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Posts posted by Genesis2001

  1. see many communitys joined so we could actually gain players from the rts community to the w3d fps communitys :D or we could even get players from the renX community that never played olskool renegade :D


    note that the list of communities in the post(s) above were already participating members of the same IRC network. This is only a re-branding under a singular name. :)

  2. Other C&C Communities

    At present, we have the following communities connected to the network:

    • MPF (Renegade community)
    • CnCFPS (C&C news site)
    • Nite-Serv (C&C Community)
    • Tibitek (Renegade-X community)
    • Tiberian Genesis / C&C Generations (CE3 game based in C&C universe)
    • Kamuix (Renegade community built around MissionDM)
    • And, Renegade-X / Infamous IRC (developers of Renegade-X)
    • Jelly is available through a channel "janus" link for #jelly and #jelly-marathon (others included, just do a /list *jelly*)


    To answer your question NFHAVOC, I have edited the main post to include a list of communities that are linked to us right now.

  3. Side commentary on this post (necro reply!):


    This should be doable using a cinematic script that gets played when you deploy a beacon (custom event I think, but never looked into it specifically). I think St0rm had something like this on a map at one point. I can't remember though.

  4. Source file: (be sure to include engine.h and scripts.h)

    void zbl_Zone_Enter_Send_Custom_Object::Entered(GameObject *o, GameObject *enterer){	if (Get_Player_Type(enterer) == Get_Int_Parameter("Player_Type"))	{		int ID = Get_Int_Parameter("ID");		int message = Get_Int_Parameter("Message");		int param = Get_Int_Parameter("Param");		Send_Custom(ID, message, param, enterer);	}}

    Header file:

    class zbl_Send_Custom_Base abstract{protected:	void Send_Custom(int ID, int message, int param, GameObject *sender, float delay = 0.0f)	{		GameObject *o = Commands->Find_Object(ID);		if (o)		{			Commands->Send_Custom_Event(sender, o, message, param, delay);		}	}};class zbl_Zone_Enter_Send_Custom_Object : public ScriptImpClass, zbl_Send_Custom_Base{public:	void Entered(GameObject *o, GameObject *enterer);};

    Registrant: (including my macro)

    #define Register_Script(ClassName,Params) ScriptRegistrant<ClassName> ClassName##_Registrant(#ClassName,Params)Register_Script(zbl_Zone_Enter_Send_Custom_Object, "Player_Type:int,ID:int,Message:int,Param:int");
  5. Two scripts for the price of one.


    This script will (*untested*) repair an object (by ID) for a specified amount and trigger a cooldown timer. If the object can't be located (either destroyed or some other error), it will just ignore the poke.


    Source file: (be sure to include engine.h and scripts.h)

    void zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object::Created(GameObject *o){	m_sBuySound = Get_Parameter("Buy_Sound");	m_sDeniedSound = Get_Parameter("Denied_Sound");	m_sInsufficientFunds = Get_Parameter("NoMoney_Sound");	m_sDeniedCooldownSound = Get_Parameter("Cooldown_Denied_Sound");	m_iObjectID = Get_Int_Parameter("ObjectID");	m_iCost = Get_Int_Parameter("Cost");	m_iPlayerType = Get_Int_Parameter("Player_Type");	m_fAmount = Get_Float_Parameter("Amount");        m_fCooldownTimer = Get_Float_Parameter("Cooldown_Timer");}void zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object::Timer_Expired(GameObject *o, int num){	if (num == 5555)	{		EndCooldown();	}}void zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object::Poked(GameObject *o, GameObject *poker){	if (Get_Player_Type(poker) == m_iPlayerType)	{		cPlayer *plr = Find_Player(Get_Player_ID(poker));		if (!plr) return; // probably shouldn't happen. JIC.		GameObject *obj = Commands->Find_Object(m_iObjectID);		if (!obj) return; // flat ignore the poke if the object isn't found.		if (m_bOnCooldown)		{			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sDeniedCooldownSound);		}		else if (plr->Purchase_Item(m_iCost))		{			Commands->Apply_Damage(obj, m_fAmount * -1.0f, "Repair", poker);			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sBuySound);			BeginCooldown(o);		}		else		{			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sInsufficientFunds);		}	}	else	{		Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sDeniedSound);	}}void zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object_Send_Custom::Created(GameObject *o){	zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object::Created(o); // delegate to base ctor.	m_iSendObjectID = Get_Int_Parameter("Send_Object");	m_iSucceedMessage = Get_Int_Parameter("Succeeded_Message");	m_iDeniedMessage = Get_Int_Parameter("Denied_Message");	m_iNoMoneyMessage = Get_Int_Parameter("NoMoney_Message");	m_iCooldownMessage = Get_Int_Parameter("Cooldown_Message");}void zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object_Send_Custom::Poked(GameObject *o, GameObject *poker){	if (Get_Player_Type(poker) == m_iPlayerType)	{		cPlayer *plr = Find_Player(Get_Player_ID(poker));		if (!plr) return; // probably shouldn't happen. JIC.		GameObject *obj = Commands->Find_Object(m_iObjectID);		if (!obj) return; // flat ignore the poke if the object isn't found.		if (m_bOnCooldown)		{			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sDeniedCooldownSound);			Send_Custom(m_iSendObjectID, m_iCooldownMessage, 0, poker);		}		else if (plr->Purchase_Item(m_iCost))		{			Commands->Apply_Damage(obj, m_fAmount * -1.0f, "Repair", poker);			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sBuySound);			BeginCooldown(o);			Send_Custom(m_iSendObjectID, m_iSucceedMessage, 0, poker);		}		else		{			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sInsufficientFunds);			Send_Custom(m_iSendObjectID, m_iNoMoneyMessage, 0, poker);		}	}	else	{		Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sDeniedSound);		Send_Custom(m_iSendObjectID, m_iDeniedMessage, 0, poker);	}}

    Header file: (3 class declarations)

    class zbl_Send_Custom_Base abstract{protected:	void Send_Custom(int ID, int message, int param, GameObject *sender, float delay = 0.0f)	{		GameObject *o = Commands->Find_Object(ID);		if (o)		{			Commands->Send_Custom_Event(sender, o, message, param, delay);		}	}};class zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object : public ScriptImpClass{protected:	bool m_bOnCooldown;	float m_fCooldownTimer;	int m_iPlayerType;	int m_iObjectID;	int m_iCost;	float m_fAmount;	StringClass m_sBuySound;	StringClass m_sDeniedSound;	StringClass m_sInsufficientFunds;	StringClass m_sDeniedCooldownSound;	void BeginCooldown(GameObject *o)	{		m_bOnCooldown = true;		Commands->Start_Timer(o, this, m_fCooldownTimer, 5555);	}	void EndCooldown()	{		m_bOnCooldown = false;	}public:	virtual void Created(GameObject *o);	virtual void Poked(GameObject *o, GameObject *poker);	virtual void Timer_Expired(GameObject *o, int num);};class zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object_Send_Custom : public zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object, zbl_Send_Custom_Base{protected:	int m_iSendObjectID;	int m_iSucceedMessage;	int m_iDeniedMessage;	int m_iNoMoneyMessage;	int m_iCooldownMessage;public:	void Created(GameObject *o);	void Poked(GameObject *o, GameObject *poker);};

    Registrant: (including my Register_Script macro)

    #define Register_Script(ClassName,Params) ScriptRegistrant<ClassName> ClassName##_Registrant(#ClassName,Params)Register_Script(zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object, "Player_Type:int,Cost:int,ObjectID:int,Amount:float,Cooldown_Timer:float,Buy_Sound:string,Denied_Sound:string,NoMoney_Sound:string,Cooldown_Denied_Sound:string");Register_Script(zbl_Poke_Buy_Repair_Object_Send_Custom, "Player_Type:int,Cost:int,ObjectID:int,Amount:float,Cooldown_Timer:float,Buy_Sound:string,Denied_Sound:string,NoMoney_Sound:string,Cooldown_Denied_Sound:string,Send_Object:int,Succeeded_Message:int,Denied_Message:int,NoMoney_message:int,Cooldown_Message:int");

    I won't attach a precompiled scripts.dll this time because it's untested. I'll let you compile it into scripts.dll yourself so you can make changes as necessary.

  6. Unsure if this is what you want(ed), but here's my take. (Also necro post by a month!)


    Source file: (don't forget to include engine.h/scripts.h)

    void zbl_Refill_Buy_Poke::Created(GameObject *o){	m_sBuySound = Get_Parameter("Buy_Sound");	m_sDeniedSound = Get_Parameter("Denied_Sound");	m_sInsufficientFunds = Get_Parameter("Insufficient_Funds_Sound");	m_sPowerup = Get_Parameter("Ammo_PowerUp");	m_iCost = Get_Int_Parameter("Cost");	m_iPlayerType = Get_Int_Parameter("Player_Type");}void zbl_Refill_Buy_Poke::Poked(GameObject *o, GameObject *poker){	if (Get_Player_Type(poker) == m_iPlayerType)	{		cPlayer *plr = Find_Player(Get_Player_ID(poker));		if (!plr) return;		if (plr->Purchase_Item(m_iCost))		{			Grant_Powerup(poker, m_sPowerup);			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sBuySound);		}		else		{			Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sInsufficientFunds);		}	}	else	{		Create_2D_Sound_Player(poker, m_sDeniedSound);	}}

    Header file:

    class zbl_Refill_Buy_Poke : public ScriptImpClass{	int m_iCost;	int m_iPlayerType;	StringClass m_sBuySound;	StringClass m_sDeniedSound;	StringClass m_sInsufficientFunds;	StringClass m_sPowerup;public:	void Created(GameObject *o);	void Poked(GameObject *obj, GameObject *poker);};

    Registrant: (including my handy macro)

    #define Register_Script(ClassName,Params) ScriptRegistrant<ClassName> ClassName##_Registrant(#ClassName,Params)Register_Script(zbl_Refill_Buy_Poke, "Cost:int,Player_Type:int,Buy_Sound:string,Denied_Sound:string,Insufficient_Funds_Sound:string,Ammo_PowerUp:string");

    Compiled binaries attached for LE only. The script body is not compiled into the body as I just compile a script stub (essentially just the registrant with the parameters required to be filled out for LE.


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