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Everything posted by Graxion

  1. PC FIXED. Will have it back as soon as I get my schoolwork caught up. Should be on within a week!

  2. STILL missing my PC. In the future, when I get another new PC, I most likely will NOT buy from iBuyPower again.

  3. I think a mixed system might help. Player, building, and vehicle kills are all worth bonus points that are added to your score when ranked.
  4. Why does the best prize come while I'm out of commission? JK, I'd never get close anyways. I prioritize teamplay and fun above points far too much to get anywhere close to #2 (Because we all know who's gonna get #1).
  5. If titles are getting changed here make me Glitch Hunter, That Crazy SOB, Tactics Master, or Ace Pilot. Don't really care which, they all suit me.
  6. Three weeks since I sent out my PC for repairs. Could be another week or more until I get it back.

  7. Snipers are too OP in regular renegade, being able to beat any other infantry and aircraft no problem. Now they're actually BALANCED. Use them for their intended use of picking off enemies at long range or don't use them at all.
  8. Sounds like the RenX server will need to be AT LEAST as big as the regular ren server
  9. I'd be playing this already if my home PC wasn't busted. Less than a week til' I get it back though. Hope they fixed Patch's sprint in open beta.
  10. I only have 1G video ram but I run RenX max settings no prob. (Before my PCU went kaput that is) You should be fine so long as everything else has enough power.
  11. I hope iBuyPower fixes my goddamn computer before this.
  12. Finally getting my busted PC shipped out later tonight. Hopefully iBuyPower will fix it and send it back within a week.

  13. Just spilled my life's pains into a forum post. I feel relieved and totally drained at the same time.

  14. Exams @ school. Just want to play ren. D:

  15. I'm just going to put this link out there for those with computer issues: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227507 I use this model personally. It runs Renegade-X on maximum settings no problem and only costs $700. Only thing is you need to watch it constantly if you want one. It goes in and out of stock rapidly. After I got mine, a few days later it was out, a couple more days and it was back. So just keep an eye on it and buy as soon as they get some in.
  16. Now, do the carryalls actually work? Even the guys on the Reborn team who I hear act all high and mighty with their code (like keeping the titan on it's damn feet XD), haven't accomplished that. A vehicle carrying another vehicle in renegade or any mod of it except for scripted vehicle drops is unheard of (Although I've wanted Transport Helicopters to do it for the longest time). EDIT: Forgot to mention that Avatar is actually worthy of the name. Unlike C&C_Pipeline's "Avaturd"
  17. Glad to be a part, if only the insignificant one of a relatively inactive beta tester, of this, the greatest game in history's next evolution.
  18. Using. These are EXACTLY what I've been looking for. (That and the HD transports) I love ren but the graphics needed a tune-up.
  19. Renegade will never die if this keeps up! MPF rules!
  20. Whatever it is, it's on your end of things. Try doing some basic cleanup and rebooting. Uninstall and delete any files and programs you don't need anymore, defragment your hard drive, shut down your pc and make sure everything is in good condition and clean internally, then reboot.
  21. While RenegadeX is very pleasing to the eyes, this is not the time or place for that.
  22. The remains of the Renegade community have been lying in wait for quite a while, but now it is time. Rise my comrades! It is time to give birth to a new era of gaming! May Renegade live forever! Hoo-rah!
  23. Busy glitching everything, and going where nobody else has the guts to.

  24. Sometimes, school is a good thing. mainly when it means this doesn't affect me at all
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