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Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Server is back online Have fun!
  2. When i do restart, it's gonna take a little longer than 5-10 mins after all. Gonna install MPF_Snipers and MPF_Under final versions of those maps, update the anticheat files and DLL's.
  3. Ok, i guess the restart will be delayed a bit, server is quite busy.
  4. http://www.ultraaow.com/project_westwood_mpf_under.php Return of MPF_Under There were some problems with this map before which is why it was removed from rotation. The bugs have been fixed now And it will appear on the server once again tomorrow. It is a reskin of the original C&C_Under by Westwood Studios with some new gameplay elements, alternative units and visuals. Thanks.
  5. I've installed some updates which require a reboot of the system which i will do in about 4 hours from now. The Data Execution Prevention was also modified which requires a reboot as well. Changed some system related performance settings which also requires a reboot. Restart it scheduled for 5:30am Amsterdam Dutch time, so around 11pm Dallas USA time. This should not take long. 5-10mins tops.
  6. Updated the package with some files required for the 4.1 Editor to function correctly.
  7. What webpage specfically is that?
  8. http://www.ultraaow.com - visit website. We (Neijwiert, Hunter-Seeker, ImperialKaskins and me) are working out a new statistics system with both monthly- and alltime-stats and achievements that unlock when you kill certain things, disarm stuff, destroy buildings etc. Here are some screenshots of it and some of the planned 119 (or more to come) achievements: The playerlist: General and Map related stats: Vehicle Stats: Achievements All Time Stats: Should be ready soon This will hopefully attract new players as well as keep the current happy
  9. zunnie


    Hm works fine here man, can't help sry
  10. Changed the way it works a bit. The bounty is now lost when a player with a bounty leaves the game or swaps teams. There is now a new command !mybounty or !myb to lookup your own bounty set by others. Also a small bug or limitation is that it only remembers the name of the guy who set the bounty first. So the collected bounty message says "blah collected the bounty set by blah1" where blah1 is the guy that FIRST placed the bounty. If i have to remember everyones names in there, it is possible to place multiple bounties on the same person, the chat line will be too short to display it all, so i choose to put the first guy only.
  11. Actually.. I thought it would get lost. But after reviewing the code a bit the bounty remains in both cases.
  12. New command: !bounty user amount New command: !mybounty You can now type !bounty to place a bounty on an enemy player head. If you for example type '!bounty Imperial 500', it will take $500 from your money and put them on ImperialKaskin's head. Then when someone kills ImperialKaskins he will get bounty you set +$500 money. Everytime someone does !bounty on you the total bounty increments. To lookup your own bounty set by others type !mybounty or !myb Have fun!
  13. This is not for imperials map, that fanatic still works as it is, if you read my post im talking about the future cnc3 maps like Spikewar i'm working on that will use the key.
  14. Oh i didnt mean to put that, i forgot to edit it out from last time. oops
  15. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website http://www.mpf-imperial-age.com/gameinfo.php - ImperialKaskins's Information Page UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend In the UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend the rotation consists of only ImperialKaskins maps which were recently updated to version G9. (Unit Information for Imperial's G9) New in G9+ is the ability to deploy several vehicles in additional positions with the Q key. Please download and extract to your data folder the keys.cfg from here. This will make some interesting games once again. Be there! All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday 13 June till June 16 Monday. TT 4.1 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. NEW: Imperial Age Standalone Client IndieDB Profile | Mirror #1 | Mirror #2 An awesome total standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine with ImperialKaskin's structures, units, sounds and assets in a First Person Shooter environment. Install this if you do not have Renegade installed, it is a standalone client. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Weekend. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts.
  16. All completed btw. I went to bed (sofa lol) after a half hour of defragging lol. Its all done now.
  17. Gonna do some cleaning up and defragging of the harddrives. Will take a couple of hours probably.
  18. As some of you may know i am working on a map called C&C_Spikewar for Renegade NewMaps 4.1 which sports all sorts of C&C 3 things developed by MPF's Tiberium Crystal War team. One of the characters is a Fanatic on Nod which allows you to press a key (Q default) and detonate him. This new keys.cfg has an updated entry for this purpose. Please reinstall the keys.cfg and overwrite the old one >>Download Here<<
  19. http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/70-renlist/ Get the latest version from our downloads area.
  20. Version 1.2


    _ _ _ _____ ____ _ _ _____ __ | | | | | |_ _| _ \ / \ / \ / _ \ \ / / | | | | | | | | |_) | / _ \ / _ \| | | \ \ /\ / / | |_| | |___| | | _ < / ___ \ / ___ \ |_| |\ V V / \___/|_____|_| |_| \_\/_/ \_\/_/ \_\___/ \_/\_/ Simply run and install it. Do not change the destination folder unless you know what to do with it and it is required. You will then be able to deploy vehicles on the maps from ImperialKaskins and some other MPF related maps. As well as a number of things such as: The keys.cfg file should now be installed on your game and you can use the keys such as: - Press Backspace to Sell vehicles on the Repair Pad - Press Q to deploy vehicles and such - Press M to lay an Anti-Tank mine - Press F4 F5 F6 F7 F10 F11 F12 - and = for additional radio commands - Press Q to deploy a tank trap - Press Q to detonate your Fanatic - Press M to lay an Anti-Tank mine - Press N to deploy a barbwire - Press O to drop your current previously picked up weapon - Press P to drop all your previously picked up weapons - Press I to use Chinook Vehicle Transport abilities - Press HOME to check your veterancy status - Press BACKSPACE while parked on top of a Repair Pad to SELL your vehicle - Press END key to quickly look up the Mine and Remote C4 usage and limits - Press Keypad number 1 to 9 for special Animated Taunts - Press U for chathistory window If you prefer so, you can download a manual installation file @
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