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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. - Server Configuration File: server.ini - ;Config is the configuration file the server looks for in the data folder.;Default is svrcfg_cnc.iniConfig = svrcfg_cnc.ini;server type can be GameSpy, WOL or LAN;Nickname, Password and Serial must be valid serials for use in XWIS/WOL mode;LAN and GameSpy mode don't require a valid login or serialGameType = WOLNickname= nicknamePassword = password;Serial must be a valid XWIS/WOL FDS serial or a Renegade Client serial number.Serial = 0669714956637487902319;Default game port is 4848;Default gamespy port is 4848 - note that Port and GamespyPort must be the same ports;Default gamespy query port is 25300;The ports can be anything you want as long as you configure access in firewalls and;routers consult your firewall or router manual how to do this.LoginServer = USA ServerPort = 4848GameSpyGamePort = 4848GameSpyQueryPort = 25300;Here your server upstream bandwidth is determined. Enter your upstream bandwidth;here if you know what speed it is. NetUpdateRate determines how often per second a;client is updated with new data. Setting this too high (maximum 30) may result in;lag if you server's upstream bandwidth is not high enough. Unless you have a good;connection it is recommended to keep this value between 15 and 30. 30 will work;best on 100mbit servers.BandwidthUp = 100000000NetUpdateRate = 30;If you want to enable (remote) administration on your server or run (BRen)bots;you will need to AllowRemoteAdmin. You do not require to open this port in the;firewall as BRenBot accesses the port locally.AllowRemoteAdmin = trueRemoteAdminPassword=passwordRemoteAdminIP=;A few special and anticheat settings were added in 4.0;NoGameplayPending allows you to enable gameplay while there is only 1;player in the server. Useful for Coop servers.;AntiCheatEnabled is turned on by default and blocks various cheats on the server.;Note that some anticheat functions require the client to be running 4.0.;You can also block the secret extras which are available in unladdered games.;A simple PT check is also enabled by default. It checks how far away a player;was at the time of a purchase and block the purchase if it exceeded the treshold;of 5 meters default.NoGameplayPending=trueAntiCheatEnabled=trueBlockSecretPurchases=falseIsPTCheckEnabled=truePTDistanceThreshold=5;Send player kill messages (and boink sounds) to clients with TT Update 2.9+;If you want to have custom killmessages and killsounds you should set this to 0.SendPlayerKillsToNewClients=1;Disable camara shaking. Only works for clients with TT Update 4+DisableCameraShake=0;When a player leaves a vehicle, TeamTimer sets for how long damage/kill;points are awarded as if the vehicle was still on the last player's team.;This is to prevent players from leaving their vehicle just before it is destroyed;and thereby stopping the enemy from getting the kill points. Only has an effect;if NeutralVechiclePointsFix=1.NeutralVechiclePointsFix=1TeamTimer=-1;PointsFix controls whether the fix to the damage code is applied so that points;are computed correctly and identically for health and shield damage.PointsFix=0;End of the server.ini configuration file.;If you have trouble setting up your server you may find some help in the #mpf-renhelp channel on irc.multiplayerforums.com
  2. - Server Configuration File: server.ini - ;Config is the configuration file the server looks for in the data folder.;Default is svrcfg_cnc.iniConfig = svrcfg_cnc.ini;server type can be GameSpy, WOL or LAN;Nickname, Password and Serial must be valid serials for use in XWIS/WOL mode;LAN and GameSpy mode don't require a valid login or serialGameType = WOLNickname= nicknamePassword = password;Serial must be a valid XWIS/WOL FDS serial or a Renegade Client serial number.Serial = 0669714956637487902319;Default game port is 4848;Default gamespy port is 4848 - note that Port and GamespyPort must be the same ports;Default gamespy query port is 25300;The ports can be anything you want as long as you configure access in firewalls and;routers consult your firewall or router manual how to do this.LoginServer = USA ServerPort = 4848GameSpyGamePort = 4848GameSpyQueryPort = 25300;Here your server upstream bandwidth is determined. Enter your upstream bandwidth;here if you know what speed it is. NetUpdateRate determines how often per second a;client is updated with new data. Setting this too high (maximum 30) may result in;lag if you server's upstream bandwidth is not high enough. Unless you have a good;connection it is recommended to keep this value between 15 and 30. 30 will work;best on 100mbit servers.BandwidthUp = 100000000NetUpdateRate = 30;If you want to enable (remote) administration on your server or run (BRen)bots;you will need to AllowRemoteAdmin. You do not require to open this port in the;firewall as BRenBot accesses the port locally.AllowRemoteAdmin = trueRemoteAdminPassword=passwordRemoteAdminIP=;A few special and anticheat settings were added in 4.0;NoGameplayPending allows you to enable gameplay while there is only 1;player in the server. Useful for Coop servers.;AntiCheatEnabled is turned on by default and blocks various cheats on the server.;Note that some anticheat functions require the client to be running 4.0.;You can also block the secret extras which are available in unladdered games.;A simple PT check is also enabled by default. It checks how far away a player;was at the time of a purchase and block the purchase if it exceeded the treshold;of 5 meters default.NoGameplayPending=trueAntiCheatEnabled=trueBlockSecretPurchases=falseIsPTCheckEnabled=truePTDistanceThreshold=5;Send player kill messages (and boink sounds) to clients with TT Update 2.9+;If you want to have custom killmessages and killsounds you should set this to 0.SendPlayerKillsToNewClients=1;Disable camara shaking. Only works for clients with TT Update 4+DisableCameraShake=0;When a player leaves a vehicle, TeamTimer sets for how long damage/kill;points are awarded as if the vehicle was still on the last player's team.;This is to prevent players from leaving their vehicle just before it is destroyed;and thereby stopping the enemy from getting the kill points. Only has an effect;if NeutralVechiclePointsFix=1.NeutralVechiclePointsFix=1TeamTimer=-1;PointsFix controls whether the fix to the damage code is applied so that points;are computed correctly and identically for health and shield damage.PointsFix=0;End of the server.ini configuration file.;If you have trouble setting up your server you may find some help in the #mpf-renhelp channel on irc.multiplayerforums.com
  3. - Introduction - To run a Renegade Dedicated Server you need to install the Renegade FDS (Renegade Free Dedicated Server). A dedicated server is basically a command prompt type program which allows for Renegade Clients to connect and play on the server. Dedicated servers are usually unattended and you cannot play as the host while running a dedicated server. Running a dedicated server also enables you to run SSGM 4.0 and/or other special modifications which are unavailable for the game client. - Downloads - You can download the RenegadeFDS installation file on for example multiplayerforums over here: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/8-renegade-fds-1037zip/ You can download numerous plugins for the RenegadeFDS with 4.0 SSGM support here: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/category/7-ssgm-40-plugins/ - Installation - After you have installed the Renegade FDS, copy the contents of the serverfiles folder from the 4.0 server download into the FDS folder. Edit server.ini, svrcfg_cnc.ini, tt.cfg and ssgm.ini as per the documentation in this topic. You then also need to install the Visual C++ runtime libraries and the DirectX runtimes from the "redist" folder. The server.exe file in the 4.1 server download is the one you should be using as it has been modified. You do not need to apply the "no gameplay pending" patch to it as that patch is now a server.ini option. Make sure anticheat.ini is in the data folder otherwise the anti-cheat will probably kick you even with stock renegade files. - Requirements - When running the server in Westwood Online Mode (or XWIS these days) you require a valid serial number to run the server. This can be a FDS Serial or your Renegade Client serial. In GameSpy mode there are no requirements. - Notes for WOL Mode (XWIS) - To get passed the WOL installation for the RenegadeFDS you need to enter a (fake) serial number that starts with 0669. For example: 0669714956637887900319 ( Note: This is a fake serial and you cannot host a server in XWIS/WOL mode with this serial, it is only provided for you so you can get passed the installation dialogs. )
  4. - Introduction - To run a Renegade Dedicated Server you need to install the Renegade FDS (Renegade Free Dedicated Server). A dedicated server is basically a command prompt type program which allows for Renegade Clients to connect and play on the server. Dedicated servers are usually unattended and you cannot play as the host while running a dedicated server. Running a dedicated server also enables you to run SSGM 4.0 and/or other special modifications which are unavailable for the game client. - MPF Public FDS Package - You can now download a prepared package of the FDS with DA 1.92 and TT 4.6 applied, source code included with examples @ - Downloads - You can download the RenegadeFDS installation file on for example multiplayerforums over here: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/8-renegade-fds-1037zip/ - Installation - After you have installed the Renegade FDS, copy the contents of the serverfiles folder from the 4.0 server download into the FDS folder. Edit server.ini, svrcfg_cnc.ini, tt.cfg and ssgm.ini as per the documentation in this topic. You then also need to install the Visual C++ runtime libraries and the DirectX runtimes from the "redist" folder. The server.exe file in the 4.1 server download is the one you should be using as it has been modified. You do not need to apply the "no gameplay pending" patch to it as that patch is now a server.ini option. Make sure anticheat.ini is in the data folder otherwise the anti-cheat will probably kick you even with stock renegade files. - Requirements - When running the server in Westwood Online Mode (or XWIS these days) you require a valid serial number to run the server. This can be a FDS Serial or your Renegade Client serial. In GameSpy mode there are no requirements. - Notes for WOL Mode (XWIS) - To get passed the WOL installation for the RenegadeFDS you need to enter a (fake) serial number that starts with 0669. For example: 0669714956637887900319 ( Note: This is a fake serial and you cannot host a server in XWIS/WOL mode with this serial, it is only provided for you so you can get passed the installation dialogs. )
  5. www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website | www.multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now UltraAOW NewMaps 4.1 - CS:GO Prize Weekend In the UltraAOW NewMaps 4.1 - CS:GO Prize Weekend we will give away three official copies of the game Counter Strike Global Offensive for Steam. When? Starting on the morning of Friday the 12th of September we will temporarily replace the rankings on UltraAOW NewMaps 4.1 with a clean one. During the weekend it will collect player statistics and on Monday the 15th of September at midnight Dutch time it ends. Thanks Many thanks goes out to Instinct who donated these three copies of CS:GO for this purpose. GL! Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up the Weekend. And good luck battling for the Counter Strike Global Offensive copies For more information see: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/topic/3949-grand-prize-contest-renegade-newmaps-41-3-copies-of-csgo/
  6. www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website | www.multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now UltraAOW NewMaps 4.1 - CS:GO Prize Weekend In the UltraAOW NewMaps 4.1 - CS:GO Prize Weekend we will give away three official copies of the game Counter Strike Global Offensive for Steam. When? Starting on the morning of Friday the 12th of September we will temporarily replace the rankings on UltraAOW NewMaps 4.1 with a clean one. During the weekend it will collect player statistics and on Monday the 15th of September at midnight Dutch time it ends. The Winners? On or around Tuesday the 16th of September we will announce who are the winners: The number 1 who played the most games wins a copy of CS:GOThe number 1 who destroyed the most buildings wins a copy of CS:GOThe number 1 who killed the most infantry wins a copy of CS:GOWhere can i lookup my stats? Here: http://www.ultraaow.com/ranks/NewMaps/ (will be cleaned when the weekend event starts) Rules of Engagement? Most important rules: You cannot ever cheat on any of our serversYou cannot use advantage skins or modelsYou must be registered on our forums over hereYou must have a Steam Account to receive the PrizeAnything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or adminOther important rules you should know about to avoid being (q)kicked, banned or excluded from the contest: Please click here to review all server rules Other Requirements: TT 4.1 The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! The Map Rotation Detroit Orca_Heights GreatUnder MPF_Valley Cracked Hidden_Valley Lake_Garden Terrace Urban_Warfare Ocean_View Forest_Falls Cold_Wall Airai Mars Traverse Bridge_Control DOM_Hand_of_Nod Forgotten_Town SeasideSunset Country_Side Cold_Waters River_Canyon Terrace Lunar_Landing Infinite_Isle Atoll Ridge_Warfare Winter_Field Cold_River River_Canyon Creekdale_Fly Tib_Pit_3 Oasis_Flying Industrial_Strength The_Pathe Vile_Facility Hidden_Valley HillBilly_Valley Backstab FalcWhore Bio River_RaidTS Deth_River Battleground Hangmans_Canyon RiverValley River_of_Hope Conyard_Assault Woodland Domes ULake Sleepy_Hollow Wasteland Esco_Island Nova Crevasse TheCanyon CloseCombat Tropics Uphill GreatUnder Winterfell Cold_Valley Tib_Waste Tobruk Tomb SeasideCanyon Siege Medical_Center Area81 Deth_River Uphill Dust_Training Industrial_Strength Orca_Heights BunkersTS BasinTS MPF_Under MPF_Islands GlacierTS ImperialKaskins's G10 Maps In ImperialKaskins's G10 map series there is the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character. Please download and extract to your data folder the keys.cfg from here. Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience (m)any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Many thanks goes out to Instinct who donated these three copies of CS:GO for this purpose. GL! Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up the Weekend. And good luck battling for the Counter Strike Global Offensive copies
  7. lol, i've done this shit so much the last 2 months with all our OS Reinstalls, i am having nightmares about it doing it over and over It is finally in a excellent state now though, all new hardware, ssd drive for the servers/OS, a decent enterprise western digital for storage and backups. hmm /happy
  8. Server has been back online for a few days now again. Much thanks to Genesis2001 for running NewMaps for a while Running on Windows 2012 R2 Essentials. We replaced the primary harddrive with a Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD on which the NewMaps & Snipers servers are running off meaning extremely low loading limes The serverpc also boots up within a minute now Everything seems to run stable now again, i will however knock on the table for a bit: *knock knock* and hope it will stay this way. The low SFPS issue we were having for 2 days or so was due to a few settings hidden in windows's Group Policy and registry that were throttling the CPU. All good now i hope. Also, XWIS has been bitching tonight again and dropping the server 3 times so far, the next time it happens the server will boot in GameSpy (renlist only) mode for a while.
  9. In the month September 2014 we will be battling for a Steam Gift Card of $50.00 USD. You must have repaired the most vehicles on our Renegade NewMaps 4.1 server. For a full list of requirements and rules please see this link. To receive your copy you must have a Steam Account @ http://store.steampowered.com
  10. Hey WMD, thanks for joining here, donating!!! and posting here See this topic from MDK to get setup with Renegade: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/topic/49-setting-up-cc-renegade-for-onlineplay/ If you need more help, let us know PS: If you have a microphone you could get Teamspeak 3 and join us on ts.multiplayerforums.com http://www.teamspeak.com
  11. Hm, i remember this, its a bug in 4.1 that does it, sometimes waiting a few minutes fixes it, other times you have to wait for the next map. :/
  12. Do this last, once you completed setting up the waypaths 1) In the menu goto Pathfind->Discard Data 2) In the menu goto Pathfind->Generate Sectors This will take a while depending on the size of your map. Protip: Monitor your LevelEdit.exe process in taskmanager, when it reaches 1.250MB RAM usage go back to the editor and CANCEL your pathfinding else there is a big risk the editor will crash. Protip2: BEFORE you start pathfinding: SAVE your level
  13. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website http://www.mpf-imperial-age.com/info.php - ImperialKaskins's Information Page UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend In the UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend the rotation consists of only ImperialKaskins maps which were recently updated to version G10. (Unit Information for Imperial's G10) New in G10 is the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character. Please download and extract to your data folder the keys.cfg from here. This will make some interesting games once again. Be there! All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday 29 August till September 1 Monday. TT 4.1 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Weekend. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts.
  14. We are still experiencing BSOD's after a complete new setup. Unsure what is the cause of them. The box was examined by the techs from LSN and they could not find anything wrong with the hardware. The NewMaps 4.1 Server is now temporarily running on a serverpc from Genesis2001. We are investigating the logs and every piece of software we run on our current own box to try and pindown the problem. Until this is complete we cannot run the server(s) on there. I would like to thank Genesis2001 for hosting the NewMaps server for us for a while: Thanks Everything should run fine, except for a few commands that relayed on a irc bot we ran on our main server such as !skip. Hopefully we can pindown the problem. In any case: It is highly likely that we will install Windows 2012 Standard x64 on the serverpc very soon. Thanks for reading and have fun in the server.
  15. There is a more high-res version available of this on the tiberiumcrystalwar website over here: http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com/sdk_tut_alphablending.php
  16. zunnie

    Searching a hud

    That HUD is not compatible with 4.x (afaik)
  17. Imperial Age v1.10 Released We have finished our new client version 1.10 now. Lots of balancing, map- and bug-fixes were made including a new HUD. Downloads To download Imperial Age v1.10 click here or here.
  18. A new Keys.cfg is available for download which adds entries for the keys: - O : Drop your current weapon - P : Drop all your picked up weapons Download: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/664-mpf-maps-keyscfg/
  19. New Mappack v18.0 A new mappack was generated today for our NewMaps 4.1 server: Download Here @ MPF (951 MB) Thanks.
  20. Software has been reinstalled. We'll know soon enough if the crashes stopped or not.
  21. This is taking place right now. Old serverbox has been shutdown. They working on it. Should be back up in a couple of hours from now hopefully.
  22. There have been a increasing large number of random crashes on our current serverpc. After over a month of investigating the error (blue screen) and numerous crashes we have finally given up on this serverbox. We are getting a brand new serverpc today or tomorrow. We'll have to do one more clean OS Reinstallation on the box along with our backed up files. Hopefully we will have it all back up and running within a few hours. Expect some downtime starting Wednesday throughout Thursday maybe. Edit: Software has been reinstalled now, we'll see if the crashes stop.
  23. After a month of random crashes, the LSN guys and MPF have finally given up on it. We are getting a brand new serverpc with all new hardware now. For free of course since faulty hardware is at play here. We will have to do ANOTHER hopefully final reinstallation of the Operating System and all our files. We're very sorry for this bullshit, should be sorted very soon. Back soon we hope...
  24. 2 more updates (might have to reboot after it, unsure)...
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