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!Former Staff
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    180.00 USD 

Everything posted by zunnie

  1. Donators Only I've added two new commands to the server specifically for DONATORS ONLY What does it do?: It allows you (donators) to set a text or icon above your head. !tagself While ingame simple type for EXAMPLE: !tagself coffee This will attach the coffee icon on your head !taglist For a list of available tags type: !taglist Possiblities: ICON: coffee, cookiem, elmo, finger, hawk"); ICON: hearts, kitty, mario, trollface, wizard"); TEXT: afk, ass, bagel, batman, bitch, boss"); TEXT: camper, cookieluv, dawg, deadeye, donator"); TEXT: dragon, drunk, dumbass, elite, fish, granpa"); TEXT: homo, hostage, hotness, hustla, icey, killer"); TEXT: king, kitten, ladyboy, mama, mpf, noob, nubbie"); TEXT: playboy, police, poobear, princess, prisoner"); TEXT: pro, queen, relaxin, renegade, sexie, slimthug"); TEXT: slumdog, sofa, superstar, pimp, troll, tuffguy, xxx");
  2. Yes, we also did not expect it to happen so fast
  3. We already planned to make a few new halfmods. Them leaving didnt have much to do with it. Although it did speed up the process a little bit and some positions opened up.
  4. I gave it to orionla, since none of the others ranked above him contacted me.
  5. Some bad news first... As some of you may have heared from people around MPF is that both roszek and Mauler have left the building for us. They decided to quit and i last i heared is they want to start their own thing which is fine i think although i did not expect this to happen the way it did. It's a big loss for the developing side of MPF that they are not around anymore, they did a lot for our servers and created many assets and code for them. I guess people, players & admins come and go so i hope the best for them and that they create something fun to do for ppl. They requested me to remove them from the forums over here which i did :'( Goodbye Mauler & roszek! So now the good news... We were initially going to wait with appointing new staff positions within MPF because it may be 'too soon' to do so. But i also think we must continue standing strong and giving new people a chance within our moderating teams and also people who have been with us for a longer period of time deserve a chance to grow within our MPF Community hierarchy. New Administrator Wyld1USA: he has been with us for a long time too proving his dedicated support to us in times when it was very much needed. He is going through a rough time right now as some may know and we have talked to him about this position and if he is ready or not and he said he is Wyld1USA will be spending time with maintaining our CSGO and updating those servers whenever Valve decides to release them like nearly every week. !Staff Group Promotions With both Wyld1USA and MDK promoted from !Staff to &Administrators they leave the Staff group empty which need to be filled up. After some discussion on irc mostly and teamspeak 3 we decided to promote: Kickmofo: pooftah! Kickmofo has always been loyal to MPF and been with us for a very long time. This Aussi bastard is always around for a good chat too and advice. TehVib: Long standing member of MPF with a very good degree of dedication to making it better. This fitnesswonder is also nice to talk to and always around for good advice and gaming Mike: has been helping us a lot with the workings of the CSGO and UltraAOW server Website aspect and is currently maintaining this. I've taught him this and that and stuff he already knew about it he is applying that knowledge there currently. In other news Removed some highly inactive half-moderators; They can potentially be re-added if they contact us within time and have good reasons. We made LordGalyen a server admin for the Renegade Division. We made newtown a server admin for the Renegade Division. We made TRFL a full moderator for the Renegade Division. We made Paterke a full moderator for the Renegade Division. We made Hunter-Seeker a full moderator for the Renegade Division. We made Graxion a half moderator for the Renegade Division. We may or may not promote more people to better positions but we haven't discussed it thoroughly yet. We'll make news topics when the time for this comes. Thanks Thanks everyone for your time, gaming with us, joining & staying with us and all that <3 Please continue to join Grtz
  6. Here the stats for January 2014 till June 2014: http://www.multiplayerforums.com: http://www.ultraaow.com: http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com: http://www.csgods.com: http://www.ren-x.com: Thanks everyone Thanks alot for visiting registering and staying with us!
  7. You can remap them if you wish. IK weekend is over now, i think it was pretty fun. We topped at 54 players on saturday evening i think. Very nice! Defo worth another go in the future Thanks for joining up all
  8. dblaney1 mostly and me have been working on updating the server to work with the DA (Built by WhiteDragon) system. All functionality is still working however we might have missed a little thing cos we're only human too So if there is anything wrong please let us know and post here. Have fun and thanks for playing on our server.
  9. In the month June 2014 we will be battling for the EA's Ultimate Collection. You must have played the most games on our Renegade NewMaps 4.1 server. Also you must be a member of our forums. To receive your copy you must have an Origin Account @ http://store.origin.com
  10. View May 2014 Rankings Congrats to Ivica007 for winning May's Prize: The game Supreme Commander provided to you by CireX from the MPF community on the Steam Platform. Once we get around to talking to Ivica007, he or she will receive the prize into their Steam Account. To receive your copy you must have an Steam Account @ http://store.steampowered.com
  11. Not exactly. There will be a "unofficial" GameSpy Server clone ran by cncnet, they will replace the current. In order for this to work the new RenList 1.0.7 version connects to cncnet and lists any renegade servers listed on their clone.
  12. Adad has updated the RenList utility most of us are using. You can download the new version over here. Make sure you have that version before the end of June 2014 or you won't be able to see any servers listed and join them. 1.0.7 - 10 May, 2014 * Update: Master servers list
  13. The problem Wrongfully more often than not you may end up being kicked by our anticheat for having inconsistent files. Why? The reason is simple (in most cases): Sometimes the downloader messes up a file during download and thus the anticheat triggers on it. How to fix it? To fix it is relatively simple; You are sent an Admin Message with the filename noted, write this down or take a screenshot of it. Now open your startmenu and type %appdata% and press enter. A folder will open and you can find a Renegade folder in there. Go into it, then go into the Client folder, then the TTFS folder and finally the Files folder. In here search for the filename you noted and then delete it. Now join the server again: It *should* attempt to download the missing file once again and hopefully not mess it up this time afterwards you should be able to play without getting kicked by the anti-cheat. What if that don't work? Try installing our mappack: Thats all Have fun; Still got problems? Post here!
  14. You can still only swap once per map.
  15. roszekboi has been busy last few days to create a new Swap plugin from scratch with new code. It is 100% working properly now. If nobody is on the other team and you want to change to Nod for example, the plugin allows you to do so once per game. If you want to swap with a player you simply type !swap and wait for someone to !swap as well after which your teams are swapped around. If teams are unbalanced and you are so kind to balance them you can type !swap and instantly change teams as well. If you decide to change your mind on swapping simply type !cswap and your swap request will be cancelled. Note that your swap request remains active the whole map unless you manually !cswap cancel it. Nice work roszek
  16. Choose your prize Which game would you like to win in June 2014 on the NewMaps server? Option 1: Command and Conquer: The Ultimate Collection Option 2: Alien Breed Trilogy Option 3: Counter Strike Global Offensive
  17. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website http://www.ultraaow.com/map_imperialkaskins.php - ImperialKaskins's G9 Series Information Page http://www.ultraaow.com/imperialkaskinsmaps.php - IK Map Screenshots Place this keys.zip in your data folder to be able to deploy vehicles with the Q key. UltraAOW Imperial Age In the UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend everyone starts out having 25.000 credits right after maploads. The rotation consists of only ImperialKaskins maps which were recently updated to version G9. (Unit Information for Imperial's G9) New in G9+ is the ability to deploy several vehicles in additional positions with the Q key. Please download and extract to your data folder the keys.cfg from here. This will make some interesting games once again. Be there! All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday 30 May till June 2 Monday. TT 4.1 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Weekend. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts.
  18. zunnie

    Help Me Please

    Moving topic to renegade help section, this is a mapping forum, not server help
  19. New Mappack v15.0 A new mappack was generated today for our NewMaps 4.1 server. We removed a lot of old beta's from the package which reduced it's filesize to 894 MB's. Download Here @ MPF
  20. We are thinking it is a bug in the TT 4.1 workings of the AirFactoryGameObj code which works with the sidebar and helipads for example. The sourcecode for this is closed so we have no access to it. We're supplying jonwil from TT with the crashdumps. Hopefully we can track down whats happening soon.
  21. It seems to be better now again..
  22. We seem to be experiencing some connectivity issues with our server host. Server is very unstable at the moment and is dropping players sometimes. Sorry for this, nothing we can do about it.
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