx forums itself instead Not sure if they want us to publically discuss it here (yet).
  4. C: Drive is now defragmented, continuing with the D: Drive now which will take another hour or so.
  5. All game servers are now restored: TF2, Renegade, Renegade-X, TCW. They will remain offline until i installed Visual Studio 2012 and after that i will defragment the harddrives which will take a couple of hours. Expect the serverpc to be fully back online and running its game servers later tonight between 6PM and 9PM Amsterdam time UTC+1.
  6. Teamspeak 3 and the MPF IRC Bot are now operational again. Still working on the other software and things.
  7. Updates completed. Configuring software and downloading backups.
  8. OS Reload to Windows 2008 Web R2 is now in progress.
  9. Tomorrow morning at around 09:00AM the server pc will go down completely for a couple of hours up to a half day, this to upgrade the Operating System to Windows 2008 Web R2 which is newer and smoother than what we currently have. Between 09:00AM and 18:00PM the server will be offline. Thanks a lot to Cronus and Speedy059 for providing space for our backups and all The NewMaps server will be running on Cronus's box while the main box is offline and being upgraded. It has a different IP though and your favorites in RenList will not show up for it. Just keep the server in your favorites, it will be back soon Also note that we can use Cronus's Teamspeak 3 server at address: ts.nite-serv.com TS3 will ofcourse also return when the box has been reinstalled. TS3, TCW, Renegade and TF2 will all go down during this time. When?: Amsterdam (Netherlands) Monday, 11 November 2013, 09:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour London (United Kingdom - England) Monday, 11 November 2013, 08:00:00 GMT UTC Paris (France) Monday, 11 November 2013, 09:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour Chicago (U.S.A. - Illinois) Monday, 11 November 2013, 02:00:00 CST UTC-6 hours Dallas (U.S.A. - Texas) Monday, 11 November 2013, 02:00:00 CST UTC-6 hours Beijing (China) Monday, 11 November 2013, 16:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours Moscow (Russia) Monday, 11 November 2013, 12:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours New Plymouth (New Zealand) Monday, 11 November 2013, 21:00:00 NZDT UTC+13 hours Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Monday, 11 November 2013, 01:00:00 MST UTC-7 hours New York (U.S.A. - New York) Monday, 11 November 2013, 03:00:00 EST UTC-5 hours Mexico City (Mexico - Federal District) Monday, 11 November 2013, 02:00:00 CST UTC-6 hours Havana (Cuba) Monday, 11 November 2013, 03:00:00 CST UTC-5 hours
  10. I might contact you in the future about it We would still like to have an EU based server in Amsterdam or Berlin but the costs really drove us nuts for a while, we kept the EU box for 4 months or so but the total picture of all costs together was just a little over the top for us. And with me stopping funding a bit for a few months because im moving to a new house unless we got enough donations (on a monthly basis though which is maybe too much asked) we just decided to cancel it after all. The USA box will definately not go anywhere anytime soon, i've had a couple of offers from other guys to replace it but the box is good, fast and affordable for us and we've been with Limestone Networks for over a year now so i don't see the need to switch over anytime soon. But ANOTHER European based serverpc is something we would really like to have again in the near future, which i'll talk to you about when the time comes Thanks for the offer
  11. Server is shut down now. Should be back up soon with a nice 1Gbit connection
  12. A connection upgrade is 85% cheaper than a whole dedicated server.. #logic
  13. Tomorrow morning at around 9:00 AM Dutch time the serverpc will go offline for 30 mins up to a few hours (unknown). The connection of the serverpc will be 10 times better than the 100Mbit it has now: 1000Mbit or 1Gbit During this upgrade the servers running on this serverpc will be unavailable: NewMaps, TF2, TS3 When: Dallas (U.S.A. - Texas) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 02:00:00 CST UTC-6 hours Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 09:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour London (United Kingdom - England) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 08:00:00 GMT UTC Paris (France) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 09:00:00 CET UTC+1 hour Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 01:00:00 MST UTC-7 hours New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 03:00:00 EST UTC-5 hours Beijing (China) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 16:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours New Plymouth (New Zealand) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 21:00:00 NZDT UTC+13 hours Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 19:00:00 AEDT UTC+11 hours Moscow (Russia) Saturday, 9 November 2013, 12:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours
  14. zunnie


    The server is running on port 1337 and IP is Not sure about renlist, but if you can join Jelly and RenCorner, i don't see why you can't join ours O.o *weird*.
  15. Yea we got rid of the EU box so the bill is rougly $225 now alltogether. We really tried/wanted to keep it but its just too expensive to keep em both. Maybe when i can contribute more myself again in a couple of months we can get one again but i dunno.
  16. Prize Winner for October 2013: Aliens: Colonial Marines for jeff560 View October 2013 Rankings Congrats to jeff560 for winning October's Prize: The game Aliens: Colonial Marines on the Steam Platform. Once we get around to talking to jeff560, he or she will receive the prize into their Steam Account. To receive your copy you must have an Steam Account @ http://store.steampowered.com IK & MPF Weekend This whole weekend we will run only maps from ImperialKaskins and the MPF modified Westwood maps.
  17. View October 2013 Rankings Congrats to jeff560 for winning October's Prize: The game collection Aliens: Colonial Marines on the Steam Platform. Once we get around to talking to jeff560, he or she will receive the prize into their Steam Account. To receive your copy you must have an Steam Account @ http://store.steampowered.com
  18. NEED DONATIONS Alright guys/girls, MPF is in need of some (regular) donations from its community. I'll attempt to explain why in as much detail as i can We currently have two server boxes, one in the USA and one in the EU. The USA box is running our Renegade NewMaps server and is our primary box which will definately not be cancelled within the next year or so. Our EU box is our secondary box and we ran some CSGO, TF2 and of course the Renegade-X beta test servers on there. The problem is simple: I myself have to step back a little bit from online donating to MPF for at least a couple of months. I will be moving to a new more expensive house in November 2013 and i REALLY gonna need all my money for it :/ Double rent the first month i go there, gotto rent a van to move our stuff over, gotto dress up the new house, paint, floors, etc. So i've let our Admins know i am going to have to cut funding for a little while. Because of this we will HAVE to cancel our EU based box -at least until i get back in a few months- until i can help fund it again. We were planning to run a good Renegade-X server on this box along with its 1GBit connection for hosting the download. It is much desired to keep this box online. But we need help supporting it, you can all blame me for this We really intended to keep the box up for a longer period, at least until the release of Renegade-X and on. I hope to see some people interested in donating so we can keep this box online for at least one or two months more until i get back. Now, in any case, we will have a good USA based Renegade-X server for a while ahead. If we simply cannot support the EU box thats too bad. We might get another EU based box at a later stage again then. But the box we have now is fully configured, runs great and has no problems at all, it would be sad to see that go. So, you are interested in donating to us? Please visit this page to donate. Thanks ALOT for your support everyone!!!! PS: Come on our irc at irc.multiplayerforums.com in channel #mpf-renx and #renegadex of course.
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