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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Server is now finalizing installing these 72 updates and will reboot after that.
  2. After installing the last 5 updates, 72 new updates became available hurray lol. Installing them now, sigh. Add another 30 mins of downtime.
  3. Server is now finalizing the updates and will then reboot itself.
  4. Rebooting within 15 mins from now. Waiting for some backups to complete.
  5. We experienced yet another crash -yay-. There are like 5 updates remaining to be installed after which we have to reboot the serverpc. I am going to do this right now. The server will be offline for a little while (30min-1hr). Check back soon, sorry guys.
  6. The Sapper can do it afaik.
  7. Somewhere during the day when there are little players in our servers we will install some Windows updates on the box. The Renegade, CSGO, Minecraft, TS3 and IRCBots will be offline during this time. The update time will be roughly 30 minutes up to an hour.
  8. if you need help then come on irc.ultraaow.com in channel #mpf-renhelp so we can chat
  9. CSGO Store Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/ ( 13.99€ ) MPF CSGO Website: http://www.csgods.com MPF CSGO Forums: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/forum/74-counter-strike-global-offensive/ MPF CSGO Tournament Stats: http://us.multiplayerforums.com/csgo/hlstats.php We restarted our servers for CSGO just recently. TRFL, Mike, Kenz3001, CireX, Spiders, PwnCall, Wyld and zunnie (to name a few) are trying to make our servers active for it. There are also monthly prize(s) to win when you are ranked first for example. In the future we will create tournaments with different goals apart from being ranked 1st. Have fun!
  10. Alright, then from now on Moderators can also win the prize(s).
  11. The UltraAOW NewMaps server is currently running in GSA mode again. There were issues with its connection to XWIS and the server lost connection every few hours. You CAN still join the server through RenList, we will place it back in XWIS mode tomorrow probably. DOWNLOAD RENLIST: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/70-renlist/ Edit: XWIS mode has been enabled again.
  12. It will defo fix the launcher error 404. Not sure about the name one, you are the only one so far who had it. It might.
  13. http://www.mpf-imperial-age.com Visit the brand new website today! New look, new content, statistics and team information. Renegade Imperial Age v1.10 is to be released on Wednesday, August the 20th 2014.
  14. It is a good idea i think. I can only not stop to think that this may fail from time to time though where players don't pickup their prize at the store/checkpoint etc.
  15. The prizes won't be paid from donations. I usually pay it 100% myself, but sometimes i just dont have the money for it; like last month. Until just now instinct offered to pay for the game-prizes every month Which is great of course ^^ I think we'll leave the prize restriction for moderators in place though; im not sure yet. :/
  16. Should we remove the prize restriction for Moderators? Right now moderators cannot win the game prizes we offer (nearly) every month. Good or Bad?
  17. zunnie


    Its a false 'positive' thats for sure.. Just add it to a safe-list if norton has that...
  18. The UltraAOW NewMaps server is currently running in GSA mode. There were issues with its connection to XWIS and the server lost connection every few hours. You CAN still join the server through RenList, we will place it back in XWIS mode tomorrow probably. DOWNLOAD RENLIST: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/70-renlist/
  19. It is online. Just in GSA mode currently. XWIS was constantly dropping the server. Get RenList from our downloads area
  20. Most of us use renlist i believe Nice to see you active on the forums btw. Cya ingame too Very nice.
  21. Some Scripts will be featured in the sub-forum, As to how they function and operate. There will also be some tutorials on how to implement them and other features! Note though that some scripts are only available on the NewMaps 4.0 server and are probably not be included in the latest 4.0 release. If you need to use any of our scripts from NewMaps 4.0 then you will have to contact us to get the scripts.dll Note that when you use any of our NewMaps 4.0 specific scripts that your map will not work correctly on other servers. We encourage everyone to create new maps even with or without using our scripts, if you are 'good enough' of a mapper we might give you access to our UltraAOW Developer group which has a lot of custom stuff available. Simply contact us If you have script requests you can post them in this forum: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/forum/183-scripts-requests/ Join us on irc.multiplayerforums.com in channel #MPF-RenHelp
  22. Please review the video tutorial here on how to post When submitting a new tutorial please follow this simple guide to keep tutorials concise and provide the best learning experience. When you post a new topic, it will need to be approved by a moderator. Some things to think about Only post releases of Renegade related tutorials in the their correct catagoryAdd a category tag before the title, to do this add a tag with one of the common tags and click on ' use first tag as prefix ' then create a [ ] containing the main format and provide the author name. Example: WWSkin animation - Author: MaulerAttach your screens and/or files to the forum post, unless your release is too big to be attached. This is very important as it's the only way to make sure that in a couple of months/years, your download still exists. If you do not follow this, your tutorial will face unapproval and will be deleted/removed until you have done so..If possible, please keep tutorial videos under 15 minutesPlease only reply to tutorials specifically if their is an error or mistake, that way the original author can correct any errors, and other comments, replies can be asked,talked about in our 'General Discussion' forum.No external links to anything, if found, your tutorial will be removed (archived tutorials may contain external links- being fixed)No illegal material, warez, cracks, etcMost commonly used topic prefixes VIDEO 3DSMAX RENX W3D LEVELEDIT PHOTOSHOP SERVER SIDE HOWTO TEXT MISC - used in Miscellenous subforum and for tutorials that cover multiple programs All posts to subforums are currently moderated, so please be patient, and follow the guideline and your topic will be posted ASAP Failure to comply to these guidelines, your tutorial risks removal.. Please be patient, topics will not be approved right away, but will be approved asap, thanks! Other than that please let us know how we are doing, and please give us feedback to help improve Renhelp.
  23. Goto Options->Settings and click the ... button and browse to your game.exe Then in Options->Settings click the GSA tab and tick "Enable GSA", and enter your nickname. Save the settings and then click the GSA tab, now select server and connect
  24. Server back online...
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