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Posts posted by r3sur[r3Kt]

  1. Recently I was complimented in-game on my donations... I take compliments as insults and insults to your grave. So I wondered (aside from the obvious $) what gave them the impression?? Then I read the join jargon. "Relentless has donated 100.00 to MPF blah ty etc." Well, 1st of all its 150. Every time I feel MPF advances I pitch my two cents. No big deal. Second! Can I remain anonymous w/o changing my Title??? As in 'anonymous' has donated blah to MPF when I join? Catch my drift? In other words, I do not like people knowing "good deeds" I may or may not have done...  Have a reputation to uphold! Can we fix it to where it either states the proper amount each time or simply anonymize it? Thank you for your consideration.

    It can be changed either way.

  2. Hey tell me how you did that. ?! Every time I try IRC my firewall wigs out, then my internet crashes. Then its at least an hour for ATT to tell me my service is down, please wait 2-4 hours while we correct the situation. In the meantime I can connect via phone but not IRC... Im not as educated as Travis in all this tech gib... but I know how to listen. Aware there is 'mobile IRC' but I only get an hour a day until this deals done.

    Are you using the irc chat tab at the top to connect or Mirc programme itself? Try allowing Mirc in your firewall settings.


    Never mind, i've fixed it (i'll guess)


    Googled for help and found what i've done wrong.

    Now i even don't have to identify myself eachtime anymore :P


    Going to selfstudy some mIRC scripting trought the net to educate myself again in this thing.

    If you need any help let me know.

  3. Yes to PTs with how Co-op is currently.

    No if you add the ability to !refill your health and armor.


    Co-op should have every character available it just gives the player a choice of who they want to be. I have seen in the past on other co-op servers if people cannot be there favorite unit and lets face it its normally a sak,mobius,raveshaw etc etc they just leave.


    I also like IK's idea of adding  MG-Nests etc.

  4. i rejoin a lot of time and crash again... =(

    I am not sure there is an actual fix for this as it has come up on the forums as an issue before a few times. It seems every has had it in the past and everyone just quits and restarts ren, It is very annoying i know especially when your in a rush etc.

    What version of ren are you using? If its not 4.2 then i suggest you upgrade although I am sure you need 4.2 to play on our servers anyway so ignore that. Just trying to narrow what might be causing it.


    Could be something specific like a certain map or vehicle\character purchase, if you have noticed?

  5. Yes there is a way. Go to [Downloads] section on the forums then to [Command & Conquer] then [C&C Renegade] section then to the [Maps] section to download individual ones. I have not got down to adding pictures for some Maps so it may be difficult for you to know what some of them are.


    Alternatively if your running scripts 4.1 or above it comes with an automatic map downloader which downloads the maps before game start. Might save you some time.

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