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SSGM 4.0 Plugins

45 files

  1. Unstuck Command Plugin

    This plugin allows players to type !stuck or !unstuck to teleport them to the last known good location when they get stuck for some reason.
    The last known good location is usually the location where they spawned at or last changed character. This includes the location of a crate in case they get the character crate.
    If they are inside a vehicle while stuck it will be destroyed, they will be refunded the cost of that vehicle, and then teleported back to the last known good location.
    You can configure a timer in the configuration for this command. The player must wait that time before they are actually teleported, you want to set this above 10 seconds usually to prevent them from 'quickly going back base' after a beacon has been placed for example.
    The plugin checks their current and stuck position, if they moved too much they wont be teleported back to their last good position. They are not really stuck then.
    To use the plugin add it to your [Plugins] section like for example below:
    [Plugins]00=BanSystem.dll01=Mute.dll02=mpf_unstuck_plugin.dllAt the bottom of ssgm.ini add a section containing this to configure a global setting:
    [Unstuck]Unstuck_Timer=15You can also configure it per map by adding entries like this for every map (mapnames are ALL lowercase):


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  2. Win By Kills

    This plugin enables you to set a target amount of kills required for a player to win the game.
    When you set Required_Kills to 10, the first player to get 10 kills will win the game and gets the Reward_Points set in ssgm.ini
    Set Reward_Points to like 5000 or something so they will get MVP too
    Players can lookup their kills left by typing !kills
    To use plugin add it under the [Plugins] in ssgm.ini like for example:
    At the bottom of ssgm.ini add a section containing this to configure a global setting:
    Then you can configure it per map by adding entries like this for every map (mapnames are ALL lowercase):
    Have fun !


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  3. Random Rotation

    This plugin when loaded on the fds will randomize the rotation. Everytime the nextmap will be a random one.
    The first map in rotation is not affected by this plugin so is always the same.
    To load it on your server simply add it to your ssgm.ini [Plugins].
    Disable brenbots !nextmap command by editing commands.xml and set enabled value to 0.
    To see the nextmap type !nextmap or !next.


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  4. Refill Costs Money

    This plugin will make purchasing a refill cost money. The cost is calculated based on the following formula:
    ((Max HP-Current HP) / Max HP) * Preset Cost * Fraction Of Total Cost * Base Power Multiplier
    Preset Cost = the cost of the object, e.g. 1000 credits for a Havoc
    Fraction Of Total Cost = a configurable multiplier you can set, e.g. if you want to have a refill cost 30% of the culculated cost set this to 0.3
    Base Power Multiplier = if doubling cost when base power is down is configured this will be set to 2.0 when base power is down otherwise it's always 1.0
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'.
    To install place RefillCostsMoney.dll in the root fds folder and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in ssgm.ini, then add the following to ssgm.ini and configure it:
    FractionOfTotalCost = 0.3 ; this number is multiplied with the calculated cost of a refill
    NoBasePowerDoubleCost = true ; double the cost of a refill when base power is down


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  5. Tagging System

    This is a very simple tagging plugin that I made for the map/mod test server that I use.
    It seems to do what I want it to but if there is something wrong with the code I'm sure someone will let me know. keep in mind I know very little of making ssgm plugins.
    How it works:
    Basically it keeps track of scores over a period of a month and tags a player based on the scores they have accumulated; the tags are updated when a player joins or when a new level loads.
    The scores and current month are stored in a file in the server folder called scores.txt; this file gets created if it does not exist.
    At the beginning of a new month all data gets deleted.
    The scores (which cause the tag updates), and the tag titles are read from the ssgm.ini file so that they can easily be changed.
    By: roszek
    ;Add to the ssgm.ini file.[TaggingSystem]tag1=Generaltag2=Lieutenant Generaltag3=Major Generaltag4=Brigadier Generaltag5=Coloneltag6=Lieutenant Coloneltag7=Captaintag8=First Lieutenanttag9=Second Lieutenanttag10=Sergeant Majortag11=First Sergeanttag12=Master Sergeanttag13=Sergeant First Classtag14=Sergeanttag15=Corporaltag16=Private First Classtag17=Privatescore1=130000score2=105000score3=92000score4=82000SCORE5=72000score6=65000score7=58000score8=51000score9=44000score10=37000score11=30000score12=23000score13=17000score14=11000score15=5000score16=2500


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  6. Where Is My Beacon

    ### Created by Xpert from Atomix
    ### irc.ax-games.net
    ### http://www.ax-games.net
    ### CREDITS
    Thanks to reborn for original concept
    ### DESCRIPTION ###
    This plugin will make a player say in team chat when they have placed a beacon and will say near what building if it's legit. This concept of the plugin uses the actual client's name with TMSG rather than the old way of a color message that non-script users couldn't see.
    - PLAYERNAME: The beacon I deployed is FAKE.
    - PLAYERNAME: I deployed a FAKE beacon near the BUILDINGNAME.
    - PLAYERNAME: Please help DEFEND my beacon near the BUILDINGNAME!
    ### CHANGELOG ###
    V1 - Release


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  7. Set Deaths Console Command

    This plugin will add a console command to the FDS that will allow you to set the deaths count of a player (negative numbers are accepted and work). The following console command is added:
    SETDEATHS <ID> <VALUE> - changes the deaths count of a player.
    To install place 'SetDeathsConsoleCommand.dll' inside your root FDS folder and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in SSGM.ini.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'


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  8. Space Out

    I threw together a simple plugin that changes spaces in nicks to underscores.
    It seems to work
    By: roszek


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  9. Join Name Regulator

    A simple plugin that has the following features:
    - Truncating names longer than a configurable limit
    - Replacing characters in a name
    - Changing a name when a player joins under an illegal name, you can configure the name to change to and the amount of digits appended to it
    These features have been done by multiple people over the years, but I felt like writing this anyway. You can contact me under the nick 'iRANian' on renforums.com. To install place 'JoinNameRegulator.dll' in your FDS folder and add an entry under the [Plugins] section of SSGM.ini and at the bottom of that file add:
    GuestNick = Player ; Name to use + randomly generated digits when a player joins with an illegal name
    GuestAppendDigits = 6 ; How many digits to append to the GuestNick
    AllowedNameLength = 18 ; The maximum allowed length for a name, anything longer than this number will be truncated to this maximum
    ; Players who join with one of these nicks will have their name changed to the values configured above
    01 = Host
    02 = Renegade
    03 = Unnamed
    ; This replaces an illegal character to the left of the '=' sign with the character on the right
    ;WhiteSpace = ! ; WhiteSpace is a special value as the character can't be loaded from the INI loading system
    ;[ = _
    Note: Crashes server if someone joins with 1 letter in their nickname


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  10. GameSpy Support

    The code for this plugin is ported from the OnOeS source code written by Hex, jnz and pvtschlag. I started porting this plugin while I was reading the OnOeS source code and had need for GSA support without having to install the RR server or starting BRenBot. I know there are many alternative software that can do this, but it was a relative quick port and I know some people might need this or be interested in it.
    This SSGM 4.0 plugin adds GameSpy broadcasting/listing support to the FDS, like WOLSpy, Renegade Resurrection and BRenBot among others (can) do. The configuration file allows you to configure all the non-essential information sent to the GSA master server, such as info about whether friendly fire is enabled or not. You can also send out custom information such as the name of your (community's) site. All the player info is sent, such as kills and game time.
    To install:
    1. Copy GameSpy_Support.dll to your main FDS folder, where SSGM is located in.
    2. Open up ssgm.ini in the folder and add an entry under [Plugins] for "GameSpy_Support"
    3. Add the following text to SSGM.ini and edit it to your liking:

    [GameSpy_Support]; Configuration for the GameSpy_Support plugin;What port to listen on for GameSpy queries/packets;NOTE: __DO NOT__ set this to your FDS' port;And make sure the port isn't blocked on any router or some crapListenPort=5858;The name of the server's game modeGameMode=AOW; Keep this zero to use the actual maxplayer amount; This setting is useful for custom max slotsMaxPlayers=0; keep this zero to use the WOL game description/title, or set this to acustom;game titleCustomGameTitle=0;What 'time' info to send out for players.;Set this to Total or Gamestart;Total sends the total time a player has been ingame;Gamestart sends the time players have been ingame since the start of the mapPlayerTimeMode=Total;Append the player count to the WOL game title?; e.g. Derp Server (0/40)NoWOLAppendPlayerCount=trueShowGameMode=trueShowDriverGunner=falseShowTeamChanging=falseShowFriendlyFire=falseShowCredits=trueShowTimeLeft=trueShowPedestal=falseShowRotation=true[GameSpy_Support_ExtraStrings];Note that if there are too many strings listed here (say more than 50) it;will cause a buffer overflow/crash;Example: 01=Website\\www.ultraaow.com01=Website\www.multiplayerforums.com02=Bot\BRenBot03=IRC\irc.multiplayerforums.com


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  11. Flood Protection

    Since this seems to be all the rage now, here's a dll that will block spam of radio commands serverside. 5 commands per 10 secs.


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  12. DDE Channel

    Incase anyone else is missing the DDE functionality from prior versions of scripts, here it is again.
    I think I'm the only person that actually used it but who knows..


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  13. Team Donate

    This plugin adds support for !teamdonate, !td and !tdonate (case insensitive). It's ported from the TeamDonate plugin that reborn made for ssgm 2.0.2. I've added the following changes:
    1. Players running scripts 2.9.2 or higher get a green coloured message instead of an annoying PM.
    2. The amount of credits that's shared per every member of the team can't be lower than 100.
    3. You get a page telling you the amount of credit per team member that was donated to them.
    4. The command that was typed in isn't displayed.
    5. If you don't specify an amount of credits to donate, all of your credits are donated.
    To install copy TeamDonate.dll to your FDS folder and add an entry for 'TeamDonate.dll' in the [Plugins] section of ssgm.ini.


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  14. Building Revival Console Commands

    This plugin adds support for extra console commands for reviving specific buildings to the Renegade FDS. The following console commands are added:

    revivebar ;Revives the GDI Barracksrevivehon ;Revives the Hand of Nodrevivegdipp ;Revives the GDI Power Plantrevivenodpp ;Revives the Nod Power Plantrevivegdiconyard ;Revives the GDI Construction Yardrevivenodconyard ;Revives the Nod Construction Yardrevivegdiref ;Revives the GDI Refineryrevivenodref ;Revives the Nod Refineryrevivegdirepbay ;Revives the GDI Repair Bay revivenodrepbay ;Revives the Nod Repair Bayrevivewf ;Revives the GDI Weapons Factoryreviveair ;Revives the Nod Airstriprevivegdicommcenter ;Revives the GDI Communications Centerrevivenodcommcenter ;Revives the Nod Communications Centerreviveagt ;Revives the GDI Advanced Guard Towerreviveob ;Revives the Nod Obelisk
    There's one known issue, if a player isn't running scripts 4.0, he has to rejoin the server to be able to buy vehicles/infantry if the vehicle/soldier factory is revived.
    You can contact me by PM'ing me under the name "iran" or on the usual IRC servers under the nick "Iran".


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  15. Mute

    ### Created by Xpert from Atomix
    ### irc.ax-games.net
    ### www.ax-games.net
    ### CREDITS
    Thanks to reborn for original concept
    Thanks to iRan for making me avoid the use of "PPAGE"
    ### DESCRIPTION ###
    This plugin will allow you to mute or unmute players ingame to prevent them from
    using the chat or radio commands.
    ### CHANGELOG ###
    V1 - Original by reborn released with TT
    V2 - Notifies the player if they are muted or unmuted
    - Notifies the player if they try to use Radio or Chat when muted
    - It will now output if you try to mute a player that is already muted and
    if you try to unmute a player that isn't muted.
    - The output response to the FDS will now make a new line using \n
    V3 - Fixed a problem where muted players could still use radio commands


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  16. Flaming C4 Prevention

    This plugin adds various measures to the FDS to prevent people doing so called 'flaming C4'. All C4 placed on friendly units are automatically disarmed, Proxy C4 placed on empty vehicles are auto-disarmed too and a few limits have been added to the amount of Remote C4 and Timed C4 allowed stacked on top of each other or on neutral vehicles.
    You can contact me under the nick iRANian on renegadeforums.com. Thanks to Xpert for finding an issue where C4 on Purchase Terminals got disarmed.
    -Fixed a bug that caused C4 placed on Purchase Terminals to be disarmed.
    To install, place 'FlamingC4Prevention.dll' in the root FDS folder and add an entry for it in SSGM.ini under [Plugins]. Then at the bottom of SSGM.ini add:
    ; Messages used by this script:
    PageMessage = Your C4 has been automatically disarmed by the Flaming C4 prevention script.
    TimedC4LimitMessage = You placed too many Timed C4 on empty vehicle(s), your last one has been disarmed.
    RemoteC4LimitMessage = You placed too many Remote C4 on empty vehicle(s), your last one has been disarmed.
    TimedC4StackedMessage = Your last Timed C4 has been disarmed, please don't place C4 on top of each other.
    RemoteC4StackedMessage = Your last Remote C4 has been disarmed, please don't place C4 on top of each other.
    ;How many Timed C4 are allowed to be attached to empty vehicles per player?
    TimedC4Limit = 3
    ;How many Remote C4 are allowed to be attached to empty vehicles per player?
    RemoteC4Limit = 6
    ;Total Timed C4 that are allowed to be stacked (i.e. placed on top another C4) per player
    TimedC4Stacked = 2
    ;Total Remote C4 that are allowed to be stacked per player
    RemoteC4Stacked = 2
    ;How long to wait in secs after C4 creation before activating the flaming c4 check
    ActivationWaitTime = 2


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  17. SBH No Remote C4 Pickup

    This plugin will remove Remote C4 from an SBH after they pick them up, it will also page the SBH that "SBH's are no longer allowed to pick up Remote C4."


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  18. Custom Killmessages ALPHA

    This plugin replaces the normal kill messages for players running scripts.dll 2.9.2 or higher with custom versions that look like these:
    KillerName <killed string> VictimName <squish string>
    KillerName <killed string> VictimName with a HEAD SHOT!
    KillerName <killed string> VictimName with a NECK SHOT!
    Where <killed string> and <squish string> are randomly chosen from a list of strings you can configure. The source code contains a function to very accurately obtain what weapon was used to kill a player, but this function isn't used. Squishes might possibly not be detected accurately (using a hacky method to detect them), if that's the case please contact me.
    You can contact me on renegadeforums.com under the nick iRANian.
    Thanks to the Tiberian Technologies team and in particular StealthEye for adding the features to beta 4 that make this possible and for answering a lot of my questions.
    To install this plugin set 'SendPlayerKillsToNewClients=' in server.ini to false, place 'CustomKillMessages.dll' in the root FDS folder and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in SSGM.ini. Then at the bottom of SSGM.ini add:
    ;These are the strings that are randomly chosen as the string to replace 'killed' with in 'KillerName killed VictimName'
    01=beat the shit out of
    02=politically massacred
    ;These are the strings that are randomly chosen as the string to replace 'squishstring' with in 'KillerName killed VictimName squishstring'
    01=herp derp


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  19. Leave Deaths Exploit Fix

    This plugin fixes an exploit where if you leave the game after dying but before respawning your death count doesn't get incremented. The following simple code is used:

    void LeaveDeathsExploitFix::OnPlayerLeave(int PlayerID){ GameObject *obj = Get_GameObj(PlayerID); if ( Commands->Get_Health(obj) == 0.0f ) { Find_Player(PlayerID)->Set_Deaths(Find_Player(PlayerID)->Get_Deaths()+1); }}
    To install place 'LeaveDeathsExploitFix.dll' inside the root FDS and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in SSGM.ini.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'.


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  20. Restore Weapons Characters Join

    This plugin will restore the weapons and character a player had before he left the server if he rejoins the server before the match ends. I got the idea from iScripters who told me gz0ne/fnfall had this feature.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iRANian' on renegadeforums.com.
    To install place 'RestoreWeaponsCharacterOnJoin.dll' in the root FDS folder and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in SSGM.ini.


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  21. Vehicle Kills Command

    This plugin adds the !vehkills (alias !vkills) command to the server, this command simply displays the amount of vehicles the players destroyed.
    To install place 'VkillsCommand.dll' inside the root FDS folder then add an entry for it under [Plugins] in SSGM.ini.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'.


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  22. Chat Aliases

    This simple plugin will replace certain text typed by players with a different message (e.g. "repref" getting replaced with "Repair the Refinery"), I saw this feature listed on BlackIntel's website as part of their server-side mods and thought it would be cool to make a clone of it.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'.
    To install place 'ChatAliases.dll' in your root FDS folder and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in SSGM.ini, then at the bottom of SSGM.ini add and configure:
    ;List an alias and replacement here, note you can't have "ERR" as replacement text
    repref=Repair the Refinery!
    .strush=Get Stealth Tanks and let's rush!


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  23. Veteran System Alpha

    This is a port of the veteran system from the OnOeS renegade regulator made by Hex, jnz and pvtschlag. I rewrote parts of it to resemble the n00bless veteran system plugin for SSGM 2.0.2 released by Hex. It includes regeneration, discounts, health+armour increases and veteran commands. The following commands are available:
    !vetpoints - !vp ; Shows how many vet points the player executing the command has
    !weapon - !weap ; Will give the player a random weapon from his team, if he is a level 3 veteran
    !character - !char ; Will give the player a random character from his team, if he is a level 4 veteran
    !vehicle - !veh ; Will give the player a random vehicle from his team, if he is a level 5 veteran
    The values associated with every veteran level are currently hard-coded as this is an ALPHA RELEASE. It might crash your server randomly as it isn't tested and it also might contain bugs. I've included the source code, although it looks like a mess.
    To install, place VeteranSystem.dll in your root FDS folder and add an entry under the [Plugins] section in SSGM.ini. Then at the bottom of SSGM.ini add:
    ;If a soldier preset is missing the code defaults the preset to 'low tier', this section controls how many vet point(s) a character is worth
    ; 1 = low tier, 2 = mid tier, 3 = high tier
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_0=1 ;Shooter
    CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_0=1 ;Shotgunner
    CnC_GDI_Grenadier_0=1 ;Grenadier
    CnC_GDI_Engineer_0=1 ;Engineer
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_1Off=1 ;Officer
    CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_1Off=1 ;Rocket Soldier
    CnC_Sydney=1 ;Tib Sydney
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_2SF=2 ;Deadeye
    CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_2SF=2 ;Gunner
    CnC_GDI_Grenadier_2SF=2 ;Patch
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss=3 ;Havoc
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT2=3 ;Havoc
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT3=3 ;Havoc
    CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT4=3 ;Havoc
    CnC_Sydney_PowerSuit=3 ;PIC
    CnC_Sydney_PowerSuit_ALT2=3 ;PIC
    CnC_Ignatio_Mobius=3 ;Mobius
    CnC_Ignatio_Mobius_ALT2=3 ;Mobius
    CnC_GDI_Engineer_2SF=3 ;Hotwire
    CnC_Nod_Minigunner_0=1 ;Shooter
    CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_0=1 ;Shotgunner
    CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_0=1 ;Flamethrower
    CnC_Nod_Engineer_0=1 ;Engineer
    CnC_Nod_Minigunner_1Off=1 ;Officer
    CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_1Off=1 ;Rocket Soldier
    CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_1Off=1 ;Chem Sprayer
    CnC_Nod_Minigunner_2SF=2 ;Black Hand Sniper
    CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF=2 ;Black Hand Laserchaingunner
    CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_2SF=2 ;SBH
    CnC_Nod_Minigunner_3Boss=3 ;Sakura
    CnC_Nod_Minigunner_3Boss_ALT2=3 ;Sakura
    CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss=3 ;Raveshaw
    CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss_ALT2=3 ;Raveshaw
    CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss=3 ;MENdoza
    CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss_ALT2=3 ; MENdoza
    CnC_Nod_Technician_0=3 ;Technician


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  24. Reserved Slots Beta

    This plugin will allow authorized players to join the server when it's full. You can configure a list of authorized players by name. As a side-effect of this plugin, when the server is full it'll show the max player count as being one slot higher than it actually is on XWIS, GSA and other code aren't affected by this. This plugin doesn't play nicely with other stuff that changes the player limit.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'.
    Thanks to StealthEye for suggesting the current method I'm using to implement this.
    To install place 'ReservedSlots.dll' in your root FDS folder, then add an entry for it under [Plugins] in ssgm.ini, then to the bottom off ssgm.ini add and configure the following:
    ;List of names that are allowed to join when server is full
    01 = Host
    02 = Renegade
    03 = Unnamed


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  25. Screen Shake Console Command

    This plugin will add a console command to shake the camera violently for a player, if that player is running custom scripts.dll. The following console command is added:
    SCREENSHAKE <ID> <DURATION> - Shakes the screen of a player for a variable DURATION.
    To install place 'ScreenShakeConsoleCommand' in the root FDS folder and add an entry for it under [Plugins] in ssgm.ini.
    You can contact me under the nick 'iran'.


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