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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Map Fixes and Update No screenshots this time but trunkskgb has fixed 3 maps so far that got broken by 4.1's latest update: Pacific Arena Tiberium_Temple And a map created by trunkskgb himself: Ridge And also a map made by me (zunnie) based off the Blaat map (now removed from rotation) called MPF_Valley. Featuring Helipads, repairpads, conyards, advanced comm center, shrine of nod and a medical center with medicopters and ambulances! Also the maps mention in last news topic from Pwn Call are now added, there was a bug with 4.1 which broke them :/ The server is now running on RC3 again so they are now working properly. They have been added to rotation Have fun
  2. http://www.rarlabs.com/download.htm Get that, it continues to work after 30 days, dont worry, just getting a nagscreen then.
  3. zunnie

    starting game

    Just press the tilde ~ key and type: open us.ren-x.com or open fr.ren-x.com
  4. MPF Ren-X.com Slaughterhouse #1 and #2 open renegade-x and press the tilde key (~) there type: open us.ren-x.com (to join the us server) open fr.ren-x.com (to join the fr server) Or just select it from the list and then join
  5. Created by mixed assets from the MPF Dev Team created on maps by PwnCall Seven New Maps by MPF will be available tomorrow on the server NewMaps 4.1: Airai Atoll Cracked Ferk Night Lazer Tag Stockade Winterfell
  6. zunnie

    Texture issues

    You can try to delete all the .thu files in your Documents folder @ (example): C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Renegade\Client
  7. There's always something...
  8. Should be fixed now @ mutant purchases being available all the time.
  9. I got 1377 Maub00b Palm trees on Blaat (future name MPF_Valley) lol Rec whore galore
  10. Let's not start pointing any fingers, there is no proof whatsoever so we just don't know and probably never will.
  11. This time it was targeted directly at our server. Whoever is doing it must be some fucked up nerd or something.
  12. Yea we ignore it, but it still sucks to lose 20 players or more when it occurs. Its just so gay lol.
  13. Yes even after 11 fucking years, they still do it lmao. Quite stupid.
  14. There appears to be an attack going on on the server right now. Most servers and services that are running on it are unavailable completely or really slow. Sorry for this, some asswipes are attacking it. Hopefully it will stop soon so we can have some fun again Sorry.
  15. Hello people: Moderator Applications are now OPEN. We are looking for some good moderators to look after the three 64 player servers we will be running. It does not matter where you are coming from as long as your English is (very) good enough. We will run a 64 player server running on Xeon systems in The United States, The Netherlands and France. We're in the process of creating our generic rules so you can help with that if interested. Please note that the use of mIRC is required and Teamspeak 3 is recommended although optional. Thanks for applying!
  16. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website UltraAOW 25K Weekend In the 25K Weekend everyone starts out having 25.000 credits right after maploads. This will make some interesting games again, the last time we did this was over 3 months ago. All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday 14 February till February 17 Monday. TT 4.1 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Weekend. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts.
  17. zunnie


    Good map but it needs a silo man
  18. The TT launcher replaces Game.exe thats why most people get auto updates/errors when its down. Afaik TT shut down the update server because people who auto-update get problems, you need to manually download the update from their website at http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org Only problem with this is that ppl now get a wrong firewall notice :/
  19. Did you try to: - Uninstall Renegade - Delete the Renegade old folder from your harddrive - Install Renegade - Update to 1.037 - Install TT 4.1 RC2 ? In the particular order above, it *should* work. Do you have teamviewer? I could maybe assist using that.
  20. Try run in compatibility mode? That may work. Just an idea :S
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