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!Former Staff
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  1. Like
    faction reacted to r3sur[r3Kt] in SlowBurno   
    It is with great regret that i have to tell you that SlowBurno has sadly passed away at the age of 57 after not recovering from an operation he had on 30.04.2016.
    For those who knew him he was not really a forum person but spent a lot of time with us on TS (Team speak) and made a lot of friends here.
    If you can all join me in sharing your respects for him.
    I want to arrange some sort of memorial games for him so we can all get together and have a bit of fun and show our respects for him and his family. I will speak to the other staff and update this as soon as we have discussed it. (maybe a player line and a mass beacon detonation etc). I have also created a new channel on TS ("SlowBurn0 Memorial - 1959-2016") for us to join when this happens.
    Sad times thoughts are with his family and friends.
    R.I.P Mate.
    SlowBurno 1959-2016
  2. Like
    faction reacted to Cronus in Server Maintenance 2015.08.15   
    All websites have been moved!  Let me know if anything seems a miss.
  3. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in RenList Problems   
    RenList Temporarily Down
    Appearently renlist appears to be down the past 12 hours or so...
    There are alternatives to join the server like RenIP: http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/640-renip/

    Enter the path to where your game.exe is located, your username, servername, ip and port and click "Connect" at the bottom right.
    Imperial Age Client
    This client we assembled over the last few months for the server will join it without problems.
    You do NOT need this if you have Renegade, however you may want to try it out anyway
    It can run aside Renegade just fine and will not conflict with it.

    Good luck & Have fun
  4. Like
    faction reacted to Rooney in RenList Problems   
    Any word on what the deal with RenList is??
  5. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in RenList Problems   
    It's fixed now, i contacted the guys in charge of it. The master-server was crashed and nobody had noticed it, they restarted it now.
  6. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in Website Statistics for 2014 till November   
    Thank you all for visiting our websites, playing on our server and donating to us to keep this online and active
    Stats for http://multiplayerforums.com

    Stats for http://www.ultraaow.com

    Stats for http://www.ren-x.com

    Stats for http://www.mpf-imperial-age.com

    Stats for http://www.mpf-games.com

    Stats for http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

    Stats for http://www.csgods.com

    Stats for http://www.unreal4ever.com

  7. Like
    faction reacted to newtown19 in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    I won't be able to make it.
    My cousin is getting married on Saturday.
  8. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    It will start at like 12am Dutch time and last all day...
    Ah i see newtown, ok, maybe next time then, congrats with your cousin
  9. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in Reticle   
    We do not need proof to ban people, we can ban whoever we want, whenever we want, although we rarely do so.
  10. Like
    faction reacted to shaitan in Reticle   
    Good lord how many rets do you need, you asked a few weeks ago for the small dot one.
  11. Like
    faction reacted to Alex in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    Not sure if I can join but i will try
    Be prepared mods 8)
  12. Like
    faction got a reaction from Hunter-Seeker in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    Looks like the community members are going to get OWNED!!
  13. Like
    faction got a reaction from Baddog13 in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    Looks like the community members are going to get OWNED!!
  14. Like
    faction reacted to Baddog13 in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    sign me in......you smell that? do you.... smells like baddog going to shit on some playas!
  15. Like
    faction got a reaction from bullvipe in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    Looks like the community members are going to get OWNED!!
  16. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in Community vs. MPF Moderators   
    Renegade Community Members vs.Renegade MPF Moderators
    Hello fellow Renegade Community Members
    We would like to play a couple of matches between people from the Renegade Community and the Renegade MPF Moderators.
    Pretty much everyone is welcome to join these Community League Matches.
    When will this great take place?
    The current date set is Saturday the 27th of September 2014.
    The whole day we will be joining the server with team changing enabled where our Regegade MPF Moderators will join one team and any Renegade Community Members who signed up will join the other team.
    Maprotation, Rules & Settings?
    We will run our default NewMaps rotation including the G10 Series from ImperialKaskins. To minimize the ingame downloading we recommend to download the mappack and install it prior to joining.
    The server might be passworded and those who signed up will receive the password to join, in case it is not passworded, the moderators will place players on the correct team.
    Detailed Rules are explained in this topic here.
    The server will be set to 80 players maximum. (~40 MPF Moderators & ~40 Community Members)
    Client Requirements
    As always the server is running TT41+Dragonade with our NewMaps special plugins and functions.
    The Tiberian Technologies 4.1 Update is required to play on the server, you cannot join without it.
    Sign Up Now!
    We are looking for around 30-40 players to be available on this day for some matches against our Renegade MPF Moderators.
    To sign up simply register on our forums at http://multiplayerforums.com by clicking here.
    Click on the "Add me into this war" button on this page.
    Good Luck Everyone
  17. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in New Killingspree Notifications Soon   
    The new killingspree notifications soon to be introduced on the server, a video:

  18. Like
    faction reacted to instinct in Prize Restriction Removal?   
    Opps bussardnr I was tying this as you posted my bad..
    If so then I will be more than happy to answer you.  For the last 10 years this game has been a part of my life.  It has been my beer after work, or my (insert what you do to wind down after work here )  thing.  I have not the time nor the talent and patience to do what Zunnie and the other great members of the staff he have done to keep this game alive and not boring.  (insert sandwich spread here) 
    Tens years later and a hell of a college bill I have been blessed with a good paying job.  I have started to donate here as it is my way of saying thank you.  I can take part of that donation and get some prizes or whatever Zunnie and staff agree on..  It is my privilege to help.  I haven't always been able to do that and now I can.
    Last night I got ts3 going.  I was chatting with one of the mods while playing and then I was done.  I said "Goodnight"  the mod replied "Goodnight"
    I sat back a moment later and thought;  how fuckin cool is that to be saying goodnight to peeps I've never met and live in countries far away.  I just thought that was cool..  Renegade
    It is that simple.  I want nothing more nothing less.  Just be a part of this community of Renegade.  Simple. 
  19. Like
    faction reacted to unknown in Joining online servers   
    I use this http://multiplayerforums.com/index.php?/files/file/70-renlist/
  20. Like
    faction reacted to alexrirak in Server Upgrade   
    Improvements are always good even if its at the cost of some downtime
  21. Like
    faction reacted to alexrirak in MPF Server Stats (alexStats)   
    MPF would like to introduce alexStats. Ren-x.com Slaughterhouse server stats (alexStats) are independent from the RenegadeX global stats system and are only for the server you play on, you will not need steam to be apart of the stats unlike the current RenegadeX global stats were only steam users are logged. The system also provides live server status allowing you to see who is in game, map, time remaining and current building status from the website.

    alexStats has just been enabled on both Slaughterhouse #1 and Slaughterhouse #2 servers, see if you have what it takes to be Number 1. Ranks have just been reset to give everyone a fair chance.
    (check your rank at http://renegadexserver.com/)


    Search: player name search
    Rank: players rank in the ladder
    Name: player name
    Total Points: total points over every game you have participated in
    Av. Score: average score over every game you have participated in
    K / D: kills to death
    K/D Ratio: the ratio of kills to deaths
    Total Games: the amount of games you have participated in
    Av. Kills Per Game: average kills in games you have participated in
    Av. Deaths Per Game: average kills in games you have participated in
    GDI / Nod: how many times you have been on each side (also determines the color of you personal stats as shown below)
    Recs: how many recommendations you have had (best player of the match)

    Monthly Ranks: holds the months ladder for the current and past months
    Overall Ranks: hold the all the ranks from start / reset to current day
    Map Ranks: holds the ranks for each individual map

  22. Like
    faction got a reaction from LordGalyen in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    Dammit.. My laptop sucks and can't run it
    I'll be upgrading soon though...
  23. Like
    faction reacted to Pwn Call in Renegade X - Download Today!   
    Oh that's just the noob filter doing its job
  24. Like
    faction reacted to zunnie in Important: Moving Webhost   
    Please be advised that we are in the process of moving the website over to another webhost with a 1Gbit line.
    There should be very little downtime however it is not garantueed to work right away.
    Please be patient while we work on this.
    We will place the website in maintenance mode very soon for a while. This to prevent new posts being made while we work with the MySQL database.
    Stay tuned for a even faster multiplayerforums.com
  25. Like
    faction reacted to Cronus in New Administrator   
    Oh crap.. But I liked just idling on IRC!!!
    On the real Thanks guys, While I do this for a hobby/fun and don't care about admin etc, its nice to feel appreciated.
    Currently working on a few things for MPF as I type this
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